Email Default Data Field Additions
Personnel Administrator Role
TSA Administrator Role
Dashboard Updates
Email Default Subject Line Trip/Quote Dates
Email Tracking Updates
Customer Portal Advanced Scheduling Functionality
Move Flight Legs Without Confirmation
Event Colors by Category Option
Fixed Width Day Stack & Eliminate White Space
White Space Solution 2
Change Aircraft Context Menu
Event Template Date/Time TZ Options
Discrepancy Details In Aircraft Modal
Schedule Board Section 'Jump To' Resource
Create Reposition from Schedule Board
Departure/Arrival Time Schedule Board Template
Flight Leg Status Color Customization (must have Mobile 2.6.1 or greater to support this update)
Minimum Height for all events
Schedule Board SQL Performance Optimization
Schedule Board Quick Filter Control
Multiple Trip Contacts
Pax Name Display
Mapping Improvements
Default Account Regulatory Set
Acknowledge MVP Change Management
Trip/Quote Create Calendar Modal Updates
Multi-Pax Trip Assignment
FuelerLinx Referral Token Caching
FuelerLinx SOAP API Flight Schedule By Trip
Trip Instructions Display
Trip Tab Controls
Trip Calculator
Select Contract on Quote Create
Quote Price Override
APU Totals Configuration
Deactivate Crew Medicals
Alphabetize Crew in Training Programs
Event Date Movement
New Columns on Flight Leg Search
Streamlined Access To Job Cards From Search
Quote Search Refactor and Security Improvements
Improve Quote Quick Search Experience
Trip Search Refactor and Security Improvements
Account Search Refactor and Security Improvements
Contact Search Refactor and Security Improvements
Expense Search Refactor and Security Improvements
With this update, users can now include the Trip/Quote start and end dates as a default on the email subject template line. These new additions are located in My Company>Global Settings>General>Email Defaults>Custom Subject drop-down and are titled the following:
Start Date (Local)
End Date (Local)
Start Date (Zulu)
End Date (Zulu)
When selected the date range will pull into the Subject line when an email is sent from Avianis.
Applicable Report Types
If the Report Type is ‘Quote’ or ‘Quote Summary’, then the date(s) are from the Quote itinerary.
If the Report Type is Trip, Client Itinerary, Flight-Report, GENDEC, CANPASS, Service Requests, Then the date(s) are from the Trip itinerary.
If the Report Type is ‘Job Card’, then the date(s) do not populate with a value even though they are still possible to add.
A new user role has been added called Personnel Administrator to allow for the creation and editing of users. When a user has this role applied, they have access to My Company > Personnel > Create from the main navigation. This will then allow them to create new personnel members for the organization and to also edit any and all values including user role assignments.
A new user role has been added called TSA Administrator to specifically allow access to the TSA Watchlist area of the application. When a user has this role applied, they have access to the Operations > TSA Watchlist tab and they are able to utilize the full feature set within this tab. If the user only has this role assigned to their login they will receive an access denied message if they attempt to navigate to other tabs within the Operations page.
This update removed the Recent/Following widget on the Dashboard page to allow more space for the Dashboards Tabs. The Dashboard tabs have been updated to expand the full width of the page resolving some issues with column names in My Schedule. In addition to removing the Recent/Following widget, the following updates have been made to the button in the Avianis header:
Icon image updated
Removed the “Click a Button” message and updated Recent Items to be toggled by default
Added a hover hint for "Recent/Following"
Eliminated white space for each of the rows allowing more records to be displayed
In My Company>Global Settings>General>Email Defaults a new Custom Subject dynamic option has been added to the drop-down list. This new option displays as "Dates (Local)" within the drop-down and queues off the trip or quote to automatically pull in the applicable dates into the email’s Subject line. The date format is determined by the Date Format selection in the personnel profile of the logged-in user. If the event end date is the same as the event start date across all legs then the email subject line adjusts to show only the start date without a dash.
The Report Type is what determines where the Start/End Dates (Local) are pulled from. The Dates (Local) uses the Quote Itinerary if the Report Type is:
Quote Summary
The Dates (Local) uses the Trip Itinerary if the Report Type is:
Flight Report
Service Requests
The Dates (Local) used in the return no value if the Report Type is:
Job Card
Several updates have been made to the Email form and tracking functionality. First, the email template was standardized to make it easier for the user to understand/use. Second, the tracking feature has been improved.
The email form modal was updated to use the current Tracked - No form for all emails. The form that displayed when the email form was toggled to Tracked - Yes has been removed altogether. The Tracked Yes/No remains on the form and controls whether emails are tracking actions, such as bounces, delivered, and opened. A new field has also been added to this form called "Reply To" which provides a location under the "From" field for the user to enter in an email the customer’s response should reply back to. This form still auto populates based on the default email templates that are enabled for that report type.
