Advanced Maintenance Module includes the below enhancements to the Maintenance area of Avianis. This module is optional and can only be enabled by contacting the Product Support Team. This article explains in detail the features of this module:
Job Card Status
Offline Date/Validation Checks
Change Reasons
Return to Service, Risk Factor
Within Maintenance > Maintenance Settings > Maintenance Status, a setting is available allowing for custom status to be created and a default to be set for Job Cards. The system allows for one default. A status can be utilized a to close out the Job Card by setting Close Out to Yes. More than one status can have Close Out set to Yes.
Once created, the status can then be assigned within the Job Card.
Schedule Board has a field for the Maintenance Offline events to include “Status.”
When the Advanced Maintenance Module feature has been enabled for the account, the additional validations occur:
If the Maintenance Facility, Vendor, and Maintenance Type/Offline Time are missing the Actual Return to Service date for an offline event it will not save until the missing fields are updated.
The Projected Return to Service date must be greater than or equal to the Actual Return to Service date. If it does not, the Projected Return to Service will need to be updated prior to saving.
If there are open tasks when attempting to input the Actual Return to Service date and time, an error message displays stating: Error: All tasks must be completed to return the aircraft to service. A user must have the Maintenance Manager role to complete the task if they are not the user assigned to the task or be assigned to the Group that is assigned to the task.
Change Reasons is located in Maintenance > Maintenance Settings > Change Reasons. The Status Reasons are utilized when the original projected return to service date is changed. Require Change Reason can be set to Yes or No, allowing the option to make this a requirement by selecting Yes as shown below.
If the user changes the projected Return to Service Date field and saves again, a new drop-down appears at the bottom of the offline form called "Projected Return to Service Change Reason". It is required to select a change reason from the drop-down before the new date can be saved.
Once a change reason is documented and saved, the field goes away and the Change Reason is logged into the activity feed.
Risk Factor assigns possible risks for RTS extensions based on known factors and operational concerns. This list for this drop-down can be customized within Maintenance > Maintenance Settings > Risk Factors.
For example, if there is a potentially low impact on this item not being completed on time the user could select the option "Low" to the Risk Factor.
Schedule Board has a field for the Maintenance Offline events to include “Risk Factor.”