Certificate Segmentation: Operational Control

Certificate Segmentation: Operational Control

In this article you will learn :

  • How certificate assignments affect user abilities within the application;

  • How and where certificates can be added to sustain Operational Control for trips, crew events/assignments, and maintenance

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When the Certificate Segmentation is enabled and certificates have been assigned to personnel and aircraft the following logic is used to determine if a user can edit/create or even have access to areas within the application.

Matching Certificate Assignments:

If the logged-in user and the aircraft and/or crew member are on the same certificate the user can then successfully:

  • Create/Edit a trip

  • Assign crew members to a trip

  • Can create, edit and view all details for Job Card, Discrepancies, and Inspections

  • Create events for crew members

  • Can do all function in trips, manage leg status, crew trip, select FBOs, manages services.

  • If a crewmember will be in the crewing drop down selection.

  • Can move a flight from Fleets to a tail with matching certificate.

  • Can move trip back to Fleets.

Different Certificate Assignments:

If the logged-in user and the aircraft and/or crew member have different certificate assignments then the user can successfully:

  • View a Trip

  • Can add passengers and manage services

  • Cannot assign crew or manage FBOs

  • Cannot manage leg status

  • Can manage trip stage

  • Can view job card details from Schedule Board or Maintenance > Job Card Search page, cannot click into

  • Can view Inspections from Maintenance > Inspection items, cannot click into

  • Can view discrepancies from Scheduled Board or Maintenance > Discrepancy Search page, can click into, but cannot edit.

  • Can create an event on a mismatch tail when a personnel member is not being applied. For example, a General event type with the creator as the personnel.

  • View events for crew members

  • If crewmember, will not be in the crewing drop down selection.

  • Cannot move a flight from matching certificate tail to non-matching certificate tail.

  • If user has certificate and tail does not, user can create a job card for the tail.

  • If user has certificate and tail does not, user can allocate a trip from the fleet to the tail with no certificate.

No Certificate Assignment

If the logged-in user has no certificate assigned they can:

  • View a Trip

  • Allocate trips from Fleets to a specific tail one-time

  • View Job Card, Discrepancies, and Inspection information through Templates in Schedule Board, or Search Pages (depending on roles applied)

  • View events for crew members through Templates in Schedule Board


When multiple certificates have been applied to an Avianis account there are scenarios where the Certificates designated on the Personnel profile and/or the Aircraft profile will allow or will not allow certain actions to be performed by the user.


Personnel Event

If the logged-in user has a certificate assigned within their personnel profile and they attempt to create a Personnel Event for another user who belongs to a different certificate the event will not be able to be saved and instead the user will see the following error message: "Error: You do not have the certificate designation to make this change"

The same error message displays if the logged-in user does not have a certificate assigned to their profile but the person they are attempting to create an event for does.

Duty Event

In the event that the user attempts to create and/or edit an existing duty entry for a crew member and their certificate differs from the crew member on the entry, they are not be able to save the changes and instead see the following error message: "Error: You do not have the certificate designation to make this change"

The same error message displays if the logged-in user does not have a certificate assigned to their profile but the person they are attempting to create/edit a duty record does.

Additionally, if the user is attempting to create or edit a duty record for a crew member within the Flight Log and the tail number assigned to the trip differs from the certificate within that user profile they receive the following error message when trying to save: "Error: You do not have the certificate designation to make this change"


Assigning Crew to Trips

Only if the logged-in user and the aircraft listed on the trip share the same certificate will the user will be able to successfully assign crew members. When clicking in the drop-down only personnel members with the same certificate as the user and aircraft will be listed.

If the aircraft has a different certificate designated in its profile than the logged-in user an error message stating "Error: You do not have the certificate designation to make this change" appears when attempting to add crew.

Flight Leg

Within each flight leg is a field labeled “Operated by”, located above the “Proposed” duty time. The intention of this field is to provide a record of who is operating that particular flight leg. There are a few possible scenarios/choices that determine what populates in this field and what the various option are.

If the assigned aircraft on the leg is a Fleet, or if no aircraft is selected, then “Operated by” is not displayed. If the assigned aircraft on the leg is a vendor aircraft, then the vendor name displays. In this scenario, the field is read-only and not able to be updated by the user.

"Operated By" for a flight will pre-populate with the Account on a flight when it is associated to the Aircraft and the flight has a Part 91 Regulation Rule Set. (It will still always be possible to make an alternate selection in the drop down.) 

When the assigned tail on the flight leg is from My Company > Aircraft, and a certificate has been added to the aircraft profile, then the “Operated by” field displays the certificate name from the aircraft profile. If the assigned tail on the flight leg is from My Company > Aircraft, but a certificate has not been added to the aircraft profile, then the “Operated by” field displays the company name.

When the Account field from the aircraft profile has accounts saved, the displayed “Operated by” selection becomes a drop-down menu. When the drop-down is expanded the names of the accounts saved on the aircraft profile show, in addition to, the company name or the certificate selected on the aircraft profile. This allows the user to update the “Operated by” field as needed.

Schedule Board

In the event a user is on the Schedule Board, has a certificate designation OR does not have a certificate designation, and that user clicks a flight that is assigned to an aircraft that has a certificate that does not match theirs, when they drag and drop flights on a personnel member a toast error appears stating, "Error: You do not have the certificate designation to make this change" and that crew is not assigned to that flight.


Job Cards, Discrepancies, and Inspections

Only logged-in users who share the same certificate as the aircraft whose maintenance items they are attempting to create, edit, reset or delete are able to successfully do so.

When a logged-in user attempts to create a new job card, discrepancy, and/or inspection only the aircraft that share the same certificate as them appear within the drop-down shown below.

Users that do not have a certificate designation set on their personnel profile are not allowed to edit or delete any job card, discrepancy, or inspection on any aircraft. If they attempt to edit or delete the discrepancy a red toast error displays stating "Error: You do not have the certificate designation to make this change”.

Note: Maintenance and API integrations are exempt from this requirement and are always permitted to edit or delete a discrepancy.

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