Adding expenses (trip, general or aircraft types)

Adding expenses (trip, general or aircraft types)

Adding general, aircraft, and trip-related expenses to Avianis allows for full expense tracking, reconciliation, and reporting. There are two ways to add trip-related expenses to Avianis.

The first way is to access the related trip from the Trips page and go to the expense tab. 

  1. Click "Create"

  2. Enter all applicable information and save

  • The Existing Vendor payable to option is pulling from the operation's Avianis vendor database. When searching for the vendor, if no data returns, the create new option is available. 

  • The Personnel payable to option is available for designating a personnel the expense is reimbursable to. Be sure to designate reimbursable as well. 

  • The Credit Card "paid with" option displays all Company, Aircraft, and Personnel assigned to the legs credit cards. Additionally, if a user is logged in, and they have a credit card in their profile, it will display in the drop-down. If a user has the Finance Manager or the Finance Agent role, that user can see all credit cards in the drop-down. 

  • Users with the role of Finance Manager in their personnel profile will have an additional field called "Owner," when creating expenses. 

The second option is to access Finance > Expenses on the main navigation. 

As all types of expenses get entered into Avianis, the Expense page allows for easy search and reconciliation. It is recommended that trip-related expenses are entered through the trip. That way, only the leg has to be selected rather than locating the trip number. Typically users access the main expense areas to enter aircraft and general types of expenses. Here is an example of an aircraft expense. 

Creating Split Expenses

Splitting expenses is useful when multiple line items are on one receipt/invoice. 

  1. Follow the procedures above for creating an expense.

  2. Enter the details of the expense including expense category, quantity, and amount

  3. Click the + to add the item to the expense record. Continue adding each item by entering the details then click "+"

  • When entering an expense that is tied to an event, the event type must be Duty Time or General to tie it to the expense. The Out of Office (Unavailable) and Hard Day Off (Unavailable) are events that should not incur expenses, therefore, they are not able to be pulled in as an Event.

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