Add travel documents to a contact record

Add travel documents to a contact record

Travel documents such as passports, visas, TSA Pre-Check, Residence Cards, ESTA docs, etc. can be added to Travel Documents within the Contact record. 

  1. Access the contact record you want to add the information to. 

  2. Click on the "Travel Documents" tab

  3. Click the "Create" button

  4. Enter all relevant information and click "Save." When marking the record "default" that record will automatically be selected in the eAPIS submission; however, a different travel document can be selected at time of validation. One default per travel document type can be selected.

Note: The custom alert threshold option allows an operation to set the value of how many days out the travel document should show as a warning item in the trip feasibility . If not set, the application will flag when the document is within 30 days of expiring in any trips (domestic and international). 

Once the record is saved, upload a document to the record by clicking the files button. 

Passport Specific Features/Enhancements.  
Personnel and Contacts can have multiple passports for multiple countries.  See below video for specific features:

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