Additionally, the requirement to populate an email in the "To" recipient box has been removed provided there is an email entered in the "Other Recipients" field. The user can click on Other to display the "Other Recipients" field. If no email is entered in the "To" or "Other Recipients" fields an error occurs stating “Recipients are required”. This update applies to the following record types:
Job Cards
If Tracked is toggled to Yes, then it tracks the emails that are sent to each recipient and are tracked individually in the Email Tracking located in the Feasibility and Tools section of the quote/trip. Previously, if Tracked was toggled to Yes, separate emails were required to be sent to track each individual recipient sent documents. This has been updated to track all recipients without having to send separate emails. Email tracking will be displayed in the Feasibility & Tools widget under Tools>Email Tracking.
If Tracked No is selected, it does not show the tracking status of these emails in the Feasibility and Tools section of the quote/trips.
An additional option is available to enable for client portal users, it's the Advanced Scheduling functionality. When enabled, the Advanced Scheduling setting allows a user to change the aircraft on a scheduled trip, cancel a scheduled trip and view the proposed duty time. The Advanced Scheduling role will default to No when this feature becomes available in production.
With the Advanced Scheduling setting set to Yes, the portal user has the option to change the aircraft on an active trip. The trip stage must be less than the stage specified in the Trip Stage Limit selection in the Portal Global Settings. Once the stage setting is met then the Change Aircraft option is hidden. The button is also hidden when the trip is locked.
The aircraft available in the Change Aircraft drop down selections are the managed aircraft that are related to the account that is related to the contact (portal user) logged in.
If on the main Avianis side a vendor aircraft has been assigned to the trip and/or leg, the vendor aircraft is an option to select for that trip. If the vendor aircraft is fully removed from the trip, it is no longer an option for the portal user to change the trip and/or leg to.
If a portal user changes the aircraft on the trip and/or leg was already crewed, the changing to the aircraft automatically removes the crew.
An email notification is sent when the aircraft is changed to the email addresses set in the main Avianis Portal Configuration Settings > Trip Change Notification Email Addresses.
If a portal user changes the aircraft on the trip and/or leg the following functions will trigger (if applicable):
Task Automation
Service Automation
Leg status changes based on the trip stage change control settings
After the aircraft are set and Save Changes is clicked the flight time will automatically calculate based on the new aircraft selection(s). The change aircraft details are available in the main Avianis trip activity feed. Other important checks and balances intact are a leg cannot be changed to another aircraft if it's logged or cancelled.
Additionally, a column for proposed duty time will display in the trip in the client portal. The calculation is not specific to any crew member, and includes the main Avianis account's pre and post duty configurations.
An option to cancel a trip also displays.
The trip stage must be less than the stage specified in the Trip Stage Limit selection in the Portal Global Settings. Once the stage setting is met then the Cancel Trip option is hidden but still displays. This is the same for when the trip is locked. The option to input a reason why the trip is being cancelled is also available, but not required. If the user clicks No, the modal closes and no changes occur. If the user clicks Yes, the following occurs:
It redirects the portal user to the Dashboard of the portal
The trip is no longer accessible in the Trips section in the client portal
The trip status is Inactive in the main Avianis application
An email notification is sent to the email addresses set in the main Avianis Portal Configuration Settings > Trip Change Notification Email Addresses.
An activity feed record is recorded in the trip in the main Avianis application.
Related Articles:
We have removed the step where a user must confirm the changes, and made overall performance improvements to the Schedule Board loading to decrease load time.
When dragging a flight from one aircraft to another (Managed, Fleet, or Vendor), it no longer displays a pop-up window to decide whether the change should apply to all legs on the trip or just that individual leg. It will simply move that leg alone and not require a confirmation step. When moving a flight backward or forward in time on the same aircraft, it will still show the confirmation window as it did before, just not when the aircraft is changed to a new tail number.
Additionally, various performance improvements to the load time of the various resource areas (Aircraft, Fleet, Vendors, and Crew).
The Event Categories are a user control value set that is more specific to the operation. This update allows users the option to set and display colors for events based on their category, not type. This only applies to the Schedule Board, not the Scheduling calendar view.
To set the customized colors go to My Company > Global Settings > General > Duty/Event Categories > [create/edit a category]
Launch the Duty/Event Category by clicking Create New or Edit on an existing category. In the template, a new option appears labeled Show Event Colors with a toggle allowing the user to choose "By Type" or "Custom".
If Show Event Colors is toggled to "By Type", then the events on the Schedule Board will default to use the assigned colors set up in My Company > Profile > Schedule Board (tab) > Event Type Colors.
