Configure Task Types and Task Lists

Configure Task Types and Task Lists

Configure Task Types
Before creating task lists or an individual task, it's recommended that users add/update the task types to better categorize the to-do items across the organization. Task types are the various specific tasks that an organization may require. For example, flight follow, call, submit paperwork, check weather, etc. When you create a task, the user is required to select the task type within the task. 

  1. Go to My Company > Global Settings > General > Task Types

  2. Click "Create New"

  3. Enter the name of the Task Type and click "Create"

Create a Task List
A variety of task lists can be created within the application. Task lists can be general or trip-specific. General task lists can be manually applied to any record in the system and are a great way to standardize internal processes such as new aircraft or personnel setup/on-boarding.

Trip specific tasks can be initiated automatically on creation of the trip or at any stage through the process. In addition, conditions can be set for any trip task item so it only creates when a specific situation occurs. The conditions that can be set are aircraft/aircraft type, airport/country and accounts/account type/contacts.

  1. Go to My Company > Global Settings > General > Task Templates

  2. Click "Create"

  3. If this will be a general task list (not trip-specific), select "No" under Trip Base
    In this example we are creating a trip based task template.

  4. Enter a name and description for the list and click "Create

5. Click on the name of the task list to add tasks to the list 

6. To add a task to the list, click "create"
7. Enter the applicable information and click "save"

There are various fields within a task item, so the user is able to define conditions and get very specific on each task item. Here is an explanation of all fields within a task item:

Subject - The name of the task item
Active -  check the box to indicate if the task item is active. Uncheck if the task item is inactive
Send Notification - This selection is if the user wants to send an email notification to the assigned members of the task
Description - A brief description referencing the task item
Assigned To - In a trip task list select personnel who contains a position (PIC, SIC, Flight Coordinator) on the specific trip or a group (i.e. Flight Coordinators, Sales, etc). In a general task list, the user is able to select a personnel or group. The tasks will show in the Dashboard under My Tasks and My Group Tasks.
When a task is assigned to a Group, only the members of the Group can manage the tasks. Additionally higher roles such as Admin, Operations Manager and Scheduling Manager can manage the tasks if NOT part of the group. 
Trip Stage - This field is only applicable to a trip task list. Selecting equals means this task item is initiated on the selected stage (create, booked, dispatched, completed, etc). If greater than and equal to is selected on a task that contains conditions such as airport, country, aircraft, etc. and a change occurs to the conditions later than the initiated stage, then the task becomes present again.
Task Type - Select the type of task (previously created in Global Settings)
Priority - Define the level of priority
Due In - Enter the value based on minutes or days the item is due. If the task needs to be due before the "due date option," enter a negative "due in" quantity. For example, Due 1 day before initial departure date. Enter -1 into the "due in" field. For General Task Types, the Due In will only apply to the number of days AFTER the task was created.
Due In Type - Select in minutes or days when the task item is due
Due Date Option - This only applies to Trip-Based Tasks. The task can be due on either initial create, initial departure date or final arrival date of a trip task list
Other conditions (Trip Type, Aircraft/Aircraft Type, Airport/Country, Accounts/Account Type/Contacts) - When conditions are included the task is only automatically included in the trip if those conditions are associated to the trip. Only one condition can be selected per group. For example, if Account Type is selected, Accounts and Contacts selection will no longer be an option. If Airport is selected, country will no longer be available. 

Here is an example of a General Task List called New Personnel Setup. The items in the list below are each of the tasks that make up this task list.

Here is an example of a Trip Based Task List:

Example of specific trip based task item settings:

When entering the "Due In" value, if the task needs to be completed "before" enter a minus before the value. For example, if due 2 days before Initial Departure Date, enter -2 in the "Due In" field. Then the due date will calculate accordingly. 
Example of a trip based task item with two conditions:

This task will trigger when the trip stage is greater than or equal to booked, the trip type is set to CHTR and trip is on aircraft XXCITA10.

Ref: T-C01

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