ARG/US International, Inc.
Avianis and ARG/US International have teamed up to provide an integration that streamlines the data entry process. Essential data points such as flight crew info, times, training dates and type ratings automatically sync to ARG/US, which result in successful TripCheqs.
Trip Search Page
The enhanced trip search page allows users to customize the data they want to display on the trip page, save and send frequent searches as well as copy and export those searches to various report types. Change your display columns at any time or quickly click on a saved search search to pull back the data. For example, if you want to search for all trips where the actual departure date/time is in the past and all legs were not logged that is now possible!
Trip/Flight Log Updates
Trip Type and Regulatory Set Lock
Administrators are able to designate whether they would like to lock the trip type and/or regulatory set once the scheduled time of the first leg is met. If either of these are set to lock, user roles can be designated that will still be able to adjust the field after the fact if necessary. Go to Global Settings > Trip > Settings
Crew Swap
Within each flight leg on a trip, users can designate a "crew swap" which resets the proposed duty, block and rest values. This allows users to plan duty days and potential crew swaps on flight before crew are actually assigned to the trip.
Multiple SIC Regulatory Check
Within each regulatory set, users can now designate for augmented crews with two and three SIC's on-board, how many of them will need to be PIC qualified. If a conflict exists in a trip, a critical flag will show within the Crew section of the snapshot (Go to Crew Records > Regulatory Set).
Stage-Specific Flight Log Access
Users are able to designate per stage, whether users are able to make changes and save the flight log at that stage. If enable log is not checked, the appropriate individuals will be able to access and view the log but it will be in read-only mode (Go to Global Settings > Trip > Stages).
Proposed Rest Display Update
The proposed rest time within the trip leg will show regardless of the time between the arrival of one leg and departure of the next. This gives users a clearer understanding of the rest their crews will be getting all the time.
Takeoff, Landing, Approach and Hold Crew Selection
The crew member selection for T/O, Land, Appr and Hold now supports flights with augmented crews and lists all SICs and ACMs as options
Remove Type Rating in Snapshot
The type rating Re-issue date within the crew tab of the personnel record previously flagged in the trip snapshot if it was overdue. This has been removed to avoid confusion as these training dates are managed through programs. Users are now able to designate a re-issue date for the type ratings for documentation purposes without considering the trip warning considerations.
Passport Designation Per Leg
If a passenger or crew member will be using a different travel document for various legs on a trip, users are now able to designate which one to use per leg. This will automatically update the document selection for the eAPIS submission for that leg if applicable. These selections will also factor into trip documents instead of relying on the default designations.
Tag Update
Tag Category Associations and Improved Selection
Tag categories can now be associated to record types (Accounts, Contacts, Trips, etc.) to ensure tags tied to those categories do not show up in every record you are applying them to. When a user applies tags to a record, they will be able to easily view relevant tags (grouped by tag category) and apply/remove them in multiple.
Airport Data Update
Additional Airport Information
New information for airports have been added to the search including Website/Email, PCN, AFTN, SITA, Fire Category and more.
A new tab has been added to the airport detail page which shows pertinent clearance information for the country that airport is in such as visa information, clearance phone numbers, currency and application formats. In addition, a runway tab has been added which includes detailed information regarding all of the runways at that airport including weight bearing capacities. If an aircraft is scheduled into an airport where it's Basic Operating Weight is greater than the dual wheel capacity, it will flag as a critical item.
Crew Records Updates
Personnel Regulatory Type
A regulatory type can now be selected on a personnel record to more effectively differentiate between Part 91 and Part 135 pilots for example.
Vendor Updates
Additional Vendor Aircraft Fields
Many fields that were available in the fleet aircraft profile but not in the vendor aircraft have been added to the vendor aircraft record. In addition, the Contract tab has been added to the vendor aircraft to ensure users can track buy and sell rates on brokered aircraft more effectively