If "Show Event Colors" is toggled to "Custom", then the events on the Schedule Board will default to use the assigned colors set up in the Duty/Event Category template and NOT the ones set on the event type in My Company>Profile>Schedule Board tab>Event Type Colors, regardless of what event type is applied. This toggle will populate two additional fields below it allowing the user to select two colors; one for the background and another for the text color.
Given an account has custom colors assigned to an event category, then the background color appears in the Schedule Board color legend. These will be listed alphabetically by the category name, below the event type colors, and above the flight colors.
This update is another bridge from the Scheduling calendar views into the Schedule Board. It splits events/flights that span across multiple days into two or more objects (or Schedule Items), where there is one object per day. This applies to all schedule items (objects): flights, events, discrepancies, job cards, etc.
This update only applies to the Fixed view setting located in Schedule Board>Filters>Templates tab>Show Event Length By and it is recommended to toggle the MIN/HR/DAY option in the Schedule Board header to DAY. If any other Show Event Length By option is selected, then the events/flights will NOT be split across multiple days and will still appear as a continuous object for the duration.
Once the settings have updated to the Fixed view and a single flight/event spans multiple days then there are arrow icons shown in the bottom left and/or right corners. The arrows point to the previous, or following, day where the event/flight continues and there is another object. For example, if an event occurs 8/23-8/25, then there are three objects. The object on 8/23 has an arrow pointing to the right, and the object on 8/24 has arrows both left and right, and the 8/25 object arrow points left only.
Though the separate objects on each day are the same event/flight, they are considered separately in the stacking/ordering of objects on a day. It may likely be the case that the objects on separate days do not align vertically from day-to-day (are not on the same row). Objects still stack chronologically by start/departure and then by schedule object type.
If the user is in Fixed view and toggles to the other increments of HR or MIN, then the objects will still split by day and so will not align with each column break by the smaller values.
The following update applies to the Schedule Board, such as flight legs and personnel events, when the Show Event Length By settings is toggled to the Fixed view, only. All scheduled events will resize to be the height of the max lines of any given template. This is regardless of whether a scheduled event of that type is displayed on the timeline or not. If the template for that object has less than the max number of lines in its template, then extra space/blank lines will display below to meet the line requirement.
Change Aircraft Context Menu
On the Schedule Board, when the user right-clicks on a flight leg the context menu will now display an option to Change Aircraft.
When selected a pop-up will appear displaying all legs for that trip with dropdowns available for the user to Change All Legs or to change the aircraft on each leg of the trip. This pop-up is the same as the pop-up the user sees when they click Multiple next to aircraft on the trip page.
When the Change Aircraft pop-up is launched from the Schedule Board, the leg the user used to initiate the aircraft change will be highlighted in blue. Additionally, when the pop-up window is launched from either the Schedule Board or the trip record it will now auto check the ‘Recalculate Flight Time where the Aircraft has changed’ checkbox. When Save Changes is clicked from the pop-up, the board will refresh leaving the user on the same view but will move the legs to the new aircraft selected by the user.
In the event, a trip is locked, or if the leg is partially logged or logged, then the Change Aircraft option in the context menu will be disabled. If the trip has legs that have been logged and not logged then the Change Aircraft will still be able to be selected on the legs that are not logged but the pop-up window will disable the drop down for the legs that have been partially logged or logged.
This update offers the ability to include Event Templates for the Schedule Board to display the Start and End Date/Time in local time in addition to the already present UTC time.
In the Schedule Board Filters, under the Template tab, there is now an option of “Start Date/Time (Local)” and “End Date/Time (Local)” available as a field within the drop-down to add to the Personnel Events template. This new option appears in alphabetical order on the list of options.
When the “Start Date/Time (Local)” and “End Date/Time (Local)” is entered and saved on the template and then an event is saved in the Local or Homebase time zone selection, the value that displays for the date/time is exactly as it is entered/saved on the Event itself and in the date format of the user's preference on the personnel profile, the 24hr clock, and "L".
When the “Start Date/Time (Local)” and “End Date/Time (Local)” is entered and saved on the template and then an event is saved in the Zulu time zone selection, the value that displays is the date/time saved on the Event converted to the Homebase TZ of the viewing user and in the date format of the user's preference on the personnel profile, the 24hr clock, and "L".
Easily access and view details of aircraft discrepancies by clicking on the aircraft container in the Schedule Board and Scheduling > Aircraft. This modal has been updated to offer three tabs, Profile, Contracts, and Discrepancies.
Profile, is the default tab. If no tags have been applied to the aircraft, tags will not display.
Contracts include a list of contracts and include the Name, Aircraft/Type/Category, Calculation Method, Owner Cost, and active/inactive status.
