This article shows how to:
create a quote from the quote search page, the aircraft schedule, the schedule board, and directly from an account or lead record.
modifications that can be made to a quote record
Click Quotes in the main navigation menu
Click Create
Enter the details of the quote.
Click Create
The system will direct you to the newly created quote
The quote create modal looks the same in all places where the quote is initiated.
Retail/Wholesale: Set whether you want to charge tax or no tax
Contract: Select which pricing contract applies to the quote
Account (optional): Add the account name upon creating is applicable. This will then give the option to select account-specific pricing before the quote is created
Primary Contact (optional): Set the primary contact from the list of contacts within the selected Account. Note: If no Account is selected there will be no options to select in the Primary Contact dropdown.
Aircraft: Select the aircraft for the quote whether managed, vendor, or fleet. This is required in order to calculate flight time.
From: When an aircraft is selected, the departure airport defaults to the home base of the aircraft.
To: Select and arrival airport.
Depart/Arrive Select departure or arrival to calculate what time you want to depart or arrive at the destination
Date: Set departure date of the trip
Time: Defaults to 1300, can be changed based on Depart/Arrive setting to determine departure or arrival time
Pax: Set number of passengers
Pax/Pos: Designate whether the leg is a passenger or a positioning leg
Next 3 icons: Add leg, insert round trip return to home, map leg
Access the Aircraft Calendar
Click the triangle in the corner of the date for which the quote will tentatively depart
Select the aircraft icon
Enter the details of the quote.
Click Save & Edit to be directed to the newly created quote or Save & Close to save the quote and close the quote record
Access the Schedule Board
Load the schedule to the appropriate date and time and locate the aircraft or fleet to quote, then right-click
Next click on the "Create Quote" option
Once the pop-up displays enter in applicable data for the quote and select either "Save & Edit" or "Save & Close"
Access the lead record
If creating the quote from the lead record, click on the quotes tab
Click "Create"
When you click create, it will take you to the create new quote page. Quote only will be selected and the lead is auto-populated in the account dropdown.
Fill in the information for the quote, then click create
Access the Account
Click the activity tab and select quotes
Click "Create"
When you click create, it will take you to the create new quote page. Quote only will be selected and the lead is auto-populated in the account dropdown.
Fill in the information for the quote, then click Create
NOTE: The same steps above can be taken to create a trip, invoice, and deal from an account record. If creating a new trip, the create new trip screen will pop up, and trip only will be selected. If creating a new invoice, the create new invoice screen will pop up but the account will not be auto-set. If creating a deal from the account, the create new deal will pop up and the account will be auto-set.
There are several options for changing the total price of the quote:
Change the contract using the drop-down menu. The Calculation Methods are:
Block time - rate x block time
Flight Time - rate x flight time
Statute Mile - rate x statute miles
Nautical Mile - rate x nautical miles
If selecting Fixed, here is how to enter the price: Click into the flight leg on the quote and input the total price into the cost field. By inputting it into a leg it will refer to the quote type (retail or wholesale) for tax application.
If the quote type is set to retail, applicable taxes will be applied to the price. If the quote type is set to wholesale, no tax will be applied.
Note: Once the quote is created, the user can edit the aircraft profile information by clicking the info icon next to the tail number and then clicking Go To Profile.
Users can override the quote total by using the Quote Price Override YES/NO toggle button next to the total price.
Override set to YES: Click YES to override/edit the total of the quote. Once clicked the total displays in the blue hyperlink indicating that it can be clicked and edited. The system-generated total remains unchanged and displays in parentheses next to the editable Total field. The updated quote total displays the overridden price in the following areas
Quote Search (Total column)
Deal widget in the quote (Total column)
Quote widget in the deal (Total column)
Quote widget on the Trip (Total column)
Profit analysis
Snapshot (Displays if a jet card is enough to cover the total of the quote)
Override set to NO: If the toggle is set to NO then the Quote total is calculated based on the itinerary and line items entered as additional charges. Once the quote is created, many modifications can be made to the record.