Accounts, Contacts & Leads
Add multiple addresses to contact record
There may be contacts that have several addresses and the record keeping of this information is important. The user has the ability to customize various address types (home, work, etc.) to select from when creating a new address. Add Address Types Go ...
Add travel documents to a contact record
Travel documents such as passports, visas, TSA Pre-Check, Residence Cards, ESTA docs, etc. can be added to Travel Documents within the Contact record. Access the contact record you want to add the information to. Click on the "Travel Documents" tab ...
Setup jet cards
Access the account you want to add a jet card or money on account to Click on the "Cards/Contract" tab Click "Create" Enter the relevant information and click "Save" (Note: Jet Cards can be setup by dollar or flight hour amounts) Hourly Monetary ...
Assign sales reps to a customer record
If a salesperson or multiple salespeople in your business are responsible for specific customer accounts, you can assign them to the account record so only they can access the account and the associated trips. Access the account or lead record you ...
Convert a lead into an account
Keep in mind that after a lead is converted, it cannot be reversed. A lead is ready to be converted into an account when the lead has moved from being a potential customer to an actual customer. In other words, the first quote opportunity is booking. ...
Pet Profile: Create New
This article will cover: Creating new pet profiles Searching for pet profiles Use cases for pet profiles Creation of New Pet Profiles In Contacts, click 'Create' and select 'Pet' as the profile type. Select the type and breed from the list (these are ...
Associate a contact to multiple accounts
You may have scenarios where a contact will need to be associated with more than one account (they fly with their company but also personally). If the contact details are the same between the two accounts, you can associate the one contact record ...
Pet Profile: Setup
This article will cover: The setup of Pet Profiles Creation of Pet Profiles In Operations> Settings> Classifications, click on the tab labeled Pet Types and then click on the 'Create' icon. Enter in the pet type, description, create breeds and then ...
Pet Profile: Converting Existing Contacts to Pet Profile
This article will cover: Converting an existing contact to a Pet Profile Convert Contact to Pet Profiles Open the contact record to convert and click the paw symbol in the upper-right of the profile. When prompted, click yes to convert to a pet ...
Add Preferences to an Account or Contact record
Add Preferences to an Account or Contact Record Access an account or contact record to add a preference to Click on the "Preferences" tab and click "Create" Enter the preference information and click "Save" Once the preference is saved, select an ...