Edit account from quote page
In order to cut down on keystrokes and having to access another area of the application, we've added the ability to edit an account directly from the quote page.
Translate airport change to next leg on quote
We've enabled the system to automatically account for changes in your quote and adjust relevant legs when airports are changed. Let's say your original destination changes on the first leg of your quote. The departure airport on the second leg will now adjust to make sure it is going out of the same airport.
Sales Rep and Date Quoted added to the quote search page
In an effort to expand on the feature/functionality for the sales side of the house, we have added columns to the quote search page which allow view and filter based on who created the quote and when it was created.
Document non-flight duty in zulu
In order to avoid any confusion, all non-flight duty added as a personnel event is now documented in Zulu time.
Ability to designate TBD for departure and arrival times
Users can not designate a departure/arrival time as to be determined in quote and trip itineraries. This will provide greater visibility to everyone involved on the state of the leg and trip overall.
Aircraft flight time configuration updates
Generating accurate flight times is critical to every operation from sales to ops. When setting up flight time configurations in the aircraft profiles, users are now able to designate any cruising altitude. This will allow users to better accommodate for all flight scenarios in Avianis.
Airport details within quote and trip itineraries
An info icon has been added next to each airport in the quote and trip itineraries. If users click on one of these, a popup will display with pertinent airport information including hours of operation, runway dimensions and more.
Jump to specific tail
Users are now able to easily view a tail number on the aircraft schedule with the Jump To field. This will bring that aircraft to the top of the list for easy access.
Aircraft information in tooltip on greaseboard
If users need access to aircraft information while they are viewing the aircraft schedule, they can now just click on the tail number. This will bring up a popup with pertinent information for the user to review without leaving the page.
Medical type designation to auto-calculate next due
We've made some changes to the medical type designation to auto-calculate any next due milestones. When you enter medicals for a crew member you can now select if it is an FAA - 6 Month, FAA - 12 Month, ICAO - 6 Month or ICAO - 12 Month. If it is one of the FAA options, it will auto set the next due value for the end of the month and the ICAO will set it to the date.
Qualification updates
Users now have the ability to tie avionics types and airports to qualifications items. These designations allow for more granularity and control over which crew are qualified to fly in specific situations. Also, when documenting the last completed and next due values of a qualification item, a user can now associate a personnel event , approved vendor and vendor contact. This provides a more complete picture of a specific training event that a crew has accomplished.
Additional crew log fields
Additional fields have been added to the crew log which allows for more information to be captured surrounding actual and simulated experience and currency. Users can track pertinent information such as takeoff/landing currency, approach statistics and more. Specific qualification items can also be tied to the log entry to make for easier tracking of training events.
Ability to associate tasks to groups
Managing tasks within an organization can be a group effort. In order to address this, we now allow users to assign tasks to groups. These tasks will be displayed in tasks list for anyone in the group to take ownership of, view and update. This makes collaboration easier among teams and offers more transparency so no on drops the ball.
Created by and last updated information in calendar events
When editing a personnel event in one of the scheduling views, users are now able to view when the event was created/last updated and by which user.
Grace start and grace end columns to crew records grid
In the qualification search grid we've added the grace "start" and "end" dates for applicable items in the crew records grid. This will provide better visibility into the current status of personnel members and allow for more effective schedule of training events.
View all button on activity feed
In order to provide users with better visibility into a records history, we've added a "view all" button to get the entire log of the activity feed.