Web 24.4 Application Update (May 2024)

Web 24.4 Application Update (May 2024)

The following updates are a part of the 24.4 web release in May 2024. 

New Features

Opportunities for Flight RFQs 

As a part of our Sales Enhancement initiative for Charter Sales users, we continue to deliver on improvements to Opportunities (previously 'Deals') in this and following releases. This release includes: 
  1. What were previously Deals with itineraries are now the Deal Type of 'Opportunity'. This can be filtered by on the Deal search page by Deal Type. Opportunities can currently be created by: API, an Avinode RFQ, or the Avianis Customer Portal, which are captured as Lead Sources. (Additional creation methods forthcoming.) 
    Deal Types of General, Aircraft, and Job Card are still available to create manually and remain the same. 
  2. Opportunities have a completely new look and updated functions with the following changes: 
    1. New page icon. 
    2. Opportunity number, which is in sync with the URL. Also included as a filterable column on the Deal Search page. 
    3. Opportunity Stage field has moved to the Feasibility Tool and displayed in the title line.
    4. Header fields have been reorganized.
    5. Name value will now generate with only the itinerary. 
    6. Aircraft value will include the make/model (type) and the category (size), and may be created only by the type or the category - omitting a tail number.
    7. If a tail number is provided, this will be automatically selected when creating a Quote or Trip from the Opportunity. Also adjusted for the filterable column on the Deal Search page.  
    8. Itinerary information now...
      1. Includes: State/Province/Country of the airports, day of the week, and both Local and Zulu times 
      2. Excludes: estimated flight time and distance
  3. Opportunities also have the following new fields: 
    1. Departure Date - Will populate automatically with the departure date of the first leg, but may be edited. Also included as a filterable column on the Deal Search page. 
    2. External ID - Dedicated field to reference in an external record that was the origin of the Opportunity. Also included as a filterable column on the Deal Search page. 
    3. Currency - Will populate automatically with the default currency, but may be edited. When a Quote is created from the Opportunity it will use the selected currency by default. 
    4. Account - Similar to how this is captured on Quotes and Trips, this can be selected in addition to the Contact. If a Contact is selected first, and that Contact is only associated with only one Account, that Account will auto-apply. If a Contact or Account is already selected, the companion field will have drop down with all the associated selections. 
    5. Account & Contact Page Link Icons - Both the Contact and Account have an icon that will open a new tab to that Account/Contact profile for quick reference. 
    6. Time TBD Indication - "?" icon will display next to the Dept/Arr times when the indication is true/on. This may be passed in through the Connect API. When creating a Trip from an Opportunity, this will automatically select TBD on the Trip for that leg. 
    7. Pax TBD Indication - "?" icon will display next to the Pax Count when the indication is true/on. This may be passed in through the Connect API. 

Opportunity from the Connect API with new fields and design indicated

Avinode Enhancements  

As a part of our Sales Enhancement initiative for Charter Sales users, we continue to deliver on improvements to our Avinode integration in this and following releases. This release includes: 
  1. When a new Avinode RQF is received, it is created immediately as an Opportunity in Avianis.
  2. Building on the existing functionality of the Requester > Contact, Amount, and itinerary coming from Avinode, the following have been added:
    1. Lead Source is "Avinode".
    2. Button on the Opportunity links directly to the Avinode RFQ.
    3. External ID is the Avinode TripID, for reference and is filterable on the Deal Search page.
    4. The initial message from the Requestor, if provided, will populate as the Description field. 
    5. Aircraft tail selected in Avinode will map to the same tail in Avianis.

