Schedule Board: Personalizing Template Display (User)

Schedule Board: Personalizing Template Display (User)

Each Schedule Board user can customize their templates display by overriding the default templates that are set at the company level. The override only applies to their own Schedule Board view. This article covers the following on a user level:

  • Personalizing template display settings; and

  • editing display templates; and

  • height and length of the template


To customize the templates on a user level, go to the Schedule Board, click the Settings icon then the Templates tab to access.

The USE DEFAULT column provides a YES/NO toggle allowing the user to use the company level templates by selecting YES or the user can create their own by selecting NO.

When toggled to YES, the template will use the event template that has been created in My Company > Profile > Schedule Board > Default Event Templates. The user is able to click on the EVENT TYPE to expand a text box to view the current template being used. This text box is read-only until the user toggles USE DEFAULT to NO.

When toggled to NO, the template text box automatically expands and is editable allowing the user to override the company default with their own template setup.

If the user has created their own template and toggles USE DEFAULT back to YES, the template reverts back to the company level default and those template options remain even if the user toggles USE DEFAULT back to NO.


To edit a timeline event template toggle USE DEFAULT to NO and click within the text field that displays.

Adding Rows and Text

Each line within the text field represents a line that displays in the event on the Schedule Board. There is a preview display shown beneath the text box for the template giving a preview of how the data appears within the Schedule Board. To remove a row from the template, delete all text from that line within the text field. The preview then shows the line has been removed. To add rows, click the “Select Field to Add” drop-down and click the data point you want to display on the Flight Leg block on the schedule board.

To display if the leg is empty, select Empty Leg from the drop-down menu to add it to the template. Once saved, the empty leg designation displays as follows:

To display if the leg or trip has a note, select Has Notes from the drop-down menu to add it to the template. Once saved, the Note icon displays as follows:

To display the status of the Crew's Acknowledgement of the Leg, select Acknowledgement Status from the drop-down menu to add it to the template. Once saved, the status will display with an X when both crew have not acknowledged, or a Check Mark when both crew have acknowledged. 

For further customization, free-type texting is available before or after any data point selection. See the before and after pictures below. If the trip number is selected, it shows only the trip number; however, adding the text “Trip #” before the data point makes it more clear to the user.

When adding more data to a single row, keep in mind that punctuation or spacing needs to be added by the user. For example, to add the Account Name after the trip number the space must either be hit before selecting the Account Name from the drop-down, or the space must be hit after it has been selected.

To add data to the next row, hit the Enter button on the keyboard, as you would any other field document.


To more clearly differentiate the data on the Schedule Board, you can utilize the formatting tools. Formatting that is available for the user's text is bold and italics.

To make the text bold:

  • type two asterisks (**) around the text to be bolded; or

  • highlight the text and click the “B” button

To make the text italicized:

  • use a single asterisk on each side of the text; or

  • highlight the text and click the “I” button

To make the text bold AND italicized:

  • use three asterisks to each side of the text; or

  • highlight the text and click “I” and “B.”

Personnel Event Example to include Scheduling Notes

When Scheduling Notes are added to either the company’s Personnel Events template or the user’s Personnel Events template in the Schedule Board filters, the notes display on the event card for each personnel assigned to the event, in the order they are assigned and are separated by commas. Each note displays the first three letters of the user's last name and the first letter of their first name in capital letters and in parentheses before the note.


  • Reload updates the current view to show the changes but does not maintain those settings if the user navigates away from the page or refreshes the web page.

  • There is no limit to the number of rows that can be used and displayed on the Schedule Board.

  • If the details of the event display template are unable to be seen on the schedule view try changing your view to the “Day” or "Week" view or use the cell width slider to adjust the cell size. There are also different settings on how to view the templates on the Schedule Board: Duration, Text or Fixed. These will be covered in detail below.


Within the Templates tab in the Schedule Board filters, there is an additional setting allowing the user to "Show Event Length By:" Duration, Text, or Fixed. This selection applies to all events and is taken into consideration to determine the object's height.

To update, go to Schedule Board > Filter > Template (tab). This setting applies to all timelines views on the Schedule Board and applies to all object types.

