Mobile App: Flight Events

Mobile App: Flight Events

The following guide outlines all tabs in a Flight Event to include:

  • Summary

  • Passengers

  • Files

  • Log

  • Expenses

  • Duty Time

  • Weight and Balance

  • Services (Crew and Passenger)

  • Notes

  • FRAT 

  • Discrepancies

  • Events 

  • Purpose

  • Cases


  • Screenshots throughout this article are in both iOS and Android when there are differences.

  • Utilize the "Next" option on the keypad in both iOS and Android versions to easily advance to the next field


To access flight details, click on the Details button for the flight leg from the My Schedule page in the mobile app.


The Summary tab contains the trip details and displays high-level information regarding the leg. This information includes the following:

  • Leg status

  • Regulation

  • Account name

  • Document number

  • Lead passenger

  • Flight coordinator

  • Special instructions

  • Departure and arrival FBO information

  • Departure and arrival APIS confirmation

  • Crew name

  • Cell phone number

  • Email address

  • Aircraft tail

  • Total airframe hours and cycles

  • Total engine hours and cycles

  • Hobbs values (if applicable)

  • APU values (if applicable)

If your operation utilizes crew release codes, that figure displays and can be saved by the crew member.

Each section within the Summary page can be expanded or collapsed by clicking the +/- next to each section.

When viewing the Summary (tab) within a flight leg, users can copy text from any field on that page. Each header section within the Summary page now has a ‘Copy’ icon located to the right of the title. When tapped the entire section is copied to a clipboard. Once copied to the clipboard, a green banner displays stating “Copied to clipboard”.


View passenger information and designate whether a passenger has boarded. The passenger view lists all of the passengers on the leg and includes the following information:

  • Nickname

  • Weight

  • DOB

  • Gender

  • Paw print to indicate pet as a passenger

If your operation utilizes the TSA vetting functionality, the Watchlist results display at the top of the view.

iOS: To mark a passenger boarded or not swipe their name to the left and click Boarded: Yes or No. A green line will appear next to their name once Yes is selected.

Android: To mark a passenger boarded or not, press and hold the passenger name, then select Yes or No at the top of the screen. A green line will appear next to their name once Yes is selected.

Once a crew member designates the passenger(s) boarded, the following displays on the Dispatch/Operations view within the Web Application. 


Access Files to view and/or print a document such as a Crew Trip Sheet or Flight Log.

The icons to view or download/share a File from within a flight leg are seen in the screenshot below. If the file has been downloaded, the eye (view icon) turns green.

To access a specific trip sheet tap one leg of the trip, then select Files from the main menu. From there, click on either option to View or Share/Email.

A banner at the top of the screen indicates when the file was last downloaded


The log view allows users to enter information in all of the following areas:

  • Airframe time (Out/Off/On/In)

  • Hobbs time (if applicable)

  • Component times (engines)

  • Approach type

  • Takeoff and Landings

  • Day, Night, and Instrument times

  • APU time (if applicable)

  • Fuel values

  • Delays and Diversions

NOTE: There are 3 additional fields that can be enabled per each operation. These 3 fields allow an operation to capture data and report on trends around aircraft ready and passenger show times. These fields do not display if the leg is empty.

If passengers are on board and the module is enabled the following fields are required:

  • Aircraft Ready (UTC) - must be before Out and Off

  • Passenger Show (UTC) - must be before Out and Off

  • Passenger Disembark (UTC) - must be after On and In

If the operation subscribes to Flight Following and OOOI times are enabled, the OOOI times (Out, Off, On, and In) will auto-fill based on the information from FlightAware. Personnel will need to access the log, verify the data and tap the check mark to save.

The log allows for partial data submission. For example, input the Out and Off times, Passenger Show time, and Fuel Out upon departure. After arrival, record On, In, and Passenger Disembark times. As the data is entered, the T/O and Landing selections become available when applicable.

Required fields for saving a flight log (V2 logbook):

While the images below are from an iOS device, the functionality and requirements remain the same for iOS and Android devices.

  1. Out, Off, On, and In dates and times

  2. If passengers are on board and the module is enabled the following fields are required:

    • Aircraft Ready (UTC) - must be before Out and Off

    • Passenger Show (UTC) - must be before Out and Off

    • Passenger Disembark (UTC) - must be after On and In

  3. Pilot Flying

    1. Crew Name

    2. Day hours and/or night hours total to equal either flight or block time (see Note below)

    3. Augmented Crew: If a 3-person crew with 1 each PIC, SIC and PIC-Alt, an additional field called Away from Flight Deck Duty time becomes available after OOOI times are logged.

      1. Day+Night+Away from Flight Deck Duty time for 1 pilot cannot exceed block or flight, depending on the setting enabled on the web.

      2. Time entered in Away from Flight Deck adds that amount of time back to the total remaining balance to be allocated to another assigned crew member.

  4. Pilot Events - for each event record day or night and which pilot performed each event. The name of the pilot auto-updates based on what is selected in the Pilot Flying field.

  1. Take off

  2. Landing

  3. Approach type may be required, depending on a setting located in the trip configuration on the web.

NOTE: When entering the day and night hours there are 2 dependent trip configuration settings on the web:

  • Calculate estimated day/night hours in Flight Log - if enabled, once the user updates the day or night flight time values, the corresponding field adjusts totaling the two values to equal flight OR block time which is dependent upon item #2 below

  • Calculate day/night hours based on - there are 2 options, flight or block

Engines: Engine time automatically populates based on total flight time. Engine cycles automatically calculate 1 per leg.

