Avianis offers integrations with CAMP and Flightdocs. This guide outlines:
the functionality of the maintenance integrations;
how to setup the integration;
overview of all settings; and
how to test the integration
See related articles:
The connection between Avianis and the maintenance provider supports the following:
A daily automatic and manual push of all aircraft, engine times, and cycles
A daily push of APU times (if applicable)
A daily and manual pull of inspections items and discrepancies
First, contact the maintenance integration provider to enable the aircraft for integration with Avianis and to receive web service credentials (username and password). Below is the contact information.
Flightdocs: They do not need to be contacted. The credentials are the same as the web login credentials.
CAMP: support@campsystems.com or 877-411-2267
Next, access the aircraft profile, click on the maintenance tab > MX integration. Select the applicable maintenance partner in the drop-down.
Then, input the web service credentials provided by the maintenance partner and click "Save."
Below is an overview of all the integration-related settings:
The warning and critical values are the values that are set on the pulled-in inspection item which correlates to how the Feasibility and Tools > Aircraft section flags for inspection items. For example, if the warning value is set to 10 hours and critical is set to 5 hours, if an inspection item is due in 7 hours, it will be displayed as a warning item until there are 5 hours remaining.
The options are days or months. This determines what inspection items are pulled in based on the duration of time.
Paired with Filter Type, set the number to determine the time frame that should be considered when pulling inspection items. For example, with a Filter Type set to Months and Filter Number set to 3, it will pull all inspection items with a due time within the 3 month time period.
Set whether Hours or Hobbs times will push to the maintenance partner.
Set whether or not the APU hours should be sent to the maintenance partner. Yes to send, no to not send.
Set whether the times should send for All legs or Verified Legs only. If all is selected, any leg that has been logged will be included in the total time. If Verified Legs is selected, the leg status must be set to verified within the trip in addition to the leg being logged for the flight time to be included in the accumulative time.
The integration gives the user the ability to include tolerances when calculating the next due items. If YES is selected, the time calculated for the next due item will not include a tolerance period.
The integration allows operations to set whether to pull discrepancies from CAMP into Avianis for greater visibility to Operations. Discrepancies continue to be managed in CAMP and the information updates accordingly in Avianis.
When the toggle is set to "Yes" a second setting appears called "Discrepancy Types". From here the options are to pull all discrepancies or to only pull deferred discrepancies. When set to All, then the entire list of discrepancies is pulled. If set to Deferred, then all discrepancies are pulled with the ND discrepancy types filtered out.
When Pull Discrepancies is enabled, then discrepancies are pulled at the top of every hour and displayed on the Maintenance > Discrepancy search page. The CAMP API endpoint used for this call is GetAircraftDiscrepancies and matches against the Control Number field on the discrepancy.
Helpful Hints:
If the discrepancy is pulled into Avianis and at the next sync if the discrepancy is no longer found or the API pulls in an RTSState then the Closed checkbox is marked on the discrepancy, but no closed date is set.
Discrepancies manually created by the user in Avianis are not affected by the sync.
After settings are configured and the integration is connected, there are two ways to confirm its working:
Access Maintenance > Inspections
Pull a Get Due List by selecting a tail
3. Access the activity feed located at the bottom right-hand side of the aircraft profile to review the results of the data pull.
Access Maintenance > Aircraft Logs Summary> Aircraft Logs
Select an aircraft and click "Send Totals"
3. Access the activity feed located at the bottom right-hand side of the aircraft profile to review the results of the data push.
Pull Discrepancies
Access Maintenance > Discrepancies
Pull Discrepancies by selecting a tail from the drop-down
Details regarding the pull of information can be found within the aircraft profiles activity feed in the bottom right-hand corner.