Quote Settings

Quote Settings

A quote is made up of several items, such as line items, terms and notes. In this section of the Global Settings, the user is able to customize various items that relate to quotes. 


Generic profiles are used when providing supplemental lift on aircraft outside the operator's fleet for quick quoting. Avianis provides a standard list of generic profiles in the aircraft drop down in the create quote page. If a quote is created in a generic profile, it automatically adds to this list for further management of that generic profile if necessary. This feature can also be used for category of aircraft. For example, Heavy Jet, Mid Jet, etc. See related article How to Quote Vendor Aircraft.

Create a Generic Profile in Global Settings

  1. Go to My Company > Global Settings > Quote > Generic Profile

  2. Click Create

  3. Enter the information for the Generic Profile 


Line items types can be customized and associated to master line items.  The purpose of line items types is for the grouping of fees. The Master Line Items settings allow an operation to build their standard charges and create automation as quotes are being built.  Additional information can be found in: Customization of Master Line Items.

Master Line Items

Master line items enable the user to configure additional costs that can automatically apply or manually select when creating a quote. 

  1. Go to My Company > Global Settings > Quote > Master Line Items

  2. Click "Create"

  3. Enter the description. The description reflects on the quote

  4. [Optional] Select "default" if this line item needs to be associated to all aircraft

  5. Select the calculation method. There are various options for calculating the charges. 

  6. Select the applicable tax rate

  7. [Optional] Select the Cost Code from the drop down (this item allows for tracking within the finance integration)

  8. [Optional] Check the box if state tax applies

  9. Enter the amount

  10. [Optional] Enter an overhead amount if charging more than the indicated cost

  11. [Optional] Associate either aircraft tail number, aircraft type, aircraft category, aircraft tag, airports, country, account or account type to the line item

  12. Click "Save"


Seller notes are included in the quote report. Seller notes can also be entered per aircraft Add Seller Notes to An Aircraft

Seller Notes: Default

The default seller notes will automatically be added to each quote in the Seller Notes Tab. 

  1. Go to My Company > Global Settings > Quote > Seller Notes

  2. Enter text in the first tab labeled Default. 

  3. Click Save

Seller Notes: Templates

Build various Seller Note templates and add to quotes as needed

  1. Go to My Company > Quote > Seller Notes

  2. Click the tab Templates

  3. Click Add New

  4. Enter the Name of the template

  5. Enter your text in the text box

  6. Click Save

The Seller Note Templates that are built in Global Settings are available to add to any quote record by accessing the Seller Notes tab within the quote. Example of Seller Notes are Winter Operation Terms, Holiday Cancellation Policy, etc. Anything additional you want the buyer to know that are not part of the Terms and Conditions.


Hide Position Legs

Default position legs to hide from the quote by toggling Hide Position Legs to yes. Anytime a leg is designated as POS, the leg will automatically hide from the quote from the customer. 

POS button in the quote create page:

Once the quote is created, toggle the button next to the specific leg(s). If you want to hide all positioning legs, click the Positioning Legs Show/Hide toggle at the top of the itinerary.


Warning Hard Stop or Critical Hard Stop
If Enabled, only the user roles selected are the users that are able to Override any hard stops when Booking a Quote
If Disabled, any user role can Override a hard stop when Booking a Quote


Create retail terms and wholesale terms. The terms are included in the quote report. The quote type designates which terms are selected. 

  1. Go to My Company > Global Settings > Quote > Retail Terms (Wholesale Terms accessed in this navigation area as well) 

  2. Enter your text and click "Save"

Custom Terms

Create custom term sheets that can be manually or automatically be applied to quotes based on various conditions such as tail number, airport, customer, etc.

Ref: G-G06

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