March 2017 Release Notes

March 2017 Release Notes

The release notes cover various updates in the following areas of the application:

Flight Logs 


Aircraft Offline Events

ARG/US and Wyvern

Operations: Calendar

Additional Timeline Settings
There is now a 10 and 14 day timeline setting. Based on the selected timeline setting when using the arrow keys to move forward or back, you can now move your calendar in 5, 7,10, 14 and 30 day increments. For example, if 14 day is selected and the forward arrow is clicked, the calendar will move forward 14 days.

Saved Search Functionality
The calendar now allows a user to save various searches for quick access. To save a search follow these steps:

1.) Set the preferred timeline

2.) Click Filters and set the preferred filters and settings including the view you want to load (5,7,10,14,30 Day Timeline or Month)

3.) Click Save

4.) Name the new search, share with other individuals or groups in your organization (if necessary) and click "Save"

Use the drop down to quickly move between different calendar saved searches. If a search is shared with you, there will be an icon to the left of the search name to differentiate it.

When the user leaves the calendar (scheduling) and then returns, the last calendar view the user had selected will display. 

Note: If a user has custom scheduling settings on their profile, the user is not able to save searches. Additionally, the user's aircraft filter is set automatically and is locked from being able to edit.

Use the filter field to search any information on the calendar. For example, begin typing an identifier, tail #, trip#, crew name, etc. The data displayed is searched and will filter as it is matched. You can match on multiple criteria by adding a space between your search. For example, if you type a customer name and then a leg status with a space between them, it will bring back all aircraft that have trips for that customer where the leg is in that status.

Vendor Aircraft on Schedule
When brokered flights are set to show, each vendor tail number will display as its own row at the top of the schedule in alphabetical order and the background color will be blue. They will show when there is flight activity during the duration of time set on the calendar. For example, if you are calendar is set to a 30 day timeline and there is a flight within that time frame the aircraft will display. If the view is changed to 7 day and the trip is no longer within the duration of the specified time, the aircraft will not display.

Operations: Trips

Trip Chalkboard
This new feature allows schedulers to play around with trip itineraries (dates, times, locations) and see the effects. The changes do not update the actual trip until the commit changes button is selected. While in a trip, click on the chalkboard button. Adjust the itinerary as needed to see the effects. If the changes need to occur, click commit changes and the original itinerary will update accordingly. 

Crew Legality Pop-Up
As crew members are assigned to trips, the results of the crew section of the trip snapshot can pop-up and communicate the critical and warning items. Critical and warning item checks include: rest, duty, flight time, hard days off, experience and limitations, expiring documents (medical, travel docs), qualification items and scheduling overlaps. Once close is clicked, the crew member is added to the trip/leg. If it's determined the crew member is not eligible to trip/leg, remove the crew member from the trip/leg. 

This setting can be turned on or left off. Go to Global Settings > Trip > Settings to adjust accordingly. 

Regulatory Type Based Limits
This update allows you to set the regulatory type on the personnel profile the flight crew member is qualified to fly. If a crew member's regulatory type in their profile contains Part 91 and they are crewed on a leg that is Part 135, a critical flag will be evident in the trip snapshot in the crew section. This setting is configurable in Global Settings > Trip > Settings.

Time Off Checks (Canadian Regulatory)
The time off section of the regulatory set has been updated to allow an operation to configure crew member time off compliance checks with regards to defining if no activity is or is not considered and the ability to designate whether specific event types and/or duty/event categories should count toward "time off." This section is primarily used by Canadian operations, but if other operations want to track additional time off limitations outside the 13 hard days off in one quarter, this is the area to configure it. Here is an example of a CAR 700 (equivalent to FAR 135) time off requirement of 3 days in 17 days. Once setup when a crew member is assigned to a trip and the regulatory set CAR 700 is selected, the crew member is checked for compliance on each "time off" requirement setup (in this example, there is one). Note: Type can either be hours or days while duration can be days or quarters. 

This example is set to include no activity in the check (no trips or personnel events scheduled for the crew members). The last update to the time off settings allows the operation to select which event types and duty categories count toward the time off setting. When the check is run the results display in crew legality pop-up and the trip snapshot under the crew section. 

