Schedule Board: Crew Availability Views and Settings

Schedule Board: Crew Availability Views and Settings

The filters within the Schedule Board allow the user to choose if the scheduled Crew Availability will display on their Schedule Board. This article will cover

  • how to show/hide Crew Availability; and

  • how to add Crew Availability labels


The user has the ability to show/hide the crew availability from within the Schedule Board filters. To access the Crew filters

  1. Click on Settings (blue gear icon)

  2. Click on the Crew tab

  3. Navigate down to the option Include Crew Availability - Yes/No.

When the "Include Crew Availability" setting is toggled to Yes, the Crew Availability displays within the Crew view on the Schedule Board when the Crew view is toggled to EVENTS.

When the Include Crew Availability is set to No, Crew Availability does not display on the Crew view when toggled to EVENTS, even when availability is created/scheduled; however, Crew Availability always shows under the crew view when toggled to AVAILABILITY.

If the Crew Availability overlaps with a personnel/flight leg event then the Crew Availability wraps behind the scheduled event.

Note: The EVENTS/AVAILABILITY toggle in the Crew view is meant to allow normal functions of the Schedule Board, while still being able to visually reference the Crew Availability information.


The Schedule Board filters also allow the user to add a label to the Crew Availability when it is displayed on the Schedule Board. This can be completed by accessing Settings > Templates > Personnel Availability. To view the template currently being used, click the name of the Event Type. As with all templates, there is a Company default that can be set. If Use Default is toggled to Yes, then the template uses the default setup in My Company>Profile>Settings>Timeline Event Templates. If the user prefers to create their own template, toggle Use Default to No. Once set to No, a text box displays allowing the user the option to add “{{AvailabilityTypeName}}” to display on the Availability items. The user also has the option to free-type text within the text box for additional clarification, if needed. See Schedule Board: Personalizing Event Display Settings (User)

When added/saved, the name of the Availability type displays on top of each scheduled Crew Availability. This only displays if the Crew view is toggled to AVAILABILITY. It does not display if the Crew view is toggled to EVENTS.

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