Discrepancies tab includes all open discrepancies and includes the Description, Deferral Type, and the date the Deferral is until. If the Deferral type is MEL, then Category A, B, C, or D will display. 10 results display per page.
One additional update in this modal is the Go To Aircraft button that shows at the bottom of the modal has been removed and replaced with an icon link (a square with an arrow pointing out) to the right of the aircraft/home base. By clicking the button a new tab opens to the aircraft record. If the roles of the user do not allow access then the button does not respond.
On the Schedule Board, a new 'Jump to' field has been added to each view, i.e. Fleets, Aircraft, Vendor, and Crew. This provides the ability to quickly locate a specific resource without the need to scroll or filter/hide any non-matching information.
The 'Jump To' list is populated based on the resources currently displayed in that timeline section. The list will be ordered in alphanumeric order regardless of how the aircraft has been ordered in the user's Filters. The user can select from the drop-down or type in the resource that needs to be located. Once the resource has been selected the timeline view will “Jump To” that resource and will display it at the top of the selected timeline view.
Additionally, if the “Search For” field has been applied, then the “Jump To” drop-down list will update accordingly to only display the resources that are still displayed from the search results.
This new update allows the user a faster, easier way to create repositioning flights on an Aircraft or Vendor schedule line from the Schedule Board.
When the Schedule Board filters are set to Display event length by Duration, located in Filters>Templates tab, a reposition can be created directly from the Schedule Board by right-clicking in either the Aircraft or Vendor timeline on a white space between flights. White space is blank/unscheduled space and is a date/time on the schedule line that does not have a flight or maintenance event scheduled for the entire, true schedule of the aircraft. This is regardless of any filters where flight or maintenance events are not shown.
When the user right-clicks on the Aircraft or Vendor timeline view, the context menu displays a new option that will appear in the list called “Create Reposition”. When Create Reposition is clicked the Create Reposition modal will be launched.
If there is a flight or maintenance event that is filtered from view and so appears as a blank space on the Schedule Board, when the user right-clicks on the date/time where that event would be they will still see the Create Reposition in the context menu. If they select Create Reposition in this scenario, an error message appears stating "Error Occurred: A scheduled item is at this time, please select a space between schedule items to create a reposition" and the Create Reposition modal is NOT launched.
If there is a blank space between flights/maintenance events and the arrival of the previous event and the departure of the next event are already matching the same airport, when the user right-clicks and selects Create Reposition from the context menu an error message will appear stating "Error Occurred: The previous arrival and next departure airports are a match, please select space between mismatched airports to create a reposition" and the Create Reposition modal is NOT launched.
When the Create Reposition modal is launched several fields will have data that auto-populates based on where the modal is launched from and the data available in the previous/next events.
Four new dynamic options are now available in the Flight Leg templates for the Schedule Board:
Departure Time (Zulu)
Arrival Time (Zulu)
Departure Time (Local)
Arrival Time (Local)
When selected, these options display the departure/arrival times without a date and can be set in My Company>Profile>Schedule Board tab>Default Event Templates>Flight Leg or by each user in Schedule Board>Filters>Templates tab>Flight Leg. When selected the time displays in a 24-hour format (ex 13:00) on the object within the timeline view. The times are not defined as Local or Zulu within the object. If the user needs to define the time as Local or Zulu, then free text must be entered into the Flight Leg template.
This update provides the ability to customize the colors for each leg status for flight leg events on the Schedule Board. Under My Company > Profile > Schedule Board > Event Type Colors tab, a new section has been added below the existing Personnel Events area called Flight Leg Status. The Flight Leg Status table provides three columns for Name, Text Color, and Background Color. Each Leg Status is listed under the Name column, and the existing colors that were hardcoded in the backend for each leg status remain as the default selection within the settings.
Once the leg status colors have been customized, the flight cards on the Schedule Board, along with the legend in the upper right-hand corner, will update based on the custom colors set on that leg status.
The legend will only show the background color, not the text color.
The legend will only update on page refresh, not on the initial color change.
The color customization only applies to the Schedule Board. It does not apply to the Operations Dashboard or the Aircraft/Crew Scheduling calendar.
This update provides the ability to view events based on the number of lines that have been entered in the Schedule Board's Templates. This update only applies to the Text and Duration views (not Fixed view).
Optimized multiple queries related to the Schedule Board to improve load times throughout.
When the user is on the Schedule Board, the Quick Filter Control previously defaulted to display "Filters", and the user would be required to make a selection from the drop-down. This has been updated so the quick filter dropdown auto-populates with the top timeline that is shown in the user’s currently selected main view filter. This displays in the order of Fleet>Aircraft>Vendor>Crew if all timeline views have been enabled in Filters.
