Maintenance Updates
Discrepancy/offline calendar display update
Discrepancies are now shown as an orange color on the schedule view to better differentiate them from the red offline events. Also, if a discrepancy is closed, the end of the event updates to reflect this date instead of the original deferred until date. The offline events will also adjust on the calendar based on the actual return to service date instead of the proposed date/time.
Search updates
On the Inspection, Discrepancy and Job Card search pages, users are now able to search for multiple tail numbers at once or even search by regulatory type. These search parameters will now be saved so the user does not have to re-apply them ever time they access the pages.
Watchlist Performance Updates
We have updated the performance of the TSA watchlist check functionality to decrease run time. Also, information on all of personnel that were run again the lists from the company profile is now displayed in the confirmation email (not just the potential matches).
Sales Goals
Users are now able to setup company sales goals for a specific year, quarter and/or month. Goals can be set based on Flight Hours, Block Hours or Revenue
Duty Time Update
Users are now able to view the total time for a duty entry created in the flight log.