The following areas of the application have been updated:
Role Customization for Aircraft Record Access
APU Management
Here are additional details on all improved functionalities:
Custom Aircraft Roles
The custom role feature allows for an operation to create their own user roles, define the various access levels to the aircraft profile functions and apply to specific users. This feature can be used when the user has a Flight Crew License, a Business License is not required. Role Customization for Aircraft Record Access is available for various use cases. Here are some that stand out to us.
Maintenance Manager that needs to manage inspections, job cards, discrepancies and engine changes
Sales and Scheduling that requires access to contracts, seller notes and photos
Finance Agent that requires read-only access to aircraft expense policies and full access to manage aircraft credit cards
Sales and Scheduling agent that requires access to the flight time configurations
Pilot that has an A&P license; therefore, they require additional maintenance visibility
Refer to Custom Aircraft Roles: Setup to learn how to create custom roles.
Refer to Custom Aircraft Roles Permissions to learn the access levels.
Refer to Custom Aircraft Roles: Use Cases to learn how this feature can be used.
Refer to Custom Aircraft Roles: Guide for additional general use tips and information.
Users with access to the My Company > Aircraft page will see the new product tour start automatically, which will walk through the role creation and application process.
APU Management
A component section within the aircraft profile has been added for full management of aircraft components. At this time, it is limited to the APU. This section improves the ability to make an APU active, inactive and adjust for APU changes such as increasing or decreasing the APU time.
Refer to Configure Aircraft Components to learn more.