The quick filter resets to the top timeline that is shown anytime the page is refreshed or reloaded, including the 2-minute auto-refresh.
Schedule Board: Filters
Schedule Board: Event Display Templates
Schedule Board: Guide to General Views
We have added an additional field on a trip that allows users to add additional trip contacts for the accounts on the trip (this is in addition to the Primary Contact which will still only allow a single selection). If the Primary Contact has also been added to the Trip Contact(s) field then they will be marked with an asterisk.
When on the Pax tab within a trip, on the leg summaries (expanded or collapsed), the displayed name will include: First + Middle + Last + Suffix + "Nickname". When the user opens the Account Contact list / Find Contact search, the displayed name fields will include: Last, First + Middle + Suffix + "Nickname".
Users can now search Account Contacts and Find Contacts search by entering 2 letters only, then all possible results/matches will display below. Previously, 3 letters were required to initiate the search. Users may also search by Suffix or Nickname.
The following updates apply to the airport search map that can be accessed from the Airports > Airport Search page along with the map popup from the Trip/Quote create page and trip leg.
When a user opens the airport search (applicable areas outlined above), the Airport radio button is now selected by default instead of the Address since this is the most common use case.
When a user searches for multiple airports (applicable areas outlined above), the line that is drawn will now show the great circle arch instead of a straight line.
A default regulatory set selection has been added to the account record. This allows for auto-selection when trip records are created for accounts with a default set.
The default regulatory set defaults to empty until a user sets the default. To set a default regulatory set, click on empty. All active regulatory sets are in alphabetical order in the list. These come from Crew Records > Regulatory Sets. To remove the set selection, set N/A.
When a quote is created:
If the account selected on the quote has a default regulatory set selected it will automatically set the default on the quote.
When an account does not have a default regulatory set selected, the company default regulatory set is selected.
If no Regulatory Set is selected in Operations > Settings > Configuration no default auto sets. Null applies.
If the account on the quote is changed after the quote is created and the account it's changed to has a default regulatory set, it updates the regulatory set on the quote.
If no Regulatory Set is selected in Operations>Settings>Configuration no default auto sets when the account is changed. Null applies.
When a trip is created:
If the trip was created by clicking booked on a quote and the quote has a regulatory set applied that regulatory set applies to the trip level (not leg level).
If the account on the trip is changed after the trip is created and the account it is changed to has a default regulatory set, it updates the regulatory set on the trip.
If the account on the trip is changed after the trip is created and the account does not have a default regulatory set, then then the company regulatory set is applied.
If no Regulatory Set is selected in Operations > Settings > Configuration no default auto sets. Null applies.
If multiple accounts are set on a trip, the regulatory set remains to what was set before multiple accounts were applied. If accounts are removed from a trip, resulting in one account on the trip, then the standard logic noted above applies.
In the multiple account assignment modal, when multiple accounts are on the trip, a blue info bar displays below the account names (see below) with the following text "Default account regulatory sets will not be applied when there are multiple accounts on the trip."
The terminology has been updated in the Operations>Settings tab>Configuration and in Operations>Settings tab>Trip/Leg Status settings for Crew Acknowledgement. To align the terminology for crew acknowledgments throughout the application the following areas have been updated:
In Operations>Settings tab>Configuration there was a setting that allowed the user to enable “Require Crew Briefing”. This has been updated with the new label “Require Crew Acknowledgement”
In Operations>Settings tab>Stages/Leg Status there was previously a setting to enable or disable Crew Briefing. This is now labeled Crew Acknowledge. When enabled an additional field displays that were previously labeled “Crew Briefing Severity”. This is now labeled “Crew Acknowledge Severity”.
An update has been implemented to allow the user to move the modal when a new Quote/Trip is created from the Schedule Board and Scheduling calendar. When the create Quote/Trip modal is launched from within the Schedule Board or Scheduling calendars the user is able to click on the header area and drag the modal around the page. This will allow the user to see details from the schedule without having to close the popup modal in the event details from the schedule are needed to be referenced.
This feature provides the ability to assign multiple contacts to flights on a trip at once.
When a user has more than one contact to add to the trip, they are able to click in any of the top-level pax add field(s) (Account Contact, Find Contact, and Select Personnel fields) and make multiple selections. The user can use Ctrl+click to keep the drop-down open and add multiple contacts from within the drop-down at one time, or they can click each individual name and add them one by one which will close the drop-down between each addition.
Additionally, multiple contacts/personnel can be added across all three pax add fields simultaneously. Once a contact/personnel has been selected to add to the trip the checkboxes to assign to each leg will appear. These checkboxes have been updated to display All Legs and each individual leg side by side. The default will auto-check All Legs. The user is then able to uncheck All Legs to remove all selections, or they can click on the specific legs to remove the passengers from (this action will also uncheck the All Legs box). At any time, the user can check All Legs again to recheck all legs within the trip.
