Customization of Master Line Items

Customization of Master Line Items

The Master Line Items settings allow an operation to build their standard charges and create automation as quotes are being built.

To build a master line item, go to My Company > Global Settings > Quotes > Master Line Items. There are various settings that can be selected. To check out the basic steps see Getting Started Guide: Global Settings. This guide discusses the calculation method options in detail and provides several master line item examples. 

Calculation Methods Defined:

Distance from Arrival (NM) - For Legs >= the NM set, multiples the $ amount x the number of pax on the leg.
Distance from Departure (NM) - For Legs >= the NM set, multiplies the $ amount x the number of pax on the leg.
Fixed - a fixed amount regardless of changes to the itinerary
Flight Time - amount times the total calculated flight time
Fuel Surcharge - rate per flight or block hour
Nautical Mile - amount per nautical mile
Per Pax (Departure) - quantity of passengers times the set amount when departing a location
Per Pax (Arrival) - quantity of passengers time the set amount when arriving at a location
Per Segment - amount times the number of applicable segments (legs)
Percent of Flight Cost - percentage of the total calculated flight charges
Total Days - total number of days based on a 24 hour clock
Total Overnights - total number of overnights when 10+ hours on the ground
Total Segments - amount times the number of all segments (legs) in the quote. Airport and Country conditions are not considered in this calculation method.
Total Trip Time - amount times the hours of the total trip time (from departure from home base until arrival back at home base)
Wait Time - amount times the total wait time manually entered into the quote

Condition Options: 

Apply to Quotes Automatically:   This option allows users to choose when the conditions would apply.  Choosing the "Conditionally" option will turn on following conditions.  
  1. Aircraft Tail Number, Aircraft Type or Aircraft Category,  Aircraft, Tag 
  2. Airport, Country, or USA States: these conditions are not considered when using the Total Days, Total overnights, Total Segments and Total trip time, but will look at the entire trip instead of specific legs
  3. Itinerary: Allows a user to designate a condition for a charge is based on a specific departure and arrival destination.
    1. Itinerary locations may be an airport, country, US state, or specialized regions...
      1. All International - References any country that is not designated on the aircraft profile or in operations settings if not specified for an aircraft.
      2. Continental USA - Lower 48 states.
      3. Outside USA - Any location is a country that is not the USA.
      4. CARICOM - Any location within a member state or associate member state
      5. "Anywhere" - Indicates any location
    2. Option to apply unidirectional or bidirectional
Itinerary considers totals only for the applicable flight legs for the following Calculation Methods: Flight Time, Nautical Mile, Per Segment, Fuel Surcharge, Total Overnights, Total Days. 
  1. Account or Account Type
  2. Date Range or Weekday (Day of the week)
  3. Wholesale, Retail or a both types of customers.
  4. Passenger leg,  Position leg, or both types of legs 

Here are examples of some standard fees: 

General Landing Fee (Total Segment)
A landing fee of $350.00 will auto-populate based on the aircraft category Mid Jet. The quantity is the number of total segments (legs) in the quote regardless of any geographical conditions being selected, i.e. airport and country. The passenger tax rate applies.

Airport Specific Fee for a specific Date Range (Per Segment)
Aspen Parking Fee of $800.00 will auto-populate based on the aircraft category Heavy Jet. It will calculate the quantity of occurrences due to the per segment selection specific to winter operations defined by the date range. The passenger tax rate applies.

Aircraft Tag Specific Fee (Fixed)
Master line items can be configured to auto populate a fee based on a tag in the aircraft profile. For example, if a fee needs to be added when an aircraft is tagged with Wi-Fi, an additional charge can be automated to add to the quote using the Aircraft Tag condition. Review more on creating tag categories and tags in the Global Settings > General guide. 

Master line items can be configured to auto populate the charge based on a specific Account being quoted by using the account condition.

Account Types
When account types are assigned to an operations accounts, this setting can be utilized to configure specific charges that apply to certain account types. For example, if account type "broker" must be quoted a different amount for landing fees, use the account type to automate the fee on quotes created for accounts designated account type "Broker".

Country Specific Fee (Fixed)
An example of utilizing the country option would be setting a fixed Navigation Fee that is constant for a country for specific types of aircraft, category of aircraft or specific aircraft. Select the Calculation Method and then in the Country field you will designate which country or countries the line item applies to.

International Head Tax (Per Pax)
Utilizing the Itinerary option, you can have this tax apply when departing or arriving from the Continental USA to any International Destination.  

In addition to country specific fees, master line items can be configured with a hierarchy based on country. The country is configured as the parent line item, then the specific airports within that country are added to the parent line item. If a sub-airport is quoted only the sub-airport charge will be added to the quote rather than the parent country charge. 

Domestic or International Daily Fee (Total Days)
An example is a Flight Attendant day rate that might differ depending on if the itinerary is domestic or international. Designate domestic or international in the drop down (or both if the charge is no different).

The Domestic or Int'l option only displays with the Total Days or total Overnights Calculation Methods.  

If International,  designate which country (or if "All International") for the condition. 

International Overnight (Total Overnights)

When looking to automate international overnights (the fees differ depending on domestic or international), select international in the drop down and add the country condition. If the fee needs to occur every time the itinerary contains international routing (different than the home base country of the aircraft) select "All International" as seen in the image below. Get even more specific by creating multiple international overnight items and set a specific country (for example, Canada, Caribbean, etc.). If it needs to occur regardless of aircraft tail, type or category, don't set any conditions and the item will auto-calculate for all of the fleet, when international. 

Countries other than the home base country can be factored in as domestic for International Overnights. Countries considered as Domestic are configured in the Aircraft profile if it does not apply to all aircraft in the fleet. 

The other option is to configure the domestic countries on a global level in Operations > Configuration > Trip > Settings. 

The configuration in the aircraft profile will take precedence over the Trip Settings.

Fuel Surcharge Fee (Fuel Surcharge)
To set a Fuel Surcharge fee, be sure to select calculation method to Fuel Surcharge. Then, select whether it needs to be based on flight time, block time or refer to the aircraft rate calculation method set on the quote, i.e. calculation type. 

Passenger Fee (Per Pax) Arrival or Departure
This calculation method can be used for a fee that needs to occur per passenger per segment (leg) per country. In this example, it will automate based on aircraft category and country and multiply times the passenger quantity on the applicable segment (legs).

Distance Ranges (Distance from Departure and Arrival NM)
This calculation method is used to for fees that are based on the number of nautical miles flown from the origin. For example, the UK Air Passenger Duty Tax fee. When departing from any airport the UK and traveling >2000 NM, a fee of $88.19 per passenger will apply.

To create a tiered rate, add another master line item with a differing mileage and amount. For example, when adding the line item below in addition to the example above, the line item below will apply to all departures from the UK that are <2000 NM.

Here is an example of the Distance from Arrival (NM) calculation method for the Italian Luxury Tax. 

Ref: S-Q03

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