In this article you will learn how to create a trip from the following places:
Trip/Flight Leg Search Page
Scheduling Calendar
Schedule Board
Account Profile
First, access the Trip or Flight Leg search pages from the Operations with the main navigation.
Next, click Create and all applicable details for your trip.
Start by accessing the Scheduling Calendar from the main navigation
Then, click the triangle in the corner of the date for which the trip departs and select the aircraft icon
Enter the details of the trip (the create request screen defaults to "Quote Only" from the scheduling page, change to "Trip Only"). Finally, click Save & Edit to be directed to the newly created trip or Save & Close to save the trip.
Start by accessing the Schedule Board from the main navigation
Then right click where you want to create the trip and select Create Trip from the right click menu.
Enter the details of the trip (the create request screen defaults to Trip Only from the Schedule Board). Finally, click Save & Edit to be directed to the newly created trip or Save & Close to save the trip.
Access the Account from the main navigation. Once in the Accounts profile select Trips from the activity tab and click "Create".
When you click create, it takes you to the new trip creation page. Trip Only is selected and the account is auto-populated in the account dropdown. Then, fill in the information for the trip, then click Create
Ref: O-T02