Schedule Board: Resource Templates

Schedule Board: Resource Templates

The Schedule Board provides visibility to all scheduled activities for trips, aircraft, and crew on a single calendar view. This article explains:

  • Settings overview; and

  • display templates for fleets

  • display templates for vendor

  • display templates for aircraft; and

  • display templates for crew.


The Settings menu enables each user to customize and save their own display settings along with aircraft/crew data. Once the desired changes are made, the user will click “Save” and it will save the changes moving forward. These settings are not tied to the saved searches. To access these settings, click the settings button (blue gear icon) in the top right of the Schedule Board.

Enable Views

To view a resource (fleet, aircraft, vendor, crew) on the schedule board, be sure it is selected. All selected resources will appear grey.

Time Zones

Display Events in "My TZ": All Schedule Board activity displays in the time zone of the logged-in user

Display Events in Zulu: All Schedule Board activity displays in Zulu time

Display Events in Airport TZ: All Schedule Board activity displays in local time to the airport on the flight leg or event.


The user can customize the data about the fleet that is displayed within the fleet information card that the user wants to view along with any additional nondynamic text.

To access the fleet resource template, navigate to Settings > Fleets.

Adding Rows and Text

Each line within the text field represents a line that will be displayed on the aircraft information card on the Schedule Board.

To remove a row from the template, delete all text from that line within the text field. The preview should now show the line has been removed.

To add rows, click the “Select Field to Add” drop-down and click the data point(s) to be displayed.

Note: There is a preview display shown beneath the text box for the template. This will give a preview of how the data will appear within the Schedule Board.

For further customization, free-type texting is available before or after any data point selection. Select Representative Aircraft Category field, then add the text Category before the data point making the aircraft category more clear to the user.

When adding more data to a single row, keep in mind that punctuation or spacing will need to be added by the user. To add data to the next row, hit the Enter button on the keyboard, as you would any other field document.


To more clearly differentiate the data on the Schedule Board, formatting tools can be utilized. Formatting that is available for the user's text is bold and italics.

To make the text bold:

  • type two asterisks (**) around the text to be bolded; or

  • highlight the text and click the “B” button

To make the text italicized:

  • use a single asterisk on each side of the text; or

  • highlight the text and click the “I” button

To make the text bold AND italicized:

  • use three asterisks on each side of the text; or

  • highlight the text and click “I” and “B.”


The user can customize the data about the aircraft that is displayed within the aircraft information card that the user wants to view along with any additional nondynamic text.

To access the aircraft resource template, navigate to Settings > Aircraft.

Adding Rows and Text

Each line within the text field represents a line that will be displayed in the aircraft information card on the Schedule Board.

To remove a row from the template, delete all text from that line within the text field. The preview should now show the line has been removed.

To add rows, click the “Select Field to Add” drop-down and click the data point(s) to be displayed.

Note: There is a preview display shown beneath the text box for the template. This will give a preview of how the data will appear within the Schedule Board.

For further customization, free-type texting is available before or after any data point selection. If the Landings field is selected, it will show only the total landings; however, adding the text Landings before the data point makes it more clear to the user.

The last known location of the aircraft is an option to select and display in the resource box. This value is pulled from the arrival airport field on the first saved flight log prior to the current date/time (UTC). This is in addition to the transient location that displays on the actual schedule.

When adding more data to a single row, keep in mind that punctuation or spacing will need to be added by the user. For example, to add the Account Name after the trip number the spacebar must either be hit before selecting the Account Name from the drop-down, or the spacebar must be hit after it has been selected.

To add data to the next row, hit the Enter button on the keyboard, as you would any other field document.


To more clearly differentiate the data on the Schedule Board, formatting tools can be utilized. Formatting that is available for the user's text is bold and italics.

To make the text bold:

  • type two asterisks (**) around the text to be bolded; or

  • highlight the text and click the “B” button

To make the text italicized:

  • use a single asterisk on each side of the text; or

  • highlight the text and click the “I” button

To make the text bold AND italicized:

  • use three asterisks to each side of the text; or

  • highlight the text and click “I” and “B.”


Users can customize the data about the vendor aircraft displayed within the vendor information card that the user wants to view along with any additional nondynamic text.

Tail number (home base) followed by Operator are hard coded and will always display in the vendor tail resource box.

To access the vendor resource template, navigate to Settings > Vendor.

Adding Rows and Text

Each line within the text field represents a line that will be displayed on the vendor information card on the Schedule Board.

To remove a row from the template, delete all text from that line within the text field. The preview should now show the line has been removed.

To add rows, click the “Select Field to Add” drop-down and click the data point(s) to be displayed.

Note: There is a preview display shown beneath the text box for the template. This will give a preview of how the data will appear within the Schedule Board.

For further customization, free-type texting is available before or after any data point selection. Select Aircraft Category field, then add the text Category before the data point making the aircraft category more clear to the user.

When adding more data to a single row, keep in mind that punctuation or spacing will need to be added by the user. To add data to the next row, hit the Enter button on the keyboard, as you would any other field document.


To more clearly differentiate the data on the Schedule Board, formatting tools can be utilized. Formatting that is available for the user's text is bold and italics.

To make the text bold:

  • type two asterisks (**) around the text to be bolded; or

  • highlight the text and click the “B” button

To make the text italicized:

  • use a single asterisk on each side of the text; or

  • highlight the text and click the “I” button

To make the text bold AND italicized:

  • use three asterisks on each side of the text; or

  • highlight the text and click “I” and “B.”


The user can customize the data about the crew members that are displayed within the crew information card that the user wants to view along with any additional nondynamic text.

To access the crew resource template, navigate to Settings > Crew.

Adding Rows and Text

Each line within the text field represents a line that will be displayed in the crew information card on the Schedule Board.

To remove a row from the template delete all text from that line within the text field. The preview should now show the line has been removed.

To add rows, click the “Select Field to Add” drop-down and click the data point(s) to be displayed.

Note: There is a preview display shown beneath the text box for the template. This will give a preview of how the data will appear within the Schedule Board.

For further customization, free-type texting is available before or after any data point selection. If the Position/Title field is selected, it will show only the Position/Title entered on the personnel profile; however, adding the text Position before the data point makes it more clear to the user.

Another useful field to add to the resource template is Scheduling Notes. These notes can be used to capture any notes that crew scheduling teams may need to be aware of which the display in the crew resource box. Scheduling notes can be added by clicking on the crew member's name on the resource box and adding free text to the Scheduling Notes section of the pop-up.

To add data to the next row, hit the Enter button on the keyboard, as you would any other field document.


To more clearly differentiate the data on the Schedule Board, formatting tools can be utilized. Formatting that is available for the user's text is bold and italics.

To make the text bold:

  • type two asterisks (**) around the text to be bolded; or

  • highlight the text and click the “B” button

To make the text italicized:

  • use a single asterisk on each side of the text; or

  • highlight the text and click the “I” button

To make the text bold AND italicized:

  • use three asterisks on each side of the text; or

  • highlight the text and click “I” and “B.”

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