Trip Leg Change Prompt
The trip overview page allows for various trip edits such as overriding the default turn time set in the aircraft profile as well as building a trip that contains a different departure airport than the previous legs arrival airport. We allow this flexibility; however, when changes occurred on the trip, it reverts back for adequate turn time and updates the airports to be the same. We have enhanced these checks and balances to ask the user if subsequent legs should be changed. In other words, you can stop it from reverting the times and airport back.

Flight Log Save Validation
If flight crew users make changes to either the Log tab or the Weight and Balance tab and try to go to another tab/page without saving their changes, a prompt will display asking whether they want to save first. This will ensure crew members do not accidentally forget to save a log before they more forward in the process.

Requests/Services Schedule Date/Time
When arranging requests/services it can be helpful to indicate the scheduled time in zulu rather than local. When a flight leg and airport is designated a toggle time option becomes available. Once the service is saved the "Z" indication displays representing Zulu on the Requests/Services page. This update applies to the International tab as well. 

ICAO on Service Request
Previously if a service request was created and associated to a specific leg/airport in the itinerary and the leg changed so that airport was no longer in it, the service request would no longer display the ICAO it was originally tied to. In this update, we have changed this so it still shows the original airport it was associated with and the user can adjust the service request accordingly.

Trip and Quote Activity Feed
The trip and quote activity feed have been updated to show additional details to leg time changes. It will now display the original times and new times if a leg departure and/or arrival have been adjusted.

Create a New Trip
The trip option is set to default when the user begins a trip from the trips page of the application. It is no longer defaulted to the quote option. 

Operations: Flight Logs

Flight Log Checks
Tracking flight delay time and reasons is beneficial information for an operation. A flight time threshold can be turned on and set under the Trip/Flight Log Preferences. Once enabled any flight plus or minus the threshold value will prompt a threshold check asking the pilot entering the actual post-flight times what the delay was and if any additional information is necessary. 

In this example, the ETD was 0.2 (12 minutes) later than scheduled. In addition, the ETE was exceeded by 0.2 (12 minutes). This allows the pilot to express why the delay on the planned departure time occurred as well as the change in flight time. Note: the delay code is not a requirement to save the log. 

Conversely, maybe the flight takes off before scheduled ETD and arrives before planned ETA either due to the earlier departure time or a lesser ETE. In this case, the threshold check is going to be prompted to capture the situation (if arrival is before the threshold value that is set).

Cargo Weight
When the cargo checkbox is selected in the aircraft profile under Trip/Flight Log Preferences a Cargo field will be available in the Weight and Balance tab of the trip flight log. This field can capture Cargo weight for the specific leg. The data will be captured on the Flight Data Analysis Grid when the column is selected to show. 


A lead must be converted to an account before it can be can be selected as the account on a trip. To make this easy when a user clicks "booked" on the quote a prompt will display asking if the lead needs to be converted to an account. Once converted, the lead is removed from the leads section of the CRM, the trip is created and the account is assigned onto the trip record. 


Offline Updates
Once information has been entered/saved in an offline event in a Job Card, the "Take Aircraft Out of Service" checkbox will be hidden. This will keep users from accidentally un-checking the box when they bring the aircraft back online thinking it is returning it to service. The "Clear" button at will show up once the offline event has been saved and will remove all of the information in the offline event and add the Take Aircraft Out of Service box again if a mistake was made and needs to be corrected.


ARGUS/Wyvern Crew Sync Selections
A tab has been added to the ARGUS and Wyvern configuration pages where users can turn personnel on/off from syncing over to Wyvern and ARGUS.

Syncing Expenses from Avianis to QuickBooks Online
Sync an expense from Avianis to QuickBooks and categorized as a bil versus an expensel. This allows for the expense to be included in the A/P Aging Summary report as well as the Balance Sheet on the QuickBooks side. Set a default within Avianis to either sync as only an expense(purchase) or an expense that is considered a bill. To do so access the QuickBooks integration through Global Settings > Integrations > QuickBooks. Designate the preferred default. 

When it's time to sync the expense the default is selected. If the selection needs to be the other option, toggle to the preferred option and sync the expense to QuickBooks.

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