Calendar updates
Calendar (Scheduler Beta) Display Settings
Users can customize the information they want included on the aircraft container. Items such as aircraft type, call sign, year, home base, owner, seating capacity, next due, hours and cycles are all options to show or hide.
Save Date Selection
The last date selected on the calendar will be saved so it loads with the date first when the calendar is loaded up again. If the user clicks "Today" it will bring them to the that day and continue to show the current date when they load up the view.
Indicator when flight leg crosses into the next day
If a flight leg departs on one day and arrives on the next day, an arrow will show on the departure date and the arrival date to indicate that it crosses days.
Copy trip
Within the trip modal on the calendar, there is a new option to copy the trip. When the user selects this, it allows them to adjust the dates/times and to determine if they want the copied trip to include passengers, crew, requests, instructions and/or notes to come across. Users are also able to copy a trip from within an existing trip by clicking the copy button in the top right corner.
Open tasks
If there are open tasks for a trip, the calendar block will show that there are open items and how many there are
Jump to tail
Users can easily jump top a specific tail number on the schedule without updating the order or view of the original aircraft loaded.
Hard Days Off
There is an additional event type available called "Hard Day Off (Unavailable)". This will allow users to better classify true hard days off for regulatory reporting purposes. These user events will still flag in the quote and trip snapshots if the itinerary overlaps with one of these events.
Quote/Trip snapshot updates
Open invoice warning and critical thresholds
Users are now able to set their own thresholds for what is considered warning and critical in the quote and trip snapshot for overdue invoices. Notifications can also be setup for individuals and/or groups when invoices get beyond these thresholds.
Regulatory updates
Total block, duty and rest in the trip and quote process
When creating a new quote or trip, total block, duty and rest is now displayed for the applicable duty day. This information will also display within the trip and quote once it has been created.
Airport map search updates
Distance from address information
When searching for an address on the map, users will now be able to see the distance from that address to the surrounding airports.
International updates
International leg view and status display
Users can now easily view all international legs in the trip search page and can easily view the international status. In the international desk leg page, pertinent international planning requests such as flight planning, permits and more can be tracked
Flight log updates
Next due information for aircraft
Next due maintenance items based on hours, days and landings now displays on the flight log for crews to view more readily.
Open discrepancies
All open discrepancies for the aircraft assigned to a leg can be viewed directly in the flight log.
Current engine information
Current engine hours and cycles for the aircraft assigned to the leg can be viewed within the flight log.
FRAT Updates
Pertinent crew, aircraft maintenance and airport information is now displayed within the FRAT area to allow users to get to the pertinent information they need more readily to run the FRA
Email updates
Send from designation
Users are now able to setup group email addresses and choose whether they want to send from their own email address or from the group for quotes, trips and invoices.
Personnel Welcome Email
Create a personalized welcome email for new users to receive when the email invitation is sent.
Misc updates
Custom aircraft flight variant
A custom flight variant can be set on the aircraft profile which overrides the global account variant. To setup a custom flight variant, simply go to the Flight Time Configuration section of the aircraft profile and set the value you want to utilize.
Default trip type
A default trip type can be setup across the organization and for a specific customer. If a customer default exists, it will override the company default.
Default Passenger Purpose
A default passenger purpose can be setup on the account level. When passengers are added to a manifest that are associated to an account containing a default passenger purpose, the default is displayed in the trip.
Stage Change Control Setting
When change control options are selected on a stage to auto set a leg status, the user can now exclude those settings from designated part 91 or part 135 aircraft.
Flight Safety International Integration
Keeping up with the data entry of crew training records can be challenging. Avianis and Flight Safety International have teamed up to provide an integration that streamlines this process. Once training is completed, FSI will send over the applicable logbook entry and qualification items for verification.