Create a Discrepancy

Create a Discrepancy

Creating a discrepancy provides the Maintenance team a way to make the Operations team aware of open discrepancies that could affect scheduled flights. This article explains:

  • how to create a discrepancy;

  • how to add an existing discrepancy to a job card; and

  • how to defer a discrepancy.


  1. Access Maintenance > Discrepancy

  2. Click Create

  3. Input the details

Below outlines the fields and requirements

  • Aircraft: Select the Aircraft

  • Date Reported: This defaults to the date created and can be edited.

  • Pilot: Select the Pilot reporting the discrepancy.

  • Technician: Select the Technician working on the discrepancy. For the personnel to be in the drop-down, they must be assigned the Maintenance Manager or Maintenance Technician role.

  • Vendor: Select the Vendor working on the discrepancy.

  • ATA Chapter: select the ATA Chapter from the drop-down menu

  • ATA Code: the list of ATA Codes updates to pull in only the applicable codes for the selected Chapter. This field is disabled/grayed out until the ATA Chapter is selected.

  • Control Number: This is an empty field for reference that accepts letters and numbers.

  • Billable: Check the box to indicate if this discrepancy is billable. This is a reference only.

  • Special Flight Permit Requested: Check the box to indicate whether a Special Flight Permit is required. This is a reference only.

  • Create Job Card: Set Yes to create a job card as the discrepancy is being created. Set No to only create the discrepancy and not create a job card. Job cards are created to take the aircraft out of service.

  • Description: Describe the details of the discrepancy.

  • Deferral Type: Select the deferral type. Options are N/A, MEL, NEF, CDL, and Other.

  • Closed / Date: Check the box to close the discrepancy and include the date.

  • Ops Check / Date: Check the box and input a date to capture an Ops Check was completed.



There are options to create a discrepancy from within a job card or add an existing discrepancy to the job card.

Create a Discrepancy within a Job Card

  1. Click Add New

  2. Input the details

When creating a discrepancy from within a job card, the aircraft auto-fills based on the aircraft set in the job card. Refer to the previous list of fields noted above for creating a job card as the process is the same.

Add An Existing Discrepancy within a Job Card

  1. Access the job card

  2. Click the down arrow to Add Existing

3. Select the applicable discrepancy from the multiple selections and click link.


There are various deferral types within a discrepancy. Options are N/A, MEL, NEF, CDL, and Other.

  • MEL: When MEL (Minimum Equipment List) is selected, select the applicable MEL Category A, B, C, or D. Based on the Date Reported, the Deferred Until Date calculates.

  • NEF: Set NEF (Nonessential Furnishings) and input the Deferred Until Date.

  • CDL: Set CDL (Configuration Deviation List) and input the Deferred Until Date.

  • Other: If none of the other categories are applicable, set Other.

When any of the deferral types are set (other than N/A) additional fields are available.

  • Deferred By: Select from the list of active personnel the person that deferred the discrepancy.

  • Deferral Source: Note the source for deferral.

  • Deferred Until Date: This auto-calculates when MEL and the category is set. This is considered in UTC and encompasses the full date listed.

  • Deferred Hours: Input the hours the item is deferred to. The hours are considered in the aircraft section of the quote and trip feasibility.

  • Deferred Cycles: Input the cycles the item is deferred to. The cycles are considered in the aircraft section of the quote and trip feasibility.

  • Deferral Extended By: If an item deferral needs an extension, set the personnel that is extending it.

  • Extension Deferral Until Date: Set the date the extension is valid through. This data will be used when displaying calendar events and for conflicts in the trip/quote feasibility.

  • Has Restrictions: If applicable, add the discrepancy restrictions here. Note - this field is not free text, all restrictions should first be added within Maintenance > Configurations > Restrictions.

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