If a flight leg is designated as Empty then the system will automatically uncheck the boxes for all applicable legs, and those checkboxes will be disabled, even when All Legs is checked.
To improve the load time for the FuelerLinx integration within a trip an update has been implemented to cache the referral token every 24 hours. This will prevent the integration from fetching the referral token each time the Fuelerlinx iFrame is loaded.
Updates have been made to the FuelerLinx SOAP API to remove the passing in of a start date and end date. Additionally, the Avianis FlightSchedule SOAP endpoint for the FuelerLinx SOAP service has been updated with an additional parameter of trip number so a trip number can be passed in by FuelerLinx and pull back all flight legs in that trip. This will ensure all legs for that trip pullback regardless of the other parameters that are being passed in.
The Instructions widget in the trip record has been updated to display more information without having to open the edit screen. The widget will now display the LEG NUMBER: ROUTE DESCRIPTION if the instruction has been tied to a leg. If the instruction is not tied to a leg then only the description will display. The description is still hyperlinked allowing the user to click on it to make additional edits if needed.
When instructions have been created on a trip, and those instructions have been tied to a flight leg, the expanded widget now displays the instructions in descending numeric order. If the instructions have not been tied to a flight leg, the Instructions widget displays the instruction without a leg association at the top of the list in the order in which they were entered by the user.
The Expand/Collapse all button has been updated to a button that now displays +/-. This change applies to the following tabs on the Trip page:
Crew tab
Pax tab
Services tab
International tab > Permits
International tab > Regulatory
International tab > Security
The control notations for expand/collapse on the trip pages for each individual leg have also been updated. This has been updated to display ‘-’ instead of ‘x’ when the legs are expanded. This applies to the following tabs on the Trip page:
Crew tab, for each leg
Pax tab, for each leg
Services tab, for each leg
International tab > Permits, for each leg
International tab > Regulatory, for each leg
International tab > Security, for each leg
A new feature is available from any page with the exception of Scheduling > Aircraft/Crew. The Trip Calculator button allows a user to quickly launch and calculate the essential information when planning a potential quote and/or trip such as flight time, duty time, nautical mile, and what time one must depart to arrive by a specific time and in reverse. A Managed, Vendor or Fleet aircraft is required.
The user can move the modal around the page by clicking and dragging anywhere on the modal. The modal functions are similar to the create quote/trip page with the exception of allowing the user to save the data that is inputted into the calculator, which has been removed from this view.
A new field on the Create Quote/Trip modal has been added. This new field is labeled Contract and allows the user to select the contract that needs to be applied to the quote directly from the quote create screen. This field only displays when the form is toggled to Quote Only or Quote & Trip. If the form is toggled to Trip, this field will be hidden as it doesn’t apply.
Upon launching the modal the Contract field will be disabled until an aircraft has been assigned. Once the aircraft has been selected the Contract field will display the default contract for the selected aircraft. The drop down will include any other contracts that are active on the aircraft profile. Once an Account is assigned the Contract field will update to include the active contracts on the account profile in addition to the aircraft contracts.
When the user clicks Create the quote is created and the selected contract is applied to the newly created quote instead of the default from the aircraft's profile. The Contract field within the quote remains enabled in the event a the contract needs to be updated.
An update has been made to the Quote detail page that allows the user to Override the quote Total by using a button group next to the total price that says Override with a Yes/No toggle as the button options. This toggle will automatically default to no.
If the override is toggled to No then the Quote Total will be calculated based on the itinerary and line items entered in the Additional Charges table. If the override is toggled back to No after overriding the original price, then it would go back to showing the system calculated total only and not the overridden total. The field would also revert back to a field that is unable to be edited.
If the user clicks on Yes, the quote will update the UI to show the total price as a hyperlinked field that can be clicked on to edit. Next to the editable Total field, the calculated total that the system generated will display in parentheses. The system generated price will remain unchanged regardless of what the quote Total is overridden to by the user. The updated quote total will display the overridden price in the following areas:
Quote Search (Total column)
Deal Widget in the quote (Total Column)
Quote Widget on the deal (Total Column)
Quote Widget on Trip (Total column)
Profit Analysis
Snapshot (displays if a jet card is enough to cover the total of the quote)
Additionally, when a quote total is overridden/changed, the FET field in the quote table will be calculated based on the difference between the overridden total and the calculated total multiplied by the tax rate that is being set on the quote contract if the quote type on the quote is set to Retail.
