Finance Module Setup Guide

Finance Module Setup Guide

This guide walks through the initial setup and use of the Advanced Finance module specific to managing expenses from entry to invoicing. This module allows an operation to set expense requirements and define approval workflows making certain all expenses are managed and billed properly. 

Follow these steps to set up the finance module from start-to-finish:

Step 1: Setup expense categories, card types and billing expense status options. Find out more in the Finance: Settings guide. The billing expense status details are within the Configuration section.

Step 2: Set accepted payment types for vendors. If payment types are entered, those will be the only available options when creating expenses for this vendor. If left blank, any payment type will be an option. Access Vendors in the main menu. 

Step 3: Set expense approval users. Each personnel in Avianis that will be submitting expense reports will need to have an expense approval user set on their profile. Review this guide.

Step 4: Setup Expense Policies
Checks and balances can be performed using expense policies. Expense policies allow an operation to set receipt requirements and approval processes down to expense categories. These policies can be created on three levels: Company Policy, Aircraft Policy and Trip Policy. 

When policies exist each submitted expense report undergoes a check. The check first looks for trip policies. If none exist, it checks for any aircraft policies. Lastly, Avianis will check expenses against the Company Policy. It is advised to set up a Company Policy, at a minimum.

Expense Policies are created in Finance >  Expenses > Expense Policies

Read more specifics about setting up the Company Policy, Aircraft Policies and Trip Policies on each link.  

Step 5: Create Rules for Expense Policies
Expense rules are created as a form of checks and balances for those creating expense reports. If the submitter “breaks the rule,” a customized message will pop up, providing more information about the rule. 

Rules can be created as informational, warnings, or critical messages. Depending on the Hard Stop Submission Settings, the submitter may or may not be able to proceed with the expense without documenting an override reason. To add expense rules to an aircraft, review this guide. To setup company expense rules, refer to Finance: Settings.

After the setup is complete, the crew members are able to submit expense reports and applicable expenses can be billed. 

Create Expense Reports
Each expense is inputted into Avianis and then added to the appropriate expense report. Learn how to Create Expenses, Expense report and submit.

Review and Approve or Reject
Once reports are submitted, approved users review and either approve or reject reports. Review and Approve or Reject Reports.

Invoice Billable Expenses
After expenses have been inputted, tied to reports and reports have been approved, accounting can add expenses to invoices. Find out more of the process by accessing the Invoice Billable Expenses guide. Details are in the Configuration section.

Ref: F-F07

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