APU (if configured): The label following APU will reflect the setting on the web either (Totals) or (Time Used), depending on which option is enabled within the APU record in the aircraft profile.

Optional Fields

Fuel: Enter Fuel Added, Fuel Out, and Fuel In then tap NEXT and Fuel Burn calculates. Additional fuel data points: Fuel Drain, Tech Consumption and Fuel Density can be saved prior to all of the flight log data points being entered and saved.


  • Delay Type: If a flight is logged and the OUT time entered exceeds the designated threshold set on the aircraft profile, then a Delay Type is required. If the user attempts to save the flight log without entering a Delay Type a prompt pops up stating “A delay code is required” and the flight log is not saved

  • Anti Icing toggle

  • Flight Level

  • IAS

  • SAT

  • Diversion Airport

To save the details, tap the checkmark in the upper right-hand corner. 

Required fields for saving a flight log (V1 Logbook):

While the images below are from an iOS device, the functionality and requirements remain the same for iOS and Android devices.

  1. Out, Off, On, and In dates and times

  2. Take off - number, day or night, crew member

  3. Landing - number, day or night, crew member

  4. Approach - number, type, crew member

    1. This field can be optional depending on the trip configuration settings within the user's account.

  5. Components

    1. Engines - times and cycles auto-calculate based on total flight time

If subscribed to Flight Following and OOOI times are enabled, this area will auto-fill and the crewmember will only need to verify and save the times.

See Related Article:
Flight Following: OOOI Times

Weight & Balance

Input pre-calculated weight and balance data for reference data capture within the flight leg within the trip. This information syncs to the flight log in the trip if input via a mobile app.

Should the weight & balance not be required you have the option to remove the setting within the aircraft profile. If that setting is not enabled the section of the flight log will display the following message, "Weight and Balance is not enabled for this aircraft."


Create and edit trip-related expenses. Click plus to add and tap the existing expense to edit. Review Mobile App: My Expenses for additional information on expenses.

Duty Times

The Duty Time view allows crew members to enter the beginning and ending times for a duty period. A crew member can only remove or edit duty entries they created. The save check mark on the top right is disabled if the user editing the duty event is not the creator of the event.

Duty time values do not have to be entered for each trip leg, a user may enter the times once with Duty On/Duty Off times that encompass multiple legs.


The services tab displays service requests for passengers and crew in the same view with headers to designate which services are for crew vs passengers. These details are read-only and cannot be modified in the app.

Service Types in the Services tab in the main application include:

  • Airline

  • Catering

  • FBO

  • Flight Planning

  • Fuel

  • Ground Transportation

  • Handling

  • Hangar

  • Lodging

  • Other

  • Special Request

Service Types in the International tab in the main application include Permit, Regulatory, and Security. Within each selection, there are various additional types that can be selected and are visible in the Mobile App.

Permit Types

  • Arrival Slots

  • Block Landing Permit

  • Block Overflight Permit

  • Departure Slots

  • Diplomatic Landing Permit

  • Diplomatic Overflight Permit

  • Landing Permit

  • Overflight Permit

  • PPR

  • Take-Off Permit

  • Traffic Rights

Regulatory Types

  • 1st - 9th Freedom

  • Arrival APIS

  • Arrival Caricom APIS

  • Arrival Customs

  • Departure APIS

  • Departure Caricom APIS

  • Departure Customs

  • FAA Route Authorization

  • TSA Waiver

  • US Border Overflight Exemption

  • USCBP Permit to Proceed

Security Types

  • Aircraft Security

  • Executive Protection

  • General Declaration

  • Intelligence Brief


Notes allow personnel to add and edit internal notes pertaining to the leg. Notes added in a flight log from the mobile app will display in the main trip notes section for all to view. All users that have access to notes can modify or remove the note and the activity feed captures the details.


The FRAT view allows crew members to enter the risk items for a leg. The total FRAT score updates dynamically as items are checked off even before it is submitted. If the score goes over a critical company-level threshold, the color will change to orange or red.


The discrepancy view lists all open discrepancies and deferrals on the aircraft with details on the user that reported it and the date it was reported. Users that report discrepancies through Avianis can do so by clicking the plus icon in the top right corner. Discrepancies can only be modified by the user that entered them into the system. If a discrepancy does not include a pilot name, anyone that has access to the discrepancy can modify or remove it.


The events view allows crew members to add events such as VOR checks and tracking statistics to a flight log.

Note: the events tab is disabled until the flight log is saved. This prevents events that were created prior to saving the OOOI times from being removed.


The purpose view allows crew members to document purposes for a flight and allocate flight hours for each purpose for billing.


Cases allow personnel to add and edit service issues pertaining to the trip. Cases are added in a flight log from the mobile app displayed in the main trip cases section for all to view. All users that have access to cases are able to modify, access, or update the status of the case.

Note: When a leg is locked due to a trip lock or stage settings, all fields for logs are read-only. Fields are locked on the following pages:




Duty Time

Crew Services





Users can add a note, case, and view/download files for the locked leg(s). When viewing log pages on mobile a notice will be visible at the top of each page indicating the lock/disable status.

Ref: A-M06

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