The following updates have been added to the mobile app:
Sync Improvements
After inputting the passcode to enter the mobile app a sync will occur. There are two types of syncs. A full account sync and a schedule sync. The sync that will occur is the schedule sync. Refer to Mobile App: Syncing Data to understand the details for the My Schedule sync.
A paperclip indicator is present for the number of attachments uploaded to expenses. Tap the paper clip to view the names of the attachments. Tapping on the name will display the image or alert the user if the format of the file is not viewable. Expense documents must be in pdf, png, jpg or jpeg to view.
The following bugs / reported issues have been addressed in this mobile app:
In Log > Pilot Events a "1" will default for APPR, LDG and T/O
Reset of page requiring all data to be input again when a required data point is missed
Events set with Duty Time type will display regardless of trip being locked
Paper clip icon not displaying when a document/image is attached to a discrepancy
+ not displaying in My Expenses when using an iPad
In Log > Flt and Blk displays actual times temporarily after logged, but should show actuals indefinitely
Display issue in Event > VOR check when Error 1 or Error 2 is "0"
When saving OOOI times in Local, error occurred due to time order