March 2015 Release Notes

March 2015 Release Notes


Auto-update trip itinerary when airport changes

When an arrival airport changes in a trip itinerary, the departure airport for the next leg will be updated as well.

Auto-assignment of preferred FBO
Users are able to mark their preferred FBO at a specific airport in Avianis. When creating trips, preferred FBOs will now be selected automatically to save time and ensure consistency. As always, FBOs can be updated for an individual leg if the preferred option is not being utilized.

Aircraft turn time
When creating a new quote and/or trip, the system will automatically calculate the departure time for the next leg based on default or aircraft turn time. This makes the itinerary creation process quicker and minimizes errors.

Passenger count added to weight and balance
In the Weight and Balance section of the flight log, crew members are now able to document the passenger count for that leg. This ensures that all of the proper information for a legal load manifest is captured directly in the application.

Remove logged flight times
There are situations where users will accidentally enter actual times in the flight log and need to remove them. We have added a remove log button which requires the user to document the reason why they are backing out those times.

Fuel stop threshold warning
The trip snapshot will provide the user a warning if the fuel stop threshold is exceeded for any of the legs on the itinerary.

Monthly calendar view
In addition to the existing timeline display, a monthly option is now available for both the aircraft and crew schedule. All aircraft and crew activity for the entire month is now easily visible in one concise view.

Search enhancements
We have updated the record search areas to allow users to get to the information they need, faster. Easily search for trips, quotes, expenses and invoice based day, month, quarter or a custom date range. Easily access quotes for a sales rep, expenses paid for with a company credit card or trips flown by a specific crew member.


My Flights search not sorting correctly
The my flights search page was sorting the flight legs incorrectly and has been updated to sort by departure date/time descending.

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