June 2017 Release Notes

June 2017 Release Notes

The following release notes outline the various areas that offer enhanced functionality: 

Avianis Support
Help Center
Personnel Event Locations

Adding New Contact to Trip
Pending Trip
Regulatory Selection
APIS Filing

Inspection Items in Trip Snapshot
Crew Records

Qualification Items

FuelerLinx Expense Sync Updates

Avianis Support

Help Center
The question mark at the top right corner accesses our new Help Center! In the new Help Center, find quality how-to articles and videos with a fresh, easy to read layout. One change some may notice, is the "Submit Ticket" process. No need to access the Help Center to submit tickets any longer. Send tickets as a chat, whether it's a question, report request or potential issue. To send a chat, while logged into Avianis, click the blue icon at the bottom right hand side. All previously submitted tickets are being imported to our improved internal solution. During this transition time, we will be responding to many feature enhancement requests based on our development road-map. 

Calendar Update

Personnel Events
Users have the option to designate if a personnel event will return the user back to home base. For example, if a user is away from home base for a personnel event and the airport is recorded in the event record, there is the option to designate when the user will return to home base. This will allow the ability to produce reports that effectively show how many days a user is away from home base. 

Trip Updates

Adding New Contact within Trip
When a new contact (passenger) is added to Avianis through the trip, users can select which legs they want the new contact assigned to rather than automatically assigning them to all legs. 

Pending Trips
When a user clicks the "Back to Pending" button, a pop-up message will display to confirm if the user does in fact want to move the trip back to the pending stage.

Regulatory Selection Per Leg
Users have the ability to apply different regulatory sets on the leg level in addition to on the trip level. This can be useful when a Part 135 trip ends and the last leg doesn't need to comply with Part 135 regulations. On the overview page, next to each leg is the regulatory and regulatory set options. The leg level regulatory set only needs to be changed if a specific leg needs to comply with different parameters (i.e. Rest, Duty, Flight Time, etc.).  

Part 135 eAPIS
When a Part 135 eAPIS is submitted, a random flight number is generated and included in the transmission. When an update is made after the initial transmission and needs to be re-submitted, it will display the flight number that was previously generated and the user can re-submit with it again or generate a new number altogether.

Maintenance Update

Inspection Items
Scheduled flight activity is factored into the inspection items that flag in the maintenance section of the trip snapshot rather than only looking at actual flight times logged for the aircraft. If a scheduled flight will overrun a maintenance item based on proposed flight activity, the system will flag for hourly, date based, and landing based items. For example, if there are 2 hours remaining before an inspection item is due and there are flights scheduled prior to the leg that it is checking and no flight logs are entered, it will flag if that flight will overrun the item based on the proposed activity. 

Crew Records Update

Qualification Items
Crew position (PIC, SIC) is available on the setup of crew qualification items within a training program. When a position is selected on a qualification item and a personnel is assigned to that position in a trip, the trip snapshot checks the crew member for currency pertaining to the position only.


Expense Sync Updates
The expense sync back to FuelerLinx has been updated to accommodate for Split expenses. If a fuel expense is entered as part of a split expense, it will get allocated correctly as fuel back in FuelerLinx.

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