This article will cover:
Creating new pet profiles
Searching for pet profiles
Use cases for pet profiles
In Contacts, click 'Create' and select 'Pet' as the profile type.
Select the type and breed from the list (these are not required fields) and click Save.
In Contacts, there is now a toggle button to view Contacts or Pets.
In the trip > passenger tab, pet contacts are noted with a paw print. Once added to the trip, the overview tab has new indicators to show the number of pets.
When hovering over the paw, the pet names appear.
Any preferences from the pet profile will be noted in the snapshot.
Since pets do not occupy a seat, pets will not be counted towards the capacity of the aircraft. For example, if the max capacity of the aircraft is 10 and there are 10 passengers and one dog, the aircraft will not be over capacity.