November 2015 Release Notes

November 2015 Release Notes


Requests/Services Updates
Since the recent update to the Requests/Services tab, additional information can be captured for both ground and lodging. For example, ground transportation requests have additional fields such as lead passenger, driver's name/number, pickup location, drop off location and additional stop information. Users can also document individual room information for lodging request such as guest name, rate, confirmation number, check in and check out dates/times and cancellation policy details.

Locked Trip Summary
When a trip is locked the application now displays the content in a read-only mode. Items such as the itinerary, manifests, requests, expenses and purpose are viewable to all users.

Flight Safety International Integration
Keeping up with the data entry of crew training records can be challenging. Avianis and Flight Safety International have teamed up to provide an integration that streamlines this process. Once training is completed, Flight Safety International will send over the applicable logbook entry and qualification items for verification.

Username update without password
Account admin are now able to update a username for another personnel member without providing their password first. Even if a user is added with an incorrect email, their username can now be updated easily.

FBO information in calendar popup
Pertinent information like FBO name, address and phone number are now part of the trip popup that is accessible from the calendar. This provides a more complete picture of the trip without having to access the full trip record.

Flight log default selection
Now an organization can remove the option for a user to toggle between local and Zulu time when entering a flight log. With the default set to "no" all times entered are in Zulu time.

Maintenance offline event update
Currently when the estimated return to service date/time is reached on an offline event the color automatically changes which represents the aircraft's availability. With this enhancement, the user is able to manually set the return to service date/time, which drives the availability status. The estimated return to service date will still stay intact for historical purposes.

Qualification item frequencies
Frequencies of days, months or years can be set on recurrent qualification items. When a qualification item is updated for a user where a frequency is set, the system will automatically calculate the next due date. The date can always be overridden if need be.

Domestic vs international overnights
When creating a quote line item based on overnights, users now have the option to tie it to domestic, international or all overnights. If domestic or international is selected, the system will calculate the number of overnights independently.

Edit customer, contact and aircraft in trip
Add a new contact or edit an existing primary contact from within a trip without leaving the page. Additionally, there is now the ability to view pertinent aircraft information directly from the trip and quote page.

Per diem eligible events
Users are now able to designate personnel events as "per diem eligible," which factor into customized reporting options making it easy to capture the summary of each crew member.

Multiple aircraft per trip
Associate multiple aircraft to the same trip. This prohibits the user from having to create multiple trips streamlining their scheduling process.

Aircraft calendar updates (Beta)
A new beta version of the aircraft calendar has been launched and is available under the main Scheduling drop down. In addition to a new look and feel, additional data including flight, block and duty totals for each day are shown. Trips and events can easily be created directly from a calendar cell and crew flight, block and duty totals are also shown for that day. We updated the maintenance and personnel items so they show at the top and bottom of the day respectively to more effectively manage the overall schedule.

Additional checks in trip snapshot
Thresholds can be setup in the aircraft profile for minimum runway width and maximum elevation. These will be checked within the trip snapshot to ensure there are no conflicts with the itinerary. More detailed airport restrictions will also show in the snapshot.

Current crew times
Crew times are dynamically updated in the user profile based on baseline values, flight logs and log book entries.

Crew Selection Update
When crewing trips, users are able to manage this process in the new crew tab. This area provides the user the ability to include additional crew members for certain scenarios such as medical flights as well as those extensive international trips. Additionally from within the crew tab, the user is able to view and edit essential crew information once personnel are assigned.

Passenger Selection Update
When adding passengers to a trip, users are now able to easily see the legs they will be assigning them to. They can assign the passenger to all legs on the itinerary at once or select the specific legs they want to add them to.

Flight log day and night time update
Users are now able to manually override the day and night hour calculations that Avianis generates.

Automatically mark FuelerLinx requests as Crew Only
When a fuel request is dispatched for a trip in Avianis, the resulting service request is now automatically marked as "Crew Only".

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