Designate lead passenger(s), primary contact, and trip contact(s) in a trip

Designate lead passenger(s), primary contact, and trip contact(s) in a trip

The article will cover:

  • How to assign a lead passenger(s)

  • designate a primary contact

  • and how to add trip contact(s)

Assign lead passenger(s)

  1. Access a trip

  2. Click on the "Pax" tab

  3. Click on the white person button next to one or multiple passengers in the list to indicate them as the lead passenger(s)

These passengers will be added to the Lead Passenger list in the main overview section.

Designate a primary contact

  1. Access a trip

  2. Click on the blue hyperlink next to 'Primary Contact'.

  3. Assign a contact from the Accounts contact list

  4. Click the blue checkmark to save

Note: Clicking on the green plus mark will allow for a new contact to be created and then automatically assigned as the Primary Contact of the trip.

Assign Trip Contacts

  1. Access a trip

  2. Click on the blue hyperlink next to Trip Contact(s)

  3. Select as many contacts as desired to be listed.

  4. Finally, click on the blue checkmark to save

Contacts will be listed in alphabetical order based on the first name and separated by commas for each entry.

Ref: O-T11

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