Web 23.12 Application Update (December 2023)

Web 23.12 Application Update (December 2023)

The following updates are a part of the 23.12 web release in December 2023. 

New Features

Passport Enhancements

We've added a number of new functions for Passports (a Travel Document type). All are applicable to both Crew and Contact (/Passenger) Travel Docs. Enhancements include:
  1. Reorganized the Create/Edit Travel Document screen. 
    Note: All functionality of existing fields will remain the same. 
  2. New field of 'Country Code' for all Travel Document types, which is a selectable list of countries.
    Note: This new field will not impact the existing 'Country' field for backwards compatibility, though is intended to perform the same function in a better, more standardized way.
  3. New option of 'Use Alt Name' for Passports. When checked, an alternate First, Middle, Last Name and Suffix may be entered for that passport that will supersede the Name indicated on the Personnel or Contact profile when being submitted to eAPIS or on international customs reports*. These fields will also be available on all Connect API calls that currently have Travel Doc information. 
  4. New field of 'Default Override Countries' is available on Passports that are not marked as Default. When countries are selected/saved, then this passport will apply automatically instead of the Default Passport for when the Crew or Pax is flying in or out of those countries. (There may only be one Passport per country for override, but multiple override countries may be applied to a single Passport.)
  5. When selecting a Travel Doc on the Trip page or in the eAPIS modal, the selections will now display with:
    "{Document Type}: {Star Icon, when Default} {Country Code} {Document Number} ({Expiry Date})"
    e.g. "Passport: USA 12345678 (12/31/2031)"
  6. New field/option on the Trip page for both Crew and Pax to add 2 Travel Documents per Flight Leg: Travel Doc & Arrival Travel Doc. Travel Doc will continue to apply to both the departure and arrival customs unless Arrival Travel Doc has an alternate selection. In this case Travel Doc will be used for departure customs, while Arrival Travel Doc will be for arrival customs. This is supported when submitting eAPIS or on international customs reports*.
  7. Travel Doc auto-population will now occur on the Trip page, where previously this was only done on the eAPIS submission modal. The Default Passport or Passport with Default Override Countries will apply and be shown on the Trip page, which will pull onto Trip reports without requiring manual entry.
    Note: If the Travel Doc field(s) are edited on the Trip page (i.e. a non-Default selection is made), this will still reflect on the eAPIS submission modal.
*Note: If utilizing a custom report (not Avianis default), a ticket will need to be submitted to Avianis Support to update them to use the new Passport fields of Country Code, Alt Name, and the function of Arrival Travel Doc. 

Travel Document create/edit screen with new fields: 

Travel Doc drop down selection on Trip page with additional information displayed: 

Trip page has Arrival Travel Doc optional field for Crew and Pax: 

Other New Features

  1. Flights with a 'TBD' itinerary will now display on the Schedule Board Flight Cards with an indicator for the Scheduled Departure and/or Scheduled Arrival (in both Zulu and Local template items).
  2. Flight Card information hover pop-over is now segmented with background shades for increased legibility. 
  3. New Cruise Altitude selection on the Aircraft Profile of "45,000 ft (13,700 m)".
  4. Using a URL formatted as "{instance}.avianis.com/tripnum/{Trip Number}" will forward to the correct Trip URL for that number, as well as "{instance}.avianis.com/quotenum/{Quote Number}" for Quotes. E.g. "www.demo.avianis.com/tripnum/123" 
  5. Web users will now get in-app banner alerts about upcoming releases and other updates. 


  1. Training Due objects and Medical Due objects in the Crew section of the Schedule Board, when in Show Event Length By = Duration, will now display across the entire day on which it occurs 
  2. Crew Availability shaded information will now correctly display behind other schedule objects when toggled to 'Events' view in the Crew section of the Schedule Board 
  3. FlightBridge services will always appear on the Trip services tab, without exception 
  4. REST API Connect v2 GET FlightLegs the FlightID has been restored 
  5. REST API Connect v1 GET ServiceRequests & v2 GET Services the Ground Transportation Pick Up and Drop Off times are indicated as Local timezone 

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