Finance Data Analysis Reports

Finance Data Analysis Reports

The Finance Data Analysis Reports give you the ability to pull detailed reports on the financial information input by your company into Avianis. A wide array of reports can be pulled and customized by the user. This guide will give you information on the functionality of the reporting system, and will allow you as the user to pull reports once you've determined the data you would like to obtain.

Accessing and launching the Finance Data Analysis Reports

  1. Select the Reports tab in the menu on the left, then select Finance to enter the financial reports section of the application. 

2. In the right corner you will notice a menu titled Finance Data Analysis Reports. Here is where you will access these detailed reports.

3. Select the month and year you would like to view information for. If you select the Use Custom Dates option, you will be allowed to specify a timeframe for which you would like to view data. 

4. Next select the Data Analysis Grid type from the drop down menu below the dates you selected. Once you have selected an option the Data Analysis Grid will appear in a new window. (Note: For this guide the Invoice Line Item Data Analysis Grid was used.)

Data Analysis Grid Types:

Expense Analysis Grid - Breaks out expense totals by vendor, allowing you to analyze them by the vendor they are associated with. 

Expense Split Detail Analysis Grid - Breaks out split expenses, allowing you to analyze individual split items by the vendor they are associated with. 

Expense Data Dimension Grid - Breaks out expense totals by the method used to reconcile them. Examples are credit cards and checks. 

Invoice Line Item Analysis Grid - Breaks out invoice totals by line items in each invoice. 

Report Functions

5. The top of the Data Analysis Grid contains four Functions that can be used to organize the data in the table to best fit your needs. 


Formula - Allows you to create custom formulas for the report. 

Filter - Allows you to create custom filters for columns in the report. 

Add Chart - Allows you to create charts in the report. 

Add Crosstab - Allows you create a pivot table and arrange data to meet your analytical needs. 

6. Select Formula to create user defined formulas and new columns. In this example we created a tax formula and column. 


Name - The name of the new column that will display your formula value.  

Insert Column - This drop down menu allows you to select columns to insert as values in your formula.

Formula - This allows you to manually type, edit, and add additional information to your formula. 

Data Type - This drop down menu allows you to select the value type your formula will return.

Display Format - This drop down menu allows you to select the format of the value your formula will return. 

7. Select Filter to create rules that will filter specific columns of data. In the example below the Rate column is being filtered to exclude values that are less than 1000.00. 

Filter Column - The column that will be filtered. 

Comparison - The comparison that will determine which items are filtered out and which are kept.

Value - The value by which the comparison is being made.

8. The Charts option allows you to select from a number of different chart types to assist in visualizing the data. In this example we created a pie chart to display the invoices by type. 

9. Select Add Crosstab. This option functions much like a pivot table, allowing you to select different data points and arrange them to make comparisons of financial data. In this example a comparison of the expenses associated with particular aircraft was broken down by individual aircraft and month. 

Additional Functions

10. Additional functions for the table can be accessed by selecting the 'gear' icon in the table header. 

Additional Functions: 

Column - Allows you to determine which columns appear in the table. 

Sort - Allows you to sort columns as required for your analysis. 

Group - Allows you to group sets of items in the table. 

Aggregate - Allows you to calculate averages, totals, and sums for groups of items in the table. 

Paging - Allows you to determine the number of rows that appear on each page of the table. 

11. In the Columns tab select the columns you would like to appear in the table. When complete, select ok to update the table. 

12. In the Sort tab you can select and add specific sorting methods for individual columns. Sorting methods can be added and removed as you rearrange data. Once you have selected a Data Column and Order Direction, click Add. 

13. In the Group tab you can select and add specific grouping options. These will group sets of data in the report. The example below demonstrates grouping data by customer. 



14. The Aggregate function allows you to calculate averages and totals for the Groups. First you select the Data Column that will be used for the calculation, then you select the Aggregate Function or type of calculation being applied to the data, finally you select Add to apply the function. In this example we are the calculating the average Rate for each Customer group. The Customer group was selected in the previous step. 



15. The Paging function allows you to determine the number of rows you would like to see on each page. Once you have selected the number of rows you would like to see click Ok. 

Exporting the Table

16. Once you have completed setting up your table, you can export it to an Excel, CSV, or PDF file. To do this select the appropriate export option in the right corner of the table. 

Ref: R-F03

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