How to setup a report in FOS and export to Excel
Save RPT file to Data folder on the FOS server
Click on "Rpt Setup"
3. Select "Passenger" report list
4. Click on "+" button at top
5. Select "Print to Window"
6. Enter report name/description and click on "Browse" (this opens up the Data folder)
7. Select the correct report and click "Open" (the browse window closes and puts the filename in the File Name field)
8. Click "OK" and then "Close"
9. Print report with "ALL PASSENGERS"
10. Click on the envelope to export the data
11. Select the export format as "Excel 8.0(XLS)" and click "OK" (save in a location where you can find it). When exporting the fos_paxvisa report select the .csv option.
12. Open resulting Excel file, fit all columns to data width and confirm that all columns line up with the correct data
Ref: G-G10