This update includes the following performance improvements and bug resolutions:
Inspection Search Page
The queries have been improved to prevent long load times from occurring which was resulting in occasional timeouts.
Aircraft Calendar Load
On the Schedule (calendar), My Settings options, the following items have been enhanced for faster loading times:
Aircraft Hours
Aircraft Landings
Engine Hours/Cycles
Next Due hours, landings, days
The following items have been fixed:
Unable to remove photo from personnel profile
Leg status reverting back to In Review
Unable to edit airport opening hours
Duplicate duty time entries
CARICOM Nationality/Citizen as Passport Country
CARICOM not available for Turk & Caicos
Flight Following: Tracking status not always updating
Flight Following: Active and cancellations received simultaneously caused leg not to track
Flight Following: Tracking status changing back and forth from Enroute to Filed to Enroute