To build a master line item, go to My Company > Global Settings > Quotes > Master Line Items. There are various settings that can be selected. To check out the basic steps see Getting Started Guide: Global Settings. This guide discusses the calculation method options in detail and provides several master line item examples.
Calculation Methods Defined:
Distance from Arrival (NM) - For Legs >= the NM set, multiples the $ amount x the number of pax on the leg.
Distance from Departure (NM) - For Legs >= the NM set, multiplies the $ amount x the number of pax on the leg.
Flight Time - amount times the total calculated flight time
Nautical Mile - amount per nautical mile
Per Pax (Arrival) - quantity of passengers time the set amount when arriving at a location
Per Segment - amount times the number of applicable segments (legs)
Use Tax Configuration toggle:
- If 'Use Tax Configurations' = No, then any tax configurations for Line Items will NOT be applied.
- If 'Use Tax Configurations' = Yes, then any tax configurations for Line Items WILL be applied.
- Any Taxes entered in the 'Tax' field on the Master Line Item will still always be applied.
Condition Options:
- Aircraft Tail Number, Aircraft Type or Aircraft Category, Aircraft, Tag
- Airport, Country, or USA States: these conditions are not considered when using the Total Days, Total overnights, Total Segments and Total trip time, but will look at the entire trip instead of specific legs
- Itinerary: Allows
a user to designate a condition for a charge is based on a specific
departure and arrival destination.
- Itinerary
locations may be an airport, country, US state, or specialized regions...
- All
International - References any country that is not designated on the
aircraft profile or in operations settings if not specified for an
- Continental
USA - Lower 48 states.
- Outside
USA - Any location is a country that is not the USA.
- Any location within a member state or associate member state.
- "Anywhere"
- Indicates any location
- US States
- Canadian Provinces
- 225 mile zone: Airports within 225 miles from the US Border and considered taxable
- Rural and Non Rural Airports in the USA
- Option
to apply unidirectional or bidirectional