Integrations: QuickBooks Online

Integrations: QuickBooks Online

The version must be Plus. The integration does not support Essentials or Simple Start.

Setup Checklist:

  1. Authenticate

  2. Provide applicable users access

  3. Map cash account, expense class, expense location, invoice class, invoice location and designate expense sync default. 

  4. Map expense categories 

  5. Map cost codes 

  6. Map credit cards (Company, Aircraft and Personnel)

Connect QuickBooks and Avianis

  1. Click on My Company > Global Settings > Integrations > QuickBooks in the main navigation.

  2. Click the "Connect to QuickBooks" button.

    3. Enter your QuickBooks Online username and password and click "Sign In". It will           ask you to authorize the connection (click "Authorize").

Once connected, you will be able to access and modify general integration settings and view accounts, expense, invoices and vendors that have been synced to QuickBooks Online from Avianis.

Cash Account
Select which chart of account cash expenses should be mapped to. The account type on the QuickBooks account must be "Bank". The sync will not be successful on a cash expense if the chart of account is something other than bank. 

Expense Syncing Default
This option is to select a preferred expense sync option. Sync as a Bill or Purchase (Expense). The bill option allows for the expense to be included in the A/P Aging Summary report as well as the Balance Sheet on the QuickBooks side. Set the default or at the time of sync, select whether it needs to sync as a bill or purchase expense type. 

Setting Class and Location
Customize the class and location for expenses and invoices that are synced from Avianis to QuickBooks. Click the drop down next to each of the fields and see the various dynamic fields that can be included. This helps categorize transactions on the QuickBooks side. Below are some examples:

When you have tail # for invoice class and trip # and tail # for invoice location, this is what it looks like in your QB invoice.

Setup user access
In order for users to sync accounts, vendors, expenses and invoices, they must have the QuickBooks Online role. Access their user profile and click the check box next to QuickBooks Online in the roles section on the right side of the page.

Tie expense categories and invoice line item types to QuickBooks
To sync expenses to QuickBooks, the expense categories need to be tied to existing chart of accounts. The invoice line item types must also be tied to existing products and services as well.

Expense Categories

  1. Go to Finance > Settings > Classifications > Expense Categories 

  2. Edit an existing expense category (or create a new one) and select one of the chart of accounts from the QuickBooks Accounts drop down and click "Save". If there are no chart of accounts pulling back, there could be an authentication issue or no chart of accounts exist on the QuickBooks side. 

Invoice Cost Codes

  1. Go to Finance > Settings > Classifications > Cost Codes

  2. Create a cost code and select one of the product and services from the drop down and click "Save".

Connect company, aircraft and personnel credit cards to QuickBooks

Credit card information can be added to company, personnel and aircraft. Go to the record to add a credit card and access the credit card tab. If the card is on the QuickBooks side, select the QuickBooks credit card you want to tie it to and click "Save". When the expense is sent from Avianis to QuickBooks, it associates it to the applicable card (chart of account) on the QuickBooks side.

Syncing from Avianis to QuickBooks
Accounts, vendors, expenses and invoices can be synced from Avianis to QuickBooks. A business user with the QuickBooks role is able to sync. Access any of the record types (account, vendor, expense and/or invoice) to access the sync button. Click the QB button at the top right. Once the entire button is green, it indicates the item has been synced. The activity feed of the record provides details to the sync. 

Things to Know:
1.) Payments applied in QuickBooks push to Avianis immediately. If a payment is removed in QuickBooks, the payment needs to be removed in Avianis.
             Payment method credit card syncs to Avianis as card
             Payment method wire transfer syncs to Avianis as other
2. ) In My Company > Global Settings > Integrations > QuickBooks there are four tabs: Accounts, Expenses, Invoices and Vendors. Reference this section if issues arise determining what records are associated between the two systems. The QuickBooks ID number is found in the URL of the QuickBooks record. 

Example of QuickBooks URL in address bar:

3.) Do not delete records from the QuickBooks side after they have been synced from Avianis to QuickBooks. Best practice is to manage the record in Avianis and sync accordingly. 

4.) Expenses that are tied to trips are also tied to the account on the trip. Be sure that the vendor on an expense does not conflict with the account name on the trip. 

5.) When QuickBooks assigns a # to the Chart of Account (at the beginning), it will not be available to select from in the expense category drop down.

6.) Depending on the name of the Chart of Account, it will not pull back in the QB account drop down in the CC, but will in the expense category QB drop down. If that occurs adjust the name on the Chart of Account.

1.) Be sure all expense categories in Avianis are mapped to chart of accounts on the QuickBooks side.
2.) Be sure all cost codes in Avianis are mapped to Product and Services on the QuickBooks side.
3.) If syncing an expenses "Paid with" cash, be sure a cash chart of account is setup in My Company > Global Settings > Integrations > QuickBooks
4.) If you are not seeing the QuickBooks symbol in an expense, invoice, account or vendor, you need to be assigned the QuickBooks role.
5.) When syncing Paid with: Direct Bill option, you must set the sync type as Bill not Expense (Purchase).
6.) When syncing a Paid with: Direct Bill option, the chart of account type tied to the expense category set cannot be Accounts Payable.
7.) In the QB CC drop down when associating QB Chart of Accounts to Avianis CCs, type the name of the Chart of Account. Also be sure the Chart of Account contains the Account Type "Credit Card" and Detail Type " Credit Card."

8.) In Finance >  Classifications > Expense Category mapping, all Chart of Accounts despite the account type come back in the drop down. 

Ref: I-Q01

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