Logbook Migration

Logbook Migration

A new and improved version of the Avianis logbook is now available! Accounts will be required to migrate their logged data from our current logbook model to the updated version. Upon migrating the Avianis logbook model from version 1 (V1) to version 2 (V2), there will be some changes on how the logged data from the personnel profile and a logged flight leg is displayed.

In this article you will learn:
  1. What to expect when your crew flight log data migrates to logbook V2;
  2. What to expect when your crew flight leg log data migrates to logbook V2;
  3. Other impacts the migration may have

Crew Flight Log Data

Personnel Profile > Crew Info tab

Aircraft Type Assignments are now what drive crew assignment for a flight leg. Each type rating assigned will allow the user to designate what position that crew member is qualified to fly. Training programs are still utilized to track training dates for currency. There are no impacts to Certificates or Medicals.

Personnel Profile > Log Book Tab

Once the migration from logbook V1 to logbook V2 is complete the Log Book tab on the personnel profile will have an updated look. New search functionality has been added and the logbook table includes new columns, providing additional visibility on the logged information. Any existing entries that were saved in the “Log Book” tab of the Personnel Profile in V1 will remain in V2.

In logbook V2, the available options for Logbook Type include: 
  1. Baseline
  2. Simulator
  3. Other
There is no longer the option to save an entry as “Contract” or “N/A”. Any logbook entries on logbook V1 designated as either “Contract” or “N/A” will convert over to V2 as “Other”.

The A/C Type list has been updated to include generic profiles for assignment. These generic profiles include:
  1. Multi-Engine - Other (MEL) (Generic)
  2. Multi-Engine - Rotary (MEL) (Generic)
  3. Multi-Engine - Turbine (MEL) (Generic)
  4. Rotary (Generic)
  5. Single Engine (SEL) (Generic)
  6. Turbine (Generic)
  7. Unspecified (Generic)
The field “Instrument (SIM)” is no longer an available field within a new logbook entry on V2. When the migration to V2 occurs, there is the potential that two logbook entries will display instead of one. If the original logbook entry on V1 is designated as a Simulator entry, then all information will convert over in a single logbook entry taking the sum of “Instrument (Actual)” + “Instrument (SIM)” and inputting that value into the “Instrument” field in V2. 

If the original logbook entry on V1 is designated with “Contract”, “Baseline" or “NA”, then two logbook entries will be created. The first entry will include all fields except for “Instrument (SIM)”. No changes will be made to any data; including the Aircraft Model, Date, Log number, Type, Training Items, Events or any of the other fields. The second entry will migrate the “Instrument (SIM)” value from V1 to a new logbook entry with “Simulator” saved as the logbook type in V2. This entry will include the same Aircraft Model, Log number and Date as the original entry, but the value saved in the “Instrument (SIM)” field now displays in the “Instrument” field. 

The Rotary and Multi designation are no longer available in V2. The migration will allocate the times entered in the entry as Rotary or Multi based on the assigned aircraft type/model regardless if either of these options were selected.

Additionally, the list of Events in logbook V2 have been updated to include only those that are relevant to the crew logbook entries. The following changes have been made to the event types:

  1. Bird Strike
  2. Brake Failure
  3. External Load Hoist
  4. Fire 
  5. Hook
  6. Hydraulic System Failure
  7. In-Flight Engine Shutdown or Flame Out
  8. In-Flight Landing Gear Event
  9. Long Line
  10. Non-Precision Approach
  11. Precision Approach
  12. Pressurization
  13. Rejected Takeoff
  14. RIN (Retirement Index Number)
  15. RVSM Altitude Excursion
  16. Sling Load
  17. Smoke and/or Fumes
  18. Start
  19. Tire Failure
  20. Torque
  21. Uncontrolled Flight Control Movement
  1. Approach
  1. Evaluator is now Check Airman Time
  2. Instructor is now Instructor Pilot Time

V2 also has a new toggle allowing the user to decide if the entry should be included, or excluded, from regulatory checks. All manually entered logbooks, flight logs and FSI entries will convert over with this setting default to No. All logbook entries created from the Crew Times Table in V1 will default to Yes.

Personnel Profile > Crew Times Table

The crew times table in V2 has been condensed to show only the most basic of information that would be important to the personnel member.

The UI provides the following times:
  1. Total Time
  2. Total PIC Time
  3. Total Pilot Not Flying Time
  4. Total Instrument Time
  5. Total Night Time  
Additionally, logbook V2 no longer supports the manual entry of baselines. The user is required to enter all baselines via the Log Book tab in the personnel profile using the Type "Baseline" moving forward. 

