PNRGo Integration Setup & Functions

PNRGo Integration Setup & Functions

PNRGo Integration

PNRGo is a 3rd party service provider which facilitates legal communication between a carrier and national authorities. It supports business and charter operators to comply with PNR, API, eu-LISA and sanctions. Find more information, including all the countries they support on their website: 

Setup Instructions 

  1. Signup for PNRGo services and let them know Avianis is your flight scheduling provider. 
  2. Email request to Avianis Support to enable the PNRGo integration and provide an API key for your account. 
  3. Once PNRGo is enabled in Avianis, go to: My Company > Global Settings > Integrations > PNRGo 
    Copy the 'Webhook URL' provided on that page (screen shot below).  
  4. Send both the Webhook URL and the API key/password to PNRGo. 
  5. PNRGo will confirm that the integration setup is complete. 
Be aware, sharing an Avianis API key to an external party grants them access to any/all of your account information that is available through the Avianis API service.

Integration Functionality

When the setup (detailed above) is successfully completed, the Avianis account will support the following functionality: 

Avianis Flight Data into PNRGo

PNRGo will use the Avianis API to get/fetch flight data every 5min. They pull flights that are:
  1. 26hrs in the past; OR
  2. 7 days in the future; AND
  3. meet any other trip/flight requirements as defined by PNRGo*:
*Please discuss your data needs/mapping directly with PNRGo, as this will be unique to your account.

PNRGo Status Displayed in Avianis

Once a flight status has been generated by PNRGo, that will send back to Avianis. The PNRGo flight status can be found on the Trip Feasibility > APIS section. Clicking on the logo will open a new tab to the flight page in PNRGo. 
A single status is displayed for all crew/pax included on the flight: 
  1. If any crew or pax has not cleared, then status displayed is [red] NOT_CLEARED
  2. If there are no 'not cleared', but any crew/pax is erroring, then status displayed is [red] ERROR
  3. If there or no errors or 'not cleared', but any crew/pax is advisory, then status displayed is [orange] ADVISORY
  4. If all crew/pax are cleared, then status displayed is [green] CLEARED
The APIS section on the Feasibility & Tools overall icon color will correspond to the most severe status for any flight on the Trip.
Login directly to PNRGo to address any clearance issues or errors with data. This cannot be done from within Avianis and Avianis support has no visibility or ability to assist. 
When a PNRGo status has been received by Avianis, it will no longer show the blue "Submit APIS" button (when applicable) and instead will show the PNRGo logo along with the status:

Trip page > Feasibility & Tools > APIS

Any information received by Avianis from PNRGo will be detailed in the Trip Activity Feed.
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