Application Maintenance (June 2022)

Application Maintenance (June 2022)

The following items have been resolved:

  • Ability to adjust the Reg Set on the Leg Level when Reg Set is locked

  • Ability to Unlock Portal User for/By Portal Admin

  • Account Search - Last Date Flown doesn't get updated in the table unless the flight is logged

  • Account vs. Lead Error Check when creating a trip

  • Activity Feed for All Integration Module Actions/Rework Credential Setting to prevent Inadvertent Overwrite

  • Activity Feed for ARG/US Sync

  • Activity Feed no longer calls out services added via Service Automation

  • Add Aircraft to Case Notification Email Template

  • Add Booked Quote "Total to Accounts > Activity >Trip tab

  • Aircraft Tags not working in Discrepancy or Job Card search table

  • APIS validation allowed with missing Passport

  • APIS when an Airport does not have an IATA

  • Booking a quote for an existing trip reverts the trip stage back to 1st stage

  • CAMP Discrepancy Edit Capabilities Not Disabled

  • Cannot save flight log on Hobbs enabled aircraft if "Require Hobbs Meter" is selected

  • Certain Travel Documents Not Available for EAPIS Filing

  • Connect V1 API returning "null" value for User Roles

  • Contact Information Fields with extra hidden characters

  • Crew Flightbridge service not toggling to "Crew Only" in services

  • Crew Notification Button Missing

  • Departure Day in the Trip overview does not match the date of departure

  • Duty Check-In Events Displaying Incorrect Time on Dashboard > My Schedule

  • Edit function for crew medicals within a trip results in a dead click

  • Email Default Subject Lines Nonfunctional for Job Cards and Invoices

  • Engine Sequence Out of Order - Legacy Schedule

  • Expense reports are unable to be created from the Expense table when expense policy exists but company expense rules do not

  • Finance Agent Has Access to Finance Settings

  • Fix EAPIS Birth Country Part 135 Validation Message

  • Flight Logs are unable to be saved out of order when on separate tail numbers

  • Flightleg Log (v1/v2) -> Duty Time Form Validation Rework

  • Flights outside of the airport regular hours not showing in Red

  • Generic Aircraft types missing in Logbook v1

  • Go to Profile Button Missing in Trips > Crew

  • Improper time displayed on schedule board

  • Inconsistent Aircraft Hours/Landings/EngineTotals/ComponentTotals Across Application

  • Job card flag not reflecting Actual Return to Service time

  • KHND Airport Notes Incorrectly Displaying in KASE Airport Notes

  • Leg Status Settings Prompting Invalid Hard Stop / Override

  • Logs Submitted With date outside of Scheduled month do not display on Aircraft Schedule

  • Maximum elevation and Vendor Aircraft

  • Masterline Item entries no longer recognizing country condition

  • Multiple Discrepancy appearing on Schedule

  • No activity feed was logged when creating a vendor in the web app

  • No APIS Flags In Override Modal

  • No Wait Indicator When Locking/Unlocking Trip

  • Pending Trips in My Schedule - Bug

  • Pet Types Setting Missing

  • Prevent TZ Conversion During Date Formatting

  • Profile picture isn't displayed properly for the trip PAX Responsible Party

  • Quantity Column Not Displaying

  • Quote Pricing Not Pulling Into Invoice When Net Price Is NULL

  • Quote tab not loading in the invoice

  • Regulatory Agency Not Saving within Personnel Certificates

  • Sales & Scheduling Agent Role not able to access cases

  • Save Button Can Be Clicked Twice On "Partial" Trip/Quote Form (Calendars/ScheduleBoard)

  • Schedule Board - Job Card Estimated Return to Service has incorrect times

  • Schedule Board header tools overlap

  • Schedule Board- Events With In-Active Trip Types

  • Schedule Board: EventEndDateLocal Time Display

  • Scheduling Manager Access to Discrepancy

  • Service template Activity Feed doesn't have a record for clearing Assigned To and is not consistent for Status and Payment

  • Service template Description change not reflected in Activity Feed

  • Services flagging red critical when airport mismatch

  • Special Characters Saving in HTML Format within Trip Services Description box

  • Training Items for Inactive Personnel Displaying in Active Training Items List

  • Training items within Inactive Training Programs displaying in Search Page

  • Trip Instructions Crew Only checkbox distance

  • Trip Itinerary Time Validation- Arrival Time After Departure Time Error

  • Trip Search Arrival Time ignores Local/Zulu settings and filters only by Local

  • Trip Overview Showing Incorrect Tail

  • Unable to remove Dedicated Use Start Date from Aircraft Profile

  • Unable to Remove Crew From Pilot Flying Section of Logbook (v2)

  • Update Messages Controller Methods To Use AvianisResponse

  • User getting error message when attempting to create a new user

  • User unable to remove Jet Card selection from Invoice - GAP

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