Search Functions

Search Functions

Several areas within the Avianis application have search capabilities allowing the user to filter the data to their specifications.

This guide will cover:

  • Filter language definitions; and

  • search functionality; and

  • search results; and

  • saving searches and exporting.


Dropdown Menu

The dropdown menu at the top of the filters options box allows the user to select default searches, ones that the user has saved and ones that have been shared with the user by other users. This allows for the easy selection of those searches so that the user does not have to recreate them every time the trip search page is accessed. The last search that was run from this drop down will be saved for the next time the user loads the page.

Display Columns

The display columns option allows the user to select which columns will appear in the table and what order they appear in. 

Column Filters

The user can quickly and effectively drill down into records that are pertinent to them through the filters. The full functionality is covered later in this guide. 

Match All/Any Filters

The match all filters feature allows the user to add (and) and compare (or) column filters.  


Avianis has several areas within the application that provides the user with a search table allowing them to filter specific data into that table. Each page type provides a list of items that can be selected to search upon. These items are referred to as filters. The areas that provide a search table are:

  • Aircraft

  • Personnel

  • Accounts

  • Contacts

  • Trips

  • Flight Legs

  • Quotes

  • Leads

  • Vendors

  • Deals

  • Expenses

  • Invoices

  • Training Programs

  • Maintenance Inspections

  • Maintenance Discrepancies

  • Maintenance Job Cards

  • Case Management

Display Columns

Each search page will have a display column allowing the user to determine which data to pull into the table. Each search page will load different display column options that are specific to that area. To access the Display Columns in the search page click on the Display Columns header so the arrow to the left shifts to pointing down expanding a text box. The box will list any columns that are currently selected to be displayed, and the user is able to click within the box to see additional column options that can be selected. The order in which the columns are listed in the text box will determine the order in which they are displayed in the table to the right. After all preferred options have been added, click Search to load the new view. 

Column Filters

Filters are contextual which means there is a different set of options under each of them based on the type of data. For example, if applying a filter based on a text field (Accounts), the options would be bring back trips where the account Name "Is" Case Technologies Corp or "Ends with" Aviation.

If filtering on something like Departure Time for a trip or flight leg, which is a date based filter, the options will be different allowing the user to use a Relative departure time or an Absolute departure time. For example, to search for all trips where the actual departure date/time was in the past and all legs were not logged, the filters would look like the ones in the image below.

True/False Filters

These filters allow users to filter rows based on whether an item evaluates to true or false. An example of a column where this applies is All Legs Logged. If the user selects True, the table will only display trips where all legs have been logged. If the user selects False, the table will only show trips that still have legs that have not been logged. 

Text Filters

These filters allow the user to filter rows by text. There are several sub-functions within this function, defined below. In this example, the 'Is' sub function to view all trips that align with the Case Technologies Account is used. An an additional sub-filter could be added by clicking the Add Filter button.

Is - This sub-filter allows the user to filter by the complete text value and return one value that matches the sub-filter. For example, if an Account name is inputted, it would filter out all Accounts that didn't match that input. 

Is not - This sub-filter allows the user to filter by the complete text value and return all values that do not match this sub-filter. For example, if an Account name is inputted, it would return trips for all Accounts other than the one put in. 

Starts with - This sub-filter allows the user to search by the first portion of text in an Account's name. For example, if looking for trips for a customer that flew under multiple company names that all started the same way (Rutger Manufacturing and Rutger Manufacturing Inc), the user would be able to input starts with Rutger.

Ends with - This sub-filter allows the user to search by the last portion of text in an Account's name. For example, if the user input Inc because the Account name ended with Inc, this filter would return all Accounts that end with those letters. 

Contains - This sub-filter allows the user to search by a portion of text in the Account's name. For example, if the user input McDonald because the Account name contained those letters, the system would return all Accounts with those letters (for example, John McDonald LLC and McDonalds Corp).

Date Filters

These filters allow the user to filter rows based on date values. Relative sub-filters allow the user to filter the columns relative to today's date or current value. The Absolute sub-filters allow the user to filter based specific dates or values inputted. There are several sub-filters for Relative and Absolute, they are defined below. In this example, a Relative sub-filter to view trips that depart more than 10 days from today is utilized. An additional sub-filter may be added by clicking the Add Filter button. 


More than - Returns values that are more than the value indicated relative to a current value.
Exactly - Returns values that match the value indicated relative to a current value.
Less than - Returns values that are less than the value indicated relative to a current value.
Custom - Returns values with the range selected relative to a current value. 


After - Returns values after the value indicated.
On - Returns values that match the value indicated.
Before - Returns values less than the value indicated.
Between - Returns values within the range selected. 

Number Filters

These filters allow the user to filter rows based on numbers. There are several sub-functions within this function, defined below. In this example, the 'Is More Than' sub function to view all trips where the delay time was more than 15 minutes is utilized. An additional sub-filter may be added by clicking the Add Filter button.


Search Results with Paging

When the user is on the search page for:

  • Aircraft

  • Personnel

  • Deals

  • Trips

  • Flight Legs

  • Leads

  • Case Management

  • Vendor Aircraft

  • Vendor Search

  • Maintenance Inspections

  • Maintenance Discrepancies

  • Maintenance Job Cards

  • Training Items

  • Invoices

When accessing any of the search pages, if the number of results returned is greater than 100, a gray bar displays at the top of the search page showing the number of records loaded and the total number of records resulting based on the filter. The number of records loaded increases and will pull 2000 records each time until it reaches the total number of records. While the page is loading, the export functions are not available.

Once all of the records are loaded, the gray bar goes away and it shows the total number loaded along with the export and quick search functionality.


  • Since all of the records are now loaded on the page in these pages, there is no longer a paging element at the bottom right corner of the page and the selection to determine how many results to load per page.

  • If the user loads more than 200 records and they scroll down the results, once they have gotten to the 200th record, it continues to load the next 200. The quick search does work across all results, but for performance reasons, there is “lazy loading” on the scroll.


Save a Search

At the bottom of the filters area, the user has the ability to save one of their searches and share it with other users in the organization. Once all of the filters have been entered and the search run, the user will click on the Save button. There will be three main options (Create New and Overwrite). If the user selects Create New, it will save a new search in the drop down at the top of the filters page to allow the user to run it again. On the other-hand, if the user clicks Overwrite, they will be able to select an existing search and replace it with the newly created one. Finally, if the user clicks Save when they have a saved search loaded up already, there will be a third option to Edit which simply updates the existing search with the new parameters.

If the user saves the search as is, it will be available only to them in the drop down menu. If the user selects the Shared checkbox they will be able to select individual personnel and/or groups that will also have access to the same search.

After the search has been saved, the user is able to update their table to quickly with this saved search by selecting it from the saved search drop down.

Export Options

Once a search has been run, there are various export options at the top left corner of the table (Copy, CSV, Excel, PDF and Print).

Helpful Hints
To search for vendor aircraft in a certain geographical location, use the home base option and save regional searches. 

To search for trips in a certain time frame that have departed from a certain state, setup the following:

Or search from a specific airport:

Ref: O-T01

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