This article covers:
How to add a vendor aircraft;
View on Calendar;
Vendor Aircraft Search.
Access the vendor record to add the aircraft to (the vendor type must be Charter Operator)
Click on the "Aircraft" tab
Click "Create"
Enter the tail number in the first box
Select how to create the aircraft profile: Use Standard Type Profile, From Aircraft, or Create New.
Use Standard Type Profile contains a list of aircraft from the Avianis database which includes basic aircraft data points, performance data, and flight time configurations.
From Aircraft allows the user to copy an aircraft template that is already in their fleet aircraft or one of a vendor aircraft.
Create New is only used if the aircraft type does not already exist in the Standard Profile type. It does not contain any flight time configuration data.
6. Click "Save" and "Edit"
7. To modify the rates for this aircraft, click the contracts tab then click the blue edit button. From here, the user can set the default calculation method to fixed. This allows the user to easily input the price once the quote is created. The calculation method can be altered at the quote level.
Once the aircraft is created in the application, it will be an option to select when quoting or scheduling.
See this guide for Quote Generic and Vendor Aircraft
On the main navigation go to Schedule Board
Click on "Settings" within the upper right-hand corner
Ensure that the "Vendor" view has been enabled
Once the view is enabled you will then have the additional setting to either display all vendor aircraft or to only show vendor aircraft that have scheduled items based on the timeline duration and date.
Once aircraft are added to vendors they can be searched for through the aircraft section of the Vendor Search page.
1. Access the vendor search page
2. Select the Aircraft button in the right corner, this will take the user to the vendor aircraft search page
3. There are a number of search functionalities available on the page.
Dropdown Menu - The drop-down menu at the top of the filters options box allows the user to select default searches, ones that they have saved and ones that have been shared with them by other users. This allows the user to easily select those searches so that they do not have to recreate them every time they access the vendor aircraft search page. The last search that was run from this drop-down will be saved for the next time the user loads the page.
Display Columns - The display columns option allows the user to select which columns will appear in the table and in what order they appear.
Column Filters - The user can quickly and effectively drill down into records that are pertinent to them through the filters. Their full functionality is covered later in this guide.
Match All Filters - The match all filters feature allows the user to add (and) and compare (or) column filters.
Search - This allows the user to search for text such as tail numbers, home base, or vendor.
4. Once a search has been run, there are various export options at the top left corner of the table (Copy, CSV, Excel, PDF, and Print)