Notice the Information icon calling out the Minute and Hour Increments are not available when Fixed length is selected.  

Duration Toggle

When the Duration toggle is selected the event displays on the Schedule Board with the length based on the duration of the flight. For example, if an event is 30 minutes long then it will display on the Schedule Board in a 30-minute increment vs. a 3-hour long event which will display in a 3-hour increment on the schedule board.

Text Toggle

When Text is selected, the events display at a minimum length that ensures all text/fields on a line of a template are visible regardless of how much space is needed across the timeline view. The minimum length of all event types is determined by the longest template line of any single template. For example, if the flight template has a line with 50 characters, then the object length for flights, personnel events, job cards etc. will be 50 characters in length at a minimum.

Events may still be resized using the cell width slider control on the Schedule Board. This changes the scale of the duration bars and does not affect the length of an object - unless the duration bar exceeds the minimum length of the event.

Fixed Toggle

This option allows the user to set the show the event in a "Fixed" grid fashion. When selected, the objects “snap-to-grid” for both the beginning/left and end/right to a column. Should an event on the schedule (flight, event, mx, etc.) be across multiple days, it shows triangles, or hot corners, on the bottom left and right corners indicating that the event carries over from the previous day (left triangle) or continues into the next day (right triangle). The hot corners will not overlap any text and the background color of the triangle is determined by the assigned text color for the event card. When multiple objects share a column, they are can be ordered vertically by time or by an event type. This setting is explained more later in this article.

Show Flights on Multiple Days

When toggled to no, only one flight card is shown on the Schedule Board on the day it departs. The triangle still displays in the bottom left and/or right corner to indicate a continuation into the next day even though the flight card does not duplicate when the flight leg crosses over to that next day.

This setting is only available on the Schedule Board when the user has Show Event Length By Fixed selected. After selecting Fixed from the templates a new field will be displayed called "Show Flights on Multiple Days." This does NOT affect events or any other scheduled object other than flight. All other schedule objects would repeat on all days they occur.

Sort Events By

There are two options, group by time or type. When Type is selected, then the scheduled objects with the Schedule Board are stacked vertically, grouped by the event type, and then displayed in chronological order by the departure or start date/time in ascending order within each of the event type groups. The ordering of events when in this view cannot be edited as displayed in the following order:

  1. Job Cards

  2. Discrepancies

  3. Flights

  4. Events

  5. Medical

  6. Qualification

When Time is selected the view will remain in chronological order regardless of event type as it currently does.

Text Specific Notes

When in the Show Event Length By Text mode, there are a few other display differences. First, a small duration bar is visible at the top of the event in order to visually reference the duration of the event on the timeline.

The darker part of the bar is when the event occurs, and the lighter part spans the object, before and after. Ex. If an event starts at 01:00-05:25, the darker part of the bar spans that exact time while the object itself may span from 01:00-06:00 due to snap-to-grid and the text/template. If multiple events share a start date/time, then they are stacked in a row and ordered by the importance of the object type:

  1. Flights

  2. Events

  3. Job Cards

  4. Discrepancies

  5. Medicals

  6. Qualifications

Next, the transient display is not compatible with the "Text" view. A blue information bar will display beneath the setting when set to Text notifying the user the transient information can not be displayed with this setting.

Additionally, the filter warnings also display on the Aircraft and Crew tabs with the option to choose "Yes" greyed out. It also includes a warning notifying the user why this setting is grayed out.

Setting Object Height

The Templates created are line-break-sensitive and expand or shrink based on what is provided. If the user chooses to add only one line to a template when in the Duration or Text view, then that event type only displays as 1 line in height. If the event is in the Fixed view, then it will display the one line but also has extra color space that displays below.

When adding additional lines the height of the event increases. All schedule objects will resize to be the height of the max lines of a specific template unless the user is in the Fixed view. In the Fixed view, all templates will be adjusted to the height based on the template with the max number of lines. In the Fixed view, if the template for an object has less than the max number of lines in the template, then extra space/blank lines will display below to meet the line requirement.

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