Crew Check-In
Crew members can easily check-in for flights from any page in Avianis by clicking on the Check-In icon at the top of the page. This functionality is available to users that have the Pilot, Chief Pilot or Flight Attendant role. The check-in will begin a duty record in the database with a start date and time.
It will display a notification to the crew member in the duty time tab in the flight log indicating there is a check in that has not been completed.
In addition, once a crew member has "Checked-In," the check-in icon will display differently indicating the crew is on duty and will refer to the current time providing a total duty time since the start time.
Once saved, the record will display in the duty time tab and on the crew calendar.
Things to Know:
The trip feasibility checks for duty time limitations. It takes into consideration the actual duty start time from the check-in, but will utilize the proposed duty off until the crew member closes the duty record at the end of the day.