Flightradar24 is our flight tracking data provider. In April/May 2024 our connection to Flight Aware will transition to Flightradar24.
Here is a list of Frequently Asked Questions you may find helpful.
Q: Will I experience any downtime with regards to flight tracking?
A: No, the existing functionality will transition from one data provider (FlightAware) to another (FR24) in the backend and will continue to feed Avianis just like it would with FlightAware.
Q: Am I losing any existing functionality?
A: There are two functions that will no longer be available. The first is the ability to see the Filed status, Enroute and Arrived will continue to be available. The second change is FR24 is not able to provide the OUT and IN. OFF and ON are still an option to receive.
Q: Am I gaining any new functionality?
A: Yes, two new features will be available. The first is more position reports, so the operation will get more up to date location tracking on all configured tails. Secondly, a clearer awareness of aircraft diverting.
Q: Do I need an account with FR24 in order to leverage this service?
A: No, when on the Avianis Aircraft subscription this functionality is included through Avianis' FR24 subscription. No direct account is needed with FR24.
Q: How do I get started?
A: If your tails are already setup for flight following, no action is needed. When we transition from FlightAware to FR24 we are handling a seamless change over. If you need to add a tail, just simply access the aircraft profile and click Submit in the flight following widget.
Q: What if the tail we manage is blocked?
A: If the tail has been registered on the Limiting Aircraft Data Displayed (LADD) Program, authorization is needed. If the tail has NOT been registered on the LADD program its accessible to FR24. Additional steps include written consent from the Operator/Owner directly to LR24 (needs to show FR24) advising Avianis is approved to receive the data. For more details contact your Customer Success Manager.
A: Yes, all notification options such as on the Aircraft profile, account level or within the trip are still supported with FR24. Initially the same departure and arrival notifications will occur. In the near future diversion notifications will be available to receive.
A: Flightradar24 combines data from several data sources including ADS-B, MLAT, satellite, and radar data. This positional data is aggregated with schedule and flight status data to create a unique flight tracking experience. More information can be obtained by visiting
Flightradar24 How Flight Tracking Works.