Revise quote and trip due to itinerary change

Revise quote and trip due to itinerary change

  1. Access the trip that needs to be adjusted.

  2. Click on the number for the quote with the green background (this is the quote that is currently booked).

3. Click on the copy quote button in the top right corner.

4. It will ask, would you like to copy this quote? Selecting Copy to Trip connects the new quote to this trip. If you were to choose Copy, the new quote will not be associated with this trip.
5. Edit the quote to reflect the latest changes.
6. Once the changes have been made, click the "Booked" button.

7. It will ask, would you like to book this quote or overwrite the trip associated with this quote? If you wish to schedule the new quote and overwrite the last trip, select Book and Overwrite. If you only wish to schedule the quote, but not alter the original trip, select book.

8. Once you have made your selection, it will either return you to the original trip or create a new trip if you chose not to overwrite.

Ref: S-Q06

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