Mobile App: Settings

Mobile App: Settings

This guide outlines the following:

  • Support

  • Changing a Passcode

  • Enable TouchID/FaceID

  • Capture log time

  • Group My Schedule

  • Sync issues

  • Clear and Reload

  • Last sync

  • Switch Company

  • Sign out



This feature allows Users to Chat with the Operator Support Team for questions or issues. Click on support, tap Send us a message, and Start a conversation. The ability to search through Avianis Help Content to find answers to questions is also available within the Support tab.

Change Passcode
The first time a user logs into the application, they will setup a four digit passcode to access the application without having to enter a username/password each time. If the passcode needs to be updated, the user can do it from the settings page. If TouchID is being utilized, this passcode can still be modified from this page but will not be used to login.

Enable TouchID/FaceID to unlock Avianis
For TouchID/FaceID to be utilized to login to Avianis, this setting must be enabled. If TouchID/FaceID is not setup on the device yet, this setting will not automatically turn it on, but if it has been setup, the login for the app will use TouchID/FaceID instead of the four digit passcode.

Capture Log Time In
Crew members can determine whether they want to enter their times in flight logs in airport local or Zulu time. Zulu is the default selected.

Group My Schedule by Homebase
Set the ordering of flight legs on the My Schedule page by Homebase or Zulu. When set to Homebase, the toggle will appear green.

Sync Issues
If a sync issue has occurred, this will display the number of errors and what the errors were to provide to the Avianis support team.

Clear and Reload
The Clear and Reload option is to pull all data down including settings and configurations from the main application. For example, expense categories or duty/event categories.

Last Sync
This refers to the My Schedule Sync and the full Account Sync. When swiping down on the Schedule or tapping the sync option at the bottom of My Schedule to sync, the primary data is updated. Clear and Reload in Settings updates all data. Refer to this guide Mobile App: Syncing Data to understand more.

Switch Company

In the event that the logged-in user's email is connected to multiple Avianis accounts, the crew members can toggle between their schedules for the various accounts within the Mobile App without having to log out and back into the App.

Sign Out
This will completely sign the user out of the account they are logged in as. They will be required to enter their Avianis username/password again to access the system. This would also be utilized by users that have multiple login's to Avianis and will need to switch between the two.

Next Article: Mobile App 101

Ref: A-M08

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