Certificate Segmentation: Setup

Certificate Segmentation: Setup

Certificate Segmentation allows a user to add multiple operating certificates to their Avianis account instead of just allowing one operating certificate per account. A new module has been added called “Certificate Segmentation”. This module must be enabled for an organization to use these features.

This article will cover the following:

  • how to add certificates; and

  • how to search by certificate; and

  • applying certificates in the Schedule Board


My Company Setup

Once the module has been enabled, a new table displays in My Company > Profile > Profile tab for “Operational Certificate(s).”

This table displays any certificates that have been created for the organization. Next to the “Operational Certificate(s)” header, the total number of certificates is listed in parentheses.

In addition to the new table, certain fields within the Company Profile are hidden when the module is enabled. These fields are:

  • Certificate

  • Carrier Code

  • Licensed to Fly

  • Number of Full-Time Pilots

  • Number of Part-Time Pilots

To add a certificate to the profile click the Add Certificate button. This launches the create form modal to add the new certificate. Name and Certificate are required fields.

Note: If the user tries to save with a non-integer value in the Established Year field an error message appears stating "The field Established Year must be a numeric value with 4 characters"

Once the user saves the form, the certificate is listed in the table. To make edits click on the blue edit button to relaunch the create form and make any applicable changes before re-saving. The activity feed for these creates/updates are available within the company profile's activity feed.

Aircraft Setup

When the module is enabled, a new field is added to the aircraft profile header called "Operator Certificate". This field defaults to N/A for new and existing aircraft. When clicked a drop-down displays all the active certificates for the Company. Once a certificate is selected, the user is still able to update to a different certificate or may select N/A to remove the certificate altogether. If the certificate attached to the aircraft is ever made inactive, the certificate still displays within the profile header but will be removed from the drop-down options once the user attempts to edit.

Personnel Setup

When the module is enabled, a new field is added to the personnel profile under the Employment tab called "Operator Certificate". This field defaults to N/A for new and existing personnel records. When clicked a drop-down displays all the active certificates for the Company. Once a certificate is selected the user is still able to update to a different certificate or may select N/A to remove the certificate altogether. If the certificate attached to the personnel profile is ever made inactive, the certificate still displays but will be removed from the drop-down options once the user attempts to edit.

Note: When multiple certificates have been applied to an Avianis account there are scenarios where the Certificates designated on the Personnel profile and/or the Aircraft profile allow or do not allow certain actions to be performed by the logged-in user. A user with the Admin role, Operations Manager, or Crew Records Manager role can manage their own certificate.



Operator Certificate can be added as a display column within the Aircraft search page. When selected it populates in the search table with the certificate name that has been selected in the Operator Certificate field in the Aircraft profile’s overview (as shown above).

The Operator Certificate is also available as a filter option for the Aircraft search page.


Operator Certificate is also available as a display column within the Personnel search page. When utilized the search table displays the certificate name selected in the Personnel Profile > Employment tab > Certificate field (as shown above).

The Operator Certificate is also available as a filter option on the Personnel search page.

Trip Search and Flight Leg Search Pages

The Trip Search and Flight Leg Search pages can pull the certificate information by leveraging the “Operated By” display column. The information displayed here is based on whether an aircraft is a vendor aircraft, a managed aircraft with an assigned certificate, or a managed aircraft without an assigned certificate.

The following data will display in the Operated By column:

  • If it is a vendor aircraft the vendor name will display

  • If it is a managed aircraft with a certificate assigned within the aircraft profile the certificate name will display

  • If it is a managed aircraft without a certificate assigned within the aircraft profile the company name will display


Both the filters and settings drop-down lists within the Schedule Board allow the user to view assigned company certificates. These options will only appear if the module for "Certificate Segmentation" has been enabled for the organization.


The certificates filter is available within the Schedule Board in both the Aircraft and Crew views. The filter is labeled “Certificates” in both locations and provides a list of all of the active certificates being utilized by the organization.

To add the filter within the Aircraft schedule click on the Aircraft tab, then "Add filter" and select "Filter by Certificate".

To add the filter within the Crew view proceed to the Crew tab then select "Personnel filter" and add it as shown here

When a user selects a certificate from the filter, all personnel or aircraft tied to that certificate are loaded on the Schedule Board in alphabetical order within that certificate’s group.

Note: If a certificate is not listed in any of the aircraft of personnel profiles it will not show up as an option in the filter.


In the Schedule Board’s settings, you can select which information to show within the resource cards. The options list in alphabetical order within the drop-down.

To add in "Certificates" proceed to Settings and then follow the steps below:

  1. Select either you are adding the display in the Aircraft or Crew tab

  2. Click on "Select Filter to Add"

  3. Select the "Certificate" option

  4. Save

When added to the Crew or Aircraft template, it displays based on its placement within the Settings as demonstrated above.

This value can also be searched for in the quick filters field. If there is no value for the crew or the aircraft, it then shows N/A within the resource.

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