Airport and Regulatory Qualifications
One or multiple airports can be associated to a qualification item within a program. If airports are selected, the qualification will only be checked in the trip/quote snapshot if any of those airports are in the itinerary. Users can also designate a specific regulatory type on the qualification item. If this is designated, it will only check against the item if the regulatory type tied to the Regulatory Set on the trip matches.
Maintenance Type Designation
When taking an aircraft out of service, users are now able to designate it as Scheduled or Unscheduled maintenance for reporting purposes.
Manual Return to Service Default
Users can now configure whether Manual Return to Service will be the only option for offline events per aircraft.
Maintain Position on Calendar When Changing Dates
If a user scrolls down to a specific aircraft on the calendar and then jumps to a new date, the position will stay the same to avoid scrolling down the page again.
Search Page Updates
The Quote, Expense, Account, Contact, Lead and Vendor search pages have been updated to the new search model that was previously put in place for the trip search. In addition, a vendor aircraft search was added so users can easily find brokered aircraft.
International and Aircraft Status Filter On Trips
Filters and display columns have been added to the trips/flight leg search pages to find trips that are international and to easily view whether an aircraft is offline during a flight leg.
TSA Watchlist Vetting
Previously Avianis was granted access to the HSIN site to download the watch lists and upload into all users Avianis accounts. The TSA is re-evaluating their position on 3rd party vendors having access to HSIN. With that said, they're removing our access. Due to this occurring we have developed the functionality for our users to import the watch lists and continue with the same TSA vetting process.