Create personnel events through the mobile app. This guide outlines:
how to create an event; and
how to edit an event; and
how to create a duty event
My Schedule allows the user to create an event directly within the app. Tap the plus (+) icon located at the top of the calendar to load the create an event page.
When the event create modal is launched, Event Type is highlighted in red with the label "Required". The remaining fields in the form are disabled until Event Type is populated. All required fields are labeled Required until a value is entered.
NOTE: If Require Airport is set to Yes in the web application, then the crew member is required to select both a start and end airport in the event.
The event populates with the same fields available within the web-based version of the application.
The event detail page gives the user the option to add other personnel to the event, if applicable.
Events within the mobile app can be edited by the user if they are the creator of the event. The event details page has an icon of a square with a pencil in it that when tapped opens up the event detail fields allowing the user to make changes and re-save.
If an event has been created by a different user then the event will not be available to be edited and the icon will not appear.
Once the event is saved, the event type is locked and cannot be modified.
Start and End Airport Requirements: For each event category, there is a setting that can be enabled to require start and end airports to be entered prior to saving.
Duty events are able to be logged by using the check-in and out feature within the mobile app, adding a duty event within the flight log, or by creating a new event. Once the duty time is submitted using any of the aforementioned submission options, the event displays in My Schedule.