Client Portal Advanced Scheduling Setting

Client Portal Advanced Scheduling Setting

When a user signs up to use the Client Portal, the organization is able to enable an Advanced Scheduling setting allowing the subscribed client additional access to make trip changes.

This article will cover:

  • how to enable the Advanced Scheduling setting; and

  • how to change the aircraft on a scheduled trip; and

  • how to cancel a scheduled trip; and

  • how to view the proposed duty time for a trip.


To enable the Advanced Scheduling setting, log in with the admin credentials for the organization's Client Portal. Under the Advanced Scheduling column located in the Approve Account Requests table, there will be a Yes/No toggle for the listed client user. This setting automatically defaults to No.

When toggled to "No", the client user will have access to the basic functionality offered by the Client Portal. To learn more about the basic features of the Client Portal reference the Client Portal User Guide (External User) help article.

When toggled to "Yes" the client user is granted access to the Client Portal's Advanced Scheduling functionality.

Once the Advanced Scheduling settings have been enabled for a client user a Change Aircraft button, Cancel Trip button and a Proposed Duty column will be included on their trip edit page.


One of the features available with the Client Portal's Advanced Scheduling is the ability for the client user to change the assigned aircraft on a scheduled trip. A "Change Aircraft" button is available when the client user is on the edit screen for an existing trip. Click on the "Change Aircraft" button to launch a pop-up window that will allow the client user to update the assigned tail number for the trip as a whole or for each individual flight leg. The trip stage must be less than the stage specified in the Trip Stage Limit selection in the Portal Global Settings in order for the client user to make changes to the tail number. Once the stage setting is met then the Change Aircraft button is hidden. The button is also hidden when the trip is locked.

The aircraft available in the Change Aircraft drop-down selections are the managed aircraft that are related to the account that is related to the client user logged in. If a vendor aircraft has been assigned to the trip and/or leg, that vendor aircraft will be displayed as an additional choice for the client user to choose from in the drop-down list. If the vendor aircraft is fully removed from the trip, it is no longer an option for the portal user to change the trip and/or leg. If a client user changes the aircraft on the trip and/or leg with a crew assigned, the crew is automatically removed when the user saves the changes made with the updated tail number.

An email notification is sent when the aircraft is changed to the email addresses set in the main Avianis Portal Configuration Settings > Trip Change Notification Email Addresses. If a client user changes the aircraft on the trip and/or leg the following functions will trigger (if applicable):

  • Task Automation

  • Service Automation

  • Leg status changes based on the trip stage change control settings


  • After the aircraft are set and Save Changes is clicked the flight time automatically recalculates based on the new aircraft selection(s).

  • The change aircraft details are available in the main Avianis trip activity feed and notes the changes made from the Portal.

  • If a flight leg has been logged or is in the Cancelled leg status the aircraft is not able to be updated.


Another feature available with the Client Portal's Advanced Scheduling setting is the ability for the client user to cancel a trip. When the advanced settings are enabled for a client user a button appears on the trip edit screen to "Cancel Trip". The trip stage must be less than the stage specified in the Trip Stage Limit selection in the Portal Global Settings. Once the stage setting is met then the Cancel Trip option is hidden but still displays. This is the same for when the trip is locked.

When the "Cancel Trip" button is clicked, a pop-up window is launched with a text box allowing the client user the option to input a reason why the trip is being cancelled. This is an optional field and is not required to cancel the trip.

If the user clicks No, the modal closes and no changes occur. If the user clicks Yes, the client user is redirected to the Dashboard of the portal. As a result, the trip is no longer accessible in the Trips section in the client portal and the trip status is updated to Inactive in the main Avianis application. Additionally, an email notification is sent to the email addresses set in the main Avianis Portal Configuration Settings > Trip Change Notification Email Addresses. This action is also captured in the activity feed in the trip record in the main Avianis application.


When the client user is on the edit screen for a trip in their portal account, a column is available with the proposed duty time for each leg in the trip. The duty time will continue to allocate, giving the client using the visibility to know when they are getting close to a full duty day in the trip. The calculation is not specific to any crew member and includes the main Avianis account's pre and post duty configurations. Additionally, if there are 10+ hours between flight legs or the "Crew Swap" is toggled in the trip record in the main Avianis application then the proposed duty time restarts.

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