Profit Analysis Updates
When the Override is set to Yes on the total, a new line will be added to the profit analysis below the Discount row called Override Difference. This field is one cell that spans both the Cost and Profit columns just like the discount does and the difference between the calculated total and the override total displayed. The Total with Discount Profit line will also subtract the Override Difference and display the new total in the Profit column. The Cost column will remain unchanged.
Invoice Updates
If a quote total price is overridden and the user goes to add that quote to an invoice, in the list of items from the quote to add to the invoice, a new line will display with the following information:
Description - Override Price Difference
Quantity - 1 Amount - Difference between quote calculated total and the overridden total
Total - Difference between quote calculated total and the overridden total
Currency conversion does not occur on the overridden total. It is assumed that the user is entering the total based on the quote currency.
Validation has been added to ensure the total entered is not more than 2,147,483,647. This is the highest number the SQL server can support. If the user tries to save a value higher than this, a toast error is thrown stating "Total cannot be greater than $2,147,483,647"
Any changes made using the override feature will get captured in the activity feed.
When an APU component is added to an aircraft profile, there is a new selection called Log Time with two options: Totals and Time Used.
If set to Totals, then the calculation will work as it does currently by taking the highest number entered on any flight log for that APU. If the setting is Time Used, it will work like the Engines where it will add the hours/cycles entries from the logs (plus any baseline hours/cycles entered on the APU record itself) to get the total. The default for new components will be Totals and all existing APU components are going to be set to Totals when the feature goes live to maintain current functionality. Once an APU is set up and this setting is selected, the user cannot change it.
If an active APU is set up on the aircraft, in the flight log, the labels will show either Totals or Time Used. The Total APU Hours/Cycles for an aircraft will be calculated based on the Log Time setting for the active APU.
This update applies to the crew members' Medical’s tab within their profile. This can be found by proceeding to My Company > Personnel > selecting the user > Crew Info tab > Medical.
Multiple Active Toggle
When the user is adding in a new medical to the crew members profile a toggle is now present that allows the user to either keep all currently active Medicals in their active status or to deactivate all previously active ones. The default for this setting is NO.
If the toggle is set to YES, then when the user saves the entry and closes the Medical edit plane all other Medical records for that personnel are removed as Active (/made inactive).
If the toggle is set to NO, then when the user saves the entry and closes the Medical edit plane all other Medical records retain whatever Active status they have saved, and no further changes are made.
Active Medical Column
When accessing the crew members' Personnel Profile and the Crew Info tab is visible there is now a new column named Active within the Medicals section to show the entries status.
YES = Active box is checked
NO = Active box is unchecked
When a user is in Crew Records > Programs > click into the program > Personnel tab, the list of personnel names within the program is now alphabetized by the last name, then first name, then middle initial (if provided). The names display as First, Middle initial, Last name which matches the name format in the drop-down box used to add personnel to the training program.
The name format in the drop-down box was changed from First Last to First + Middle Initial (if provided) + Last. The "reorder" arrow has been removed from the column, names will only display in alpha order by the last name > the first name > middle initial, they cannot be reordered in the table.
An update has occurred in the personnel event-specific section to the start and end date selections. After an event is created and the event contains an increment (example: 1 day, 4 days, 8 days, etc.) if the start date is changed, then the end date updates based on the originally calculated increment. If the end date is edited, there is no change to the start date.
Original Event: Start Date = 1/1, End Date = 1/3
Updated Event: Start Date changed to 1/5, then End Date changes to 1/7
If/when the End Date is changed, there is no impact on the Start Date, meaning if the user would like to adjust the increment of days they only need to change the End Date and the duration will be updated.
New columns have been added to the Flight Leg Search page including the Aircraft Category Column and Document Number Column. These options have also been added to the list of Filter options allowing the user to filter the results for either Aircraft Category and/or Document Number by:
is not
starts with
ends with
Improved user experience has been implemented on the Maintenance > Job Card Search page. Clicking the edit button now opens a new tab with the job card details within. Quickly manage the applicable information, x the tab, and return to the original Job Card Search page. This also applies to users that have access to Aircraft Profiles > Maintenance > Job cards.
In the Quote, Account, Contact, and Expense Search pages, when the user clicks search, if the number of results returned is greater than 100, it shows a gray bar at the top of the search page which covers up the export buttons and the quick search. It shows the number of records loaded and the total number of records coming back based on the filter. The number of records loaded increases to 2000 records each time until it gets to the total number. Once all of the records are loaded, the gray bar goes away and it shows the total number loaded along with the export and quick search functionality.
Since all of the records are now loaded on the page, we no longer have the paging element at the bottom right corner of the page and the selection to determine how many results to load per page. If the user loads more than 200 records and they scroll down the results, once they have gotten to the 200th record, it continues to load the next 200. The quick search does work across all results, but for performance reasons, there is “lazy loading” on the scroll.
Account Name Missing and Inconsistently showing on Schedule
CRM Airport -> Instance Airport Sync Issues
Flight Leg Search Not Sorting Route Column
FSI Integration Settings- Changing Vendor Does Not Clear Previous Selection
Grammatically incorrect error message when validation a field in Search Table
Inaccurate Activity Feed on Quote Add leg shows "changed from to <airport>"
Inaccurate Activity Feed on Quote Add leg shows date/time was changed (also showing an invalid date, probably default)
Moving leg on Scheduling > Aircraft not removing crew
Regulatory Set Applied To Quote Auto Selecting On Leg Level When Booked To Trip
Schedule Board shows Custom location name, not ICAO
Searching for Contact to email does not include the first and last name
Service Status NA should not flag
Service Type empty gives an error about Concierge Type, should be Service Type
Columns dropping off in Training tab of Personnel Profile when zooming in
TBD for Crew and Pax Confirmation on APIS Submissions Not Saving
The service is not set In Review upon the trip changes when using Aircraft change control/Trip only in the service template
Caribbean Country Line Item Not Pulling Into Quotes
Trip flags "Deleted Successfully" incorrectly
UI - Pax and Crew action buttons (set lead passenger, edit, remove) have no hints
UI - Show/hide toggle hint being different in Quote vs Trip, which is confusing
UI, minor - Typos in Activity Feed records "Fule Amount" instead of "Fuel Amount", Confirmation#, space issues with Airport, Vendor, Assigned To.
Feasibility Cosmos connection issue
Expenses unable to be added in Flight Log after the leg is locked
Unable to Delete Expense after Report Rules Check
Crew Calendar will not load when Crew Transient is toggled to show and locations are used in a trip
FlightBridge services being copied into copied trips
Leg Status 'In Review' due to Personnel Update
Pets can be assigned as billing contact on invoices
Quote Search SQL Errors
Receiving a cannot Insert Duplicate key row error when adding a leg to a trip
Contact quotes display list of the organization's quotes instead of those associated with the contact
Schedule Board displaying Job Card times incorrectly
Unable to book quote
VOR Event Details Not Reflected in Activity Feed
Personnel/ Crew Information Update Should not update Inactive Trips
Change dates in quote create form after inserting legs: changes incorrect leg date
FBO Frequency AND Fax Number Missing from Flight Manifest
FRAT Application Incorrect Crew Time
Logbook V2 Not Capturing Flight Log Removal in Activity Feed
Unable to mark Delay Types as Active
Unable to remove FBO from an airport in the CRM - KSIY
Duty Time Log Required Field Messages
Qualifications not sorting correctly
Chalkboard trip update: Checking the empty flag does not update the trip summary section before committing.
Order of crew names on the schedule
Chalkboard Published to Markets: Updated target price is not persisted
Airport Of Entry display issue
Fix "Open 24 Hours" Mis-Reference In Application
Client Portal: Add Pax to Trip->Create New Pax Model doesn't scroll
Copied Quote's Profit Analysis Total Incorrect
Enable the "Select Related" field only after a user has selected an object.
In trip search when searching on departure time Scheduled/Actual doesn't work
When the Schedule Board user setting is in ZULU, create trip dialog is not automatically switched to ZULU
Airport Directory Won’t Load When Creating Trip From Schedule Board
Date of Birth for Contact Restricted input
Delete function in Messages not working
In Trip Search including the "Leg Distance" Display Column can cause the trip search to fail
Inactive Aircraft on Fleets
Legs Updated & Added in the Chalkboard are being set to "Overridden"
Pets counting as passengers in Pax field on Scheduling: Aircraft calendar
Quote Activity Feed doesn't have records on the legs show/hide changes when the Positioning Legs bulk toggle was used
Quote Activity Feed doesn't specify the leg number when the Leg Type changes, and doesn't add the Show/Hide change to such records
Receiving "Access Denied" when clicking on the "Cards" tab on the personnel profile
Schedule Board 'Actuals' button text is cut when FBO is long
Setting Service template to Active and Inactive is not caught in Activity Feed
Invoice Line Item Quantity field limitations
Jet Card funds not added back correctly
Update usernames
Event Create Pre-Select Wrong TZ Toggle
Trip Create form - Account search doesn't have results for text, which is not from the start of the Account name
Address Aircraft Calendar Save Search Issues Affecting Non-Owners (delete, edit, overwrite, create)
Update leg status list in Stage Settings
Vendor Record: error when deleting populated fields
Training Item Recurrent Training Date - Update Expiration Date Label
Crew Flying Report and PRIA Report Career Time missing Flight Time