Trip Calculator

Trip Calculator

The Trip Calculator is a feature that allows a user to quickly launch and calculate the essential information when planning a potential quote and/or trip such as:

  • flight time

  • duty time

  • nautical mile

  • what time one must depart/arrive to arrive by a specific time

  • Managed, Vendor, or Fleet Aircraft is Required


The Trip Calculator can be accessed from anywhere within the application and can be found in the upper right corner of the page.


Choose the Time selection you would like to work with.


Drop Down menu displays the Managed and Vendor Aircraft in order to calculate the flight times.

Distance, Flight / Block, Travel Time, Days, Overnights

These will populate once you have the below complete


Simply enter the Departure and Arrival Airport. The From airport will display once an Aircraft is selected and use its Homebase.


Select whether you would like to have the time display based upon the Departure or Arrival needs, and have the rest populate based on the Flight Time.


Enter the time based on your Depart/Arrive Selection. For instance, if you would like to depart at 1300, the time you will arrive will display. If you select Arrive, you will enter the time you would like to arrive, and the system will display what time the Aircraft will need to depart based on the flight time.

Add and Return Buttons

Select the Add button to add another leg, or the Return button if you would like to return to that leg's From the location, and the delete option is also available.


Times and distances (Flight Time, Block Time, Total Time, Duty Time, Rest Time, Distance) are based on each leg and only the Total Times and Duty times are incremental.

Note: The user can move the modal around the page by clicking and dragging anywhere on the modal. The modal functions similarly to the create quote/trip page with the exception of allowing the user to save the data that is inputted into the calculator, which has been removed from this view.

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