Manually entered baselines from the Crew Times table in logbook V1 will migrate over to logbook V2 as new “Baseline” logbook entries. Each entry will migrate over with a generic aircraft assigned. Each profile could have as many as four entries. 
NOTE: Due to the logic between V1 and V2, there could be some minor time discrepancies when migrating baseline entries from the crew times table in V1 to V2.
  1. Unspecified (Generic)
    1. Total Instrument Time, Total Instrument PIC Time and Total Night Time will create a new baseline crew logbook entry with the generic Aircraft Type/Class field saved as “Unspecified”.
    2. Total Instrument Time will display in the Instrument field
    3. Total Instrument PIC Time will display in the Instrument (PIC) field
  2. Turbine (Generic)
    1. Turbine times will create a new baseline crew logbook entry in logbook V2 with the generic Aircraft Type/Class field saved as “Turbine”
    2. Total Turbine PIC time will display in the PIC field in V2.
    3. Total Turbine SIC time will equal the Turbine Total (V1) minus the manual entry for Turbine PIC (V1) and will display in the SIC Time field in V2
    4. Turbine Total Time (V2) = Turbine PIC Time (V2) + Turbine SIC Time (V2)
  3. Multi-Engine - Other (MEL) – V2
    1. Multi-Engine times will create a new baseline crew logbook entry with the Aircraft Type/Class field saved as “Multi-Engine – Other (MEL)”
    2. Total Multi-Engine Time PIC Time (V1) will display in the PIC field in V2
    3. Total Multi-Engine Time SIC Time (V1) will display in the SIC field in V2
    4. Total Multi Engine Time (V2) = Multi Engine > PIC Time (V2) + Multi Engine > SIC Time (V2)
  4. Rotary (Generic) – V2
    1. Rotary times will create a new baseline crew logbook entry with the generic Aircraft Type/Class field saved as “Rotary”
    2. Total Rotary Wing PIC Time (V1) will display in the PIC field in V2.
    3. Total Rotary Wing SIC Time (V1) will display in the SIC field in V2.
    4. Total Rotary Wing Time (V2) = Rotary > PIC Time (V2) + Rotary > SIC Time (V2).

FSI entries are now visible under the crew Log Book tab. These entries are labeled with the type “FSI” and will display any times that were included in the sync. When the entry is opened into edit mode the times will display in the applicable fields, and an overview of the course information will display at the top of the entry and within the description field.

Flight Leg Log Data

Flight Log > Log Tab

The flight log in V2 has been updated to improve user work flows. These new improvements include:
  1. Ability to designate PF vs. PNF time
  2. New crew position: PIC-Alt
  3. Away from Flight Deck Duty field when 3 or more crew are assigned
  4. Engine Run toggle to log aircraft times without logging crew times
  5. Unsupported events
    1. Precision Approach
    2. Non-Precision Approach
  6. Time Earned:
    1. SIC earns Instrument time when PF or PNF
    2. CKA earns SIC time when PF
    3. IP earns SIC time when PF
    4. Total Instrument time is earned when Total PIC Instrument time is earned
    5. Reference this table for a full list of time earned scenarios
Any flight logs that were previously logged for a crew member will migrate over to V2 with all saved data. After the migration is complete, these logs display in the personnel profile as Flight Log entries under the Log Book tab. The data that will display in the logbook entry pulls directly from the flight log and breaks down what events and times were allocated to that pilot on that flight. Any flight logs that have an unsupported precision or non-precision approach will display in V2 in a dropdown field under the Pilot Events section of the flight log with the label "Migrated Precision Approach" or "Migrated Non-Precision Approach". These fields can only be deleted, they can not be changed. 
Note: If a flight log is migrated it will migrate as-is. No times will change using the new logic in the V2 model. The new logic will only apply on new logs and upon re-saving a migrated log. 

Flight Log > Mobile

The logbook V2 model on the mobile app has a new sleek design. Other updates include the ability to designate a flight as an Engine Run Only and the Delay Information will now only display if the threshold set for the assigned aircraft is exceeded. When this occurs the Delay Information displays directly above the OOOI Times section allowing the user quick easy access to enter the delay information.

Other Impacts


No longer drives crew assignments for a flight leg. Training items are still managed from this section and will continue to flag in the feasibility based on the entered training dates.

Regulatory Sets

Ability to set Limitation requirements for Approaches, Holding and Tracking events.


Any custom reports will need to be reviewed to verify if there will be any impacts after migrating to the new V2 model.

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