Opportunity from Avinode

Model of what data from Avinode comes into the Opportunity

Quote Enhancements  

As a part of our Sales Enhancement initiative for Charter Sales users, we continue to deliver on improvements to Quotes in this and following releases. This release includes: 
  1. Updated control for overall Master Line Item ("MLI") auto-application. Removed the previous setting of 'Default' and now have 'Apply to Quotes Automatically' with the options of: Always, Conditionally, Never. The conditional fields will only display when 'Conditionally' is selected. 
    1. If Default = Yes on an existing MLI, then Apply to Quotes Automatically will = Always. The MLI will apply automatically to every Quote created.
    2. If Default = No on an existing MLI, and no conditions were applied, then Apply to Quotes Automatically will = Never. The MLI will never apply to a Quote until manually select from the selection list. 
    3. If Default = No on an existing MLI, then Apply to Quotes Automatically will = Conditionally with all the existing conditions. The MLI will only apply automatically to a Quote when it meets all of the conditions indicated. 
  2. New Master Line Item condition for Passenger (PAX) or Position (POS) legs. Given the leg is indicated as PAX or POS, when the MLI applies it will only use the total for those legs for the following Calculation methods: Flight Time, Nautical Mile, Per Segment, Fuel Surcharge, Per Pax (Arrival), Per Pax (Departure) - otherwise will apply to quote totals. 
  3. New Master Line Item condition for US States. Similar to Airport or Country, US States may now be selected as a location condition. When the MLI applies it will only use the total for those legs for the following Calculation methods: Flight Time, Nautical Mile, Per Segment, Fuel Surcharge - otherwise will apply to quote totals. 
  4. The Master Line Item list page columns have been updated to reflect the new values of US State and replaced the 'Default' column with the 'Automation' column. 
  5. Added the new Deal/Opportunity Number to display on the Quote, which also hyperlinks directly to that Deal/Opportunity record.

Updated auto-apply control for Master Line Items

New Master Line Item conditions

Updated Master Line Item list columns

Added the Deal number to the Quote display

Users may now generate iCal links, which are exports of a schedule that may be added to other external calendar tools, such as: iOS Calendar, Microsoft Outlook Calendar, Google Calendar, and more. Define what data to include in the iCal link using the Schedule Board filters and templates, then use the Save/Share modal to click the "iCal Link" button to create the link.
  1. iCal schedule will include any schedule items included in the Schedule Board features: flights, personnel events, job cards (offline), discrepancies, crew assignments, medical dues, and training dues.  
    1. iCal will never include transient events or Vendor Aircraft schedules. 
  2. Template value styling (Bold, Italic) is not supported for iCal. 
  3. iCal will pull in events for the 60 previous/past days from the date added and will pull in infinitely to the future. 
  4. iCal schedules will update/sync based on your selections in the calendar tool where the iCal is uploaded. For reference, here is historically what popular calendar tools have offered:
    1. Apple - On startup & every 1-3 hours.
    2. Google - Every 24 hours.
    3. Outlook - On startup & every 1-3 hours.
    4. Outlook.com - Every 3 hours.
    5. Yahoo - Every 8-12 hours.
iCal schedule exports cannot be edited, so its recommended to save the template as a Schedule Board search and generate new links with adjustments as needed. 
Additional features around saved searches in support of iCal include:
  1. Manage Saved Search page now clarifies the owner of the search by 'Created By' column and will always display all users with access in the 'Shared With' column. 
  2. Personnel with the User Role of Account Admin may now see all saved searches across the entire organization by toggling to 'All Searches' on the Manage Saved Search page.
  3. Personnel with the User Role of Account Admin may also now Delete a saved search by any user. 

Choose to generate an iCal link from the Save/Share modal on the Schedule Board

iCal links can be copied from the Manage Saved Searches page

Manage Saved Search page 'All Searches' for Account Admins 

Connect API Additions

  1. GET /connect/v1/quote - Added a new optional input parameter quoteNumber. When quoteNumber is specified, startDate and endDate become optional.
  2. GET /connect/v1/personnelEvent - Enhanced the response to include three new fields:
    1. Timezone
    2. Start Airport
    3. End Airport

Other New Features

  1. On the Trip/Quote create screen, when a Contact is selected with only one associated Account it will automatically apply. And when either a Contact or Account is selected, the other field will function as a drop down of related records. 
  2. Maintenance vendors are now available to select as the "FBO" on flights, so the Schedule Board will no longer indicate an FBO mismatch from a flight to a Job Card when arriving directly at a maintenance facility. 
  3. The yellow Avianis System Alert banner, when dismissed, will not appear again for an entire working session. 
  4. Schedule Board has a 'Drag & Drop' ON/OFF option. When OFF, if a flight or event is accidentally moved (like when using a touch screen device) it will not make any changes. This applies to both vertical (reassignment) and horizontal (date/time) movements. 
    1. This setting will detect if the user is on an mobile device and will automatically select OFF. However, this may be manually changed by the user at any time, if desired. 
  5. Users accessing the Schedule Board from a mobile device will be able to 'long tap' on a flight object to bring up the context menu. (However, this is not supported in the empty space to do create actions, will still need to use the green "+" button.) 
  6. When a Vendor has Preferred Option = Directory Profile, then select fields will always update automatically from the directory and are disabled from manual editing. 
To sync existing records with the directory values, it will require changing Preferred Option to Vendor Profile and back again to Directory Profile, refreshing the page. Otherwise, the data will be synced next time the directory value changes. If you want to ensure your manual edits are maintained, please put Preferred Option = Vendor Profile.

Vendor where some field editing is disabled due to Directory Profile

Schedule Board new 'Drag & Drop' setting


Scheduling Updates

  1. Schedule Board will load fully on portrait-mode desktop screens.
  2. Discrepancies will correctly display on the Schedule Board timeline based on the Date Reported and... 
    1. Closed Date, always when marked closed; or
    2. Extension Deferral, when provided; else 
    3. Deferred Until, when provided; else 
    4. Closed Date, if provided even when not marked closed. 
  3. Discrepancies displayed on the Schedule Board will assume dates provided are in the aircraft home base timezone.
  4. When a saved search is deleted, the page will load to the default search view for that page. 

Feasibility Updates

  1. Changed the Feasibility summary icons from arrows to clearer contextual indicators of the alert status.
  2. When directly assigned crew is unavailable for a flight, this critical alert will display on Quote feasibility. 
  3. Preferences for Accounts will display again in Trip Feasibility. 
  4. Crew without an active medical will have a critical alert in Trip Feasibility. 
  5. Crew duty exceeding the duty time from the Regulatory Set applied will be an alert in Trip Feasibility.
  6. Discrepancies with Restrictions will no longer cause an error in Trip Feasibility checks. 
  7. Inspection item due by date alerts will more clearly state the threshold of Trip Feasibility: 
    1. "due in X days";
    2. "due at the end of this day"; and
    3. "overdue by X days".
If the expectation is to have the Inspection item display as critical/red only after it is overdue, then please use -1 as the 'Critical at' value. 

Revised Feasibility alert wording (clarity) for Inspection items


Connect API Updates

  1. GET /connect/v1/invoice and GET /connect/v1/invoice/{id} - Fixed an issue where related records in the response were consistently returned as null.
  2. GET /connect/v1/flightleg - Improved performance by updating the query to enhance efficiency and speed, reducing the likelihood of timeouts.

Other Updates

  1. Able to submit eAPIS without issue when a special character - comma (,), period (.), dash (-), space ( ), or apostrophe (') - are in the departure/arrival airport or city name. 
  2. Travel Doc will not reset for Crew or Pax to the default/default override selection when the date, time, FBO, or to a different airport in the same country. Manual selections will be maintained unless an airport is changed to a different country. 
  3. The older version of the TSA Check ("Watchlist") is completely disabled - which had sometimes displayed conflicting information - and all versions will be hidden from all areas when the module is off / not applicable to your organization. (Please contact Avianis support if you are a non-US operator and would like this functionality hidden.)
  4. On the Trip page, Cost Center > Apply to all Legs functionality fixed. 
  5. Flight Safety International - Resolved an issue where requests to retrieve Courses by Date Range were failing.
  6. Updated how timezones are considered and